Banned from Russia 2015
This is a list of mostly EU politicians and military officials Russia banned in 2015, in retaliation for EU's own sanctions and travel bans on Russian citizens the same year, plus some US, Canadian and other officials.
It is interesting to consider on what basis the Russian Foreign Ministry compiled the list. Many of the banned have hitched their careers paths to the regime change circuit, including support for humanitarian interventions and human rights as an excuse to intervene in foreign countries (Libya,Syria Iraq, Nicaragua etc. - the list goes on and on). Many have been active in this since at least the 1980s.
Several are noted for their wish for an firm policy against Russia, and no doubt regard the ban as a distinction.
The list was handed to EU foreign ministries, and was soon leaked.[1][2]
The ban seems to be part of a ban on 200 persons in retaliation for the ban of 150 Russian officials in 2014. The US nationals on the full list is only partially known, but includes Daniel Pfeiffer and Benjamin Rhodes, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Robert Menendes and Senators John McCain, Daniel Coats and Mary Landrieu. [3]
13 Canadians were included: Andrew Scheer,Commons Speaker;Peter Van Loan, government House leader;Ted Opitz,Conservative;James Bezan, Conservative MP;Dean Allison, Conservative MP;Irwin Cotler, Liberal MP;Chrystia Freeland, Liberal MP;Paul Dewar,NDP MP;Wayne Wouters, clerk of the privy council;Jean-François Tremblay, deputy secretary to the cabinet;Christine Hogan, assistant secretary to the cabinet;Sen. Raynell Andreychuk, Conservative senator from Saskatchewan;Paul Grod.[4]
As for Norway (NATO, but not part of EU) two politicians are known to have been included. In 2017, two politicians (Grande and Solhjell), as part of a larger delegation, were denied visa. Russia stated that Norway had known this beforehand, something the Norwegian government denied.[5]
It is likely the list includes some people from other countries as well.
Known members
18 of the 105 of the members already have pages here:
Member | Description |
Thomas Ahrenkiel | Double Bilderberg Danish govt spook, Director of Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste. Suspended in 2020 for spying on the Danish Intelligence Supervision Commission on behalf of the NSA. |
Hans van Baalen | "A Dutch pirate and a villain" |
Nick Clegg | Former British politician, who was Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2015, went to work for Facebook |
Daniel Cohn-Bendit | A leading figure in both the French and German Green parties, and one of the main responsible for changing the parties from pacifist to super-militarist. Also with notable VIPaedophile writings. |
Irwin Cotler | Canada's Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada 2003-2006. "Totally unabashed defender and supporter of Israel". Member of numerous spooky think-tanks. |
Philip Dunne | British Conservative Party politician and possible deep state operative. |
Chrystia Freeland | "A bit of a living parody of everything wrong with the detached technocratic neoliberal order" |
Trine Skei Grande | Norwegian politician |
Nicholas Houghton | Senior UK soldier, House of Lords, Sandhurst |
Vytautas Landsbergis | Anti-Russian Lithuanian politician |
Bernard-Henri Lévy | A French 'philosopher' who has created an intellectual alibi for every US/NATO intervention since the 1980s. Lévy is also a militant supporter and apologist for Zionism and the Israeli state. |
John McCain | Vietnam War veteran, sang about bombing Iran to voters, called the JFK assassination "the intervention". appears on a picture with Simon Elliot. |
Edward McMillan-Scott | |
Andrew Parker | Head of MI5, promoting fear of 'jihadis'. |
Malcolm Rifkind | British Conservative politician with many deep state connections |
Karel Schwarzenberg | Deep state connected Czech diplomat and politician, MSC regular |
Katrin Suder | State Secretary for the German Federal Ministry of Defence under Ursula von der Leyen. Quit in 2018 after it was found out they heavily overspent on wasteful consultancy services from her former employer McKinsey & Company, without any good defence outcomes. |
Guy Verhofstadt | Former Belgian Prime-Minister. European Parliament's Brexit Coordinator and Chair of the Brexit Steering Group. Banned from Russia since 2015. |
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