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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Conservative Party MEP". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Metropolitan Community College (Missouri)  + (Community college system in the U.S. state of [[Missouri]])
  • Weapons manufacturer  + (Companies that produce [[weapons]] of [[war]].)
  • Airline  + (Companies that provide service to move people and freight through the air! And [[drugs]], and [[war criminals]], and [[diseases]].)
  • Paul Girolami  + (Company still called Glaxo)
  • Paul Girolami  + (Company still called Glaxo)
  • HBGary  + (Company that developed sophisticated software for the control of [[sock puppets]].)
  • ISG Corporate Limited  + (Company with staff overlap with the Institute for Statecraft)
  • File:Cannabis comparative risk assessment.pdf  + (Comparative risk assessment of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other illicit drugs using the margin of exposure approach)
  • 9-11/WTC7/Destruction  + (Compared to the WTC Twin Towers, few peoplCompared to the WTC Twin Towers, few people have seen video footage of the collapse of the 47-story WTC building 7, but the event was predicted and recorded by at least 3 TV networks and exactly resembles a controlled demolition. The event was subject to a news blackout by commercially controlled media for years afterwards, no mention of WTC7 was made in the 9/11 Commission's final report and Wikipedia has no separate page for this event.pedia has no separate page for this event.)
  • Document:Terror Theatre  + (Compelling analysis of the nature of the Brussels attacks of 22 March 2016)
  • Document:Washington Drives the World Toward War  + (Compelling argument and evidence of the US-UK-NATO drive towards inevitable armed confrontation with Russia and China.)
  • Azerbaijani laundromat  + (Complex [[money laundering]] operation run by [[Azerbaijan]] uncovered in [[2017]].)
  • Inslaw  + (Complex financial/political fraud the full dimensions of which were never uncovered, but some of which were forced onto the official record.)
  • Howard Fredrics  + (Composer and academic who was placed on the UK's "Most Wanted" list after releasing a satirical music video ''Circle of Corruption'' about Kingston University.)
  • Charles Bowsher  + (Comptroller General of the United States from 1981 to 1996)
  • Preston Delano  + (Comptroller of the Currency 1938-53, to "charter, regulate, and supervise all national banks".)
  • Michael Dell  + (Computer billionaire businessman, WEF AGM regular, [[WEF GLT 1993]])
  • Bret Victor  + (Computer scientist known for his talks on the future of technology.)
  • John McAfee  + (Computer scientist who announced a campaign against the US [[Deep State]]. Committed "suicide" in a jail in Spain after his wife had warned that the authorities wanted him dead.)
  • Mitch Kapor  + (Computer software entrepreneur who co-founded the [[Electronic Frontier Foundation]].)
  • Dominik Suter  + (Concluded when he fled to Israel on 14 September 2001)
  • Document:Skripal Case Italy  + (Conclusion: "To counter this Italian trendConclusion: "To counter this Italian trend it’s important to properly address the key political leaders, their new populist parties, and key editorialists, by an effective, discrete and articulated information campaign and narrative and not to be exclusively focused on trolls and fake news."lusively focused on trolls and fake news.")
  • UN/SC/Resolution 573  + (Condemned an Israeli Air Force raid on Tunisia on 1 October 1985.)
  • Richard Scott  + (Conducted a three-year judicial inquiry (Scott Inquiry) into the sale of arms to Iraq during the 1980s.)
  • Heinrich Böll Foundation  + (Conduit for German government money to select opposition activists.)
  • European Forum Alpbach  + (Conference "connecting international decision-makers from all sectors of society with an interested audience and committed young people".)
  • Information Warfare Conference  + (Conference for professionals in the National Security Apparatus)
  • A New Initiative for Poland: A Future Leader in Securing the Fourth Industrial Revolution  + (Conference in Poland in January 2019 planned by the [[Cyber Statecraft Initiative]], sponsored by the [[Atlantic Council]] and [[Bank Polski]].)
  • A World in Flux: The Future of Democracy Europe and the Middle East  + (Conference in Tbilisi, [[Georgia]] with a host of spooky participants)
  • Loyd Jowers  + (Confessed on TV to involvement in the assassination of Martin Luther King, and was subsequently found guilty of involvement in a conspiracy to kill him.)
  • Antoine Partrat  + (Confidential friend and collaborator of [[Antoine Pinay]]. Visitor to the [[Bilderberg/1955 September|1955 September]] and [[1956 Bilderberg]]s.)
  • David S. Cohen  + (Confirmed as Deputy Director of the CIA in January 2015)
  • Jardine Matheson  + (Conglomeration based on "the world's most valuable single commodity trade of the nineteenth century", [[opium]].)
  • Matt Gaetz  + (Congressman for [[Florida]] since 2017, described as an ally of former president [[Donald Trump]].)
  • Parag Khanna  + (Connected 'thinker' who favors Singaporean technocracy)
  • Bertrand Collomb  + (Connected French businessman. 13 Bilderbergs.)
  • John Seigenthaler  + (Connected to several US Democratic party leaders, including [[Robert F. Kennedy]] and [[Al Gore]])
  • Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager  + (Connected to the [[Knights of Malta]] 2016/17 constitutional crisis, suspended on a "precautionary" basis by [[Matthew Festing]] in December 2016.)
  • Eival Gilady  + (Connected triple Bilderberger Israeli soldier turned businessman)
  • Document:On Death and Derivatives  + (Connecting the dots between a series of [[premature deaths of bankers]] and the financial derivatives 'time-bomb')
  • Yıldırım Aktürk  + (Connections in the Turkish government. Member of the Board of Directors of [[TUSIAD]])
  • Bonn University  + (Connections to the spook community)
  • Richard Hermer  + (Consented to [[Palestine Action]] co-founder [[Richard Barnard]] being charged under [[Terrorism]] legislation)
  • Panthera  + (Conservationist NGO accused of being a secret regime change operator against [[Iran]].)
  • Jim Prior  + (Conservative British politician squeezed out by Thatcher faction)
  • Berlingske Tidende  + (Conservative Danish newspaper)
  • Angela Richardson  + (Conservative MP for "Guildford, Cranleigh and our villages")
  • Christopher Chope  + (Conservative MP for Christchurch and East Dorset)
  • Andrew Bridgen  + (Conservative MP for North West Leicestershire)
  • Preben Munthe  + (Conservative Norwegian Bilderberger and Trilateral Commission Member. Consultant for the [[Nobel Peace Prize Committee]].)
  • Conservative Post  + (Conservative Post is a website.)
  • Lamar Smith  + (Conservative Republican Congressman)
  • Marilyn Gladu  + (Conservative [[MP]] in [[Canada]]; member of the shadow cabinet. Advocate of [[hydroxychloroquine]].)
  • Document:Momento Mori – Unpopular Thoughts on Corona Virus  + (Consider this: 100% of those who contract Consider this: 100% of those who contract [[COVID-19]] are going to die. 100% of those who do not contract [[COVID-19]] are also going to die. The difference in average life expectancy between the two groups will prove to be only very marginal. That is because the large majority of those who die of [[COVID-19]] will already be nearing the end of life or have other health problems.end of life or have other health problems.)
  • David Brower  + (Considered by many to be the father of the modern environmental movement.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Lycée Henri-IV  + (Considered one of the most demanding and prestigious secondary schools in France.)
  • Paris Institute of Statistics  + (Considered one of the most prestigious centers of learning of [[statistics]] in [[France]]. The strength of its alumni network place it in the "top 15-ranked" French [[Grandes Ecoles]].)
  • National Law School of India University  + (Considered the best law school in India)
  • Michel Giraud  + (Considered to be the founding father of the Ile-de-France region.)
  • University of Tokyo  + (Considered to be the most selective and prestigious university in Japan. The vast majority of senior civil servants are recruited from here.)
  • Roehampton University  + (Consists of four constituent colleges, became university in 2004)
  • George Robertson  + (Consorted on a daily basis with convicted forger and [[fraudster]], the [[spook]] [[Jan-Willem Matser]].)
  • Document:Andrew Feinstein confirms GE candidacy vs Starmer  + (Constituency resident [[Andrew Feinstein]], who served as an MP in [[Nelson Mandela]]'s government, will stand in [[Holborn and St Pancras]] at the [[UK/General election/2024|2024 General Election]])
  • Cambridge University/Emmanuel College  + (Constituent college of the University of Cambridge)
  • University of London/Goldsmiths  + (Constituent college of the [[University of London]] specialising in the arts, design, humanities, and social sciences)
  • Rudolf Mueller  + (Consulted by Józef Retinger when setting up the Bilderberg group)
  • Consumerism  + (Consumerism creates the illusion of inclusion or belonging to the in-group of rich and successful people)
  • Martha Bayles  + (Contacted by [[Euan Grant]] for the [[Integrity Initiative]], with the aim of using works of fiction to promote [[Russophobia]].)
  • White House/Coronavirus Task Force  + (Contained a bunch of deep state operatives including 4 Bilderbergers)
  • Bavaria/COVID-19 Economic Advisory Council  + (Contained multiple members with Bilderberger/WEF connections)
  • Disease X  + (Continuation of COVID-19, or worse.)
  • William Schneider  + (Continued to advocate use of nuclear weapons in some limited first-strike situations.)
  • Anne-Laure Bonnel  + (Contract not renewed for "not respecting the values of the establishment.")
  • CenTrust Bank  + (Controlled by [[Bank of Credit and Commerce International]]. Drug money laundering etc...)
  • Woodrow Wilson  + (Controlled by [[The Monet Trust]] through [[Edward Mandell House]], who had no official position in government but lived at the White House.)
  • Koch family foundations  + (Controlled by the billionaire Koch brothers, who finance the 'right' in US politics when they say the right things.)
  • Danny Jowenko  + (Controlled demolition expert who was famously interviewed about the [[destruction of WTC7]], later suddenly died)
  • Central bank  + (Controllers of currency creation, and therefore the seigniorage profits from the interest system.)
  • James Alefantis  + (Controversial owner of Comet Ping Pong.)
  • Document:A warning from Canada  + (Controversial politically incorrect opinion on the LGTB Rights movement and the effects on the adopted children of homosexual-couple parents)
  • United States House Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran  + (Convened to create an official narrative about Iran-Contra.)
  • Simon Holmes à Court  + (Convenor of [[Climate 200]].)
  • File:Bolshevism From Moses To Lenin.pdf  + (Conversations between [[Adolf Hitler]] and [[Dietrich Eckart]] between 1919 and 1923)
  • Pietro Fedino  + (Convicted along with senior NATO official [[Willem Matser]])
  • Orlando Bosch  + (Convicted assassin, Operation 40 member, released by special order of [[George H. W. Bush]] after a petition from [[Jeb Bush]])
  • Wassef Ali Hassoun  + (Convicted for deserting by using kidnapping hoax)
  • Michael Farren  + (Convicted for the attempted murder of his wife)
  • Akis Tsochatzopoulos  + (Convicted in 2011 for corruption.)
  • Jack Abramoff  + (Convicted lobbyist and founder of the [[International Freedom Foundation]])
  • Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff  + (Convicted of "hate speech" after criticising Islam.)
  • Sol Wachtler  + (Convicted of [[extortion]], [[racketeering]], and [[blackmail]] in 1992)
  • Muhaydin Mire  + (Convicted of attempted murder and admitted four counts of attempted wounding.)
  • Anders Breivik  + (Convicted of planting the bomb that killed 8 people in central Oslo, Norway, followed by the shooting to death of 66 teenagers on a nearby camping island on 22 July 2011)
  • Arne Treholt  + (Convicted of spying for the KGB)
  • Document:Lawyers For Israel Oppose Conscience  + (Convictions based on “intent” to do somethConvictions based on “intent” to do something you have not actually done, are generally dubious. The [[Shenstone defendants]] have been told by [ Judge Chambers] they will get prison sentences. Expect these to be vicious.son sentences. Expect these to be vicious.)
  • Inquiry  + (Cooling out perception management operations to "tell stories and [[sell narratives]]. They tie up the loose ends and weave a pretense of accountability.")
  • Anthony C. E. Quainton  + (Coordinator for Counterterrorism)
  • Nick Croft  + (Coordinator of the Scottish Preventing Violent Extremism Unit)
  • Philip Melanson  + (Coordinator of the [[Robert F. Kennedy Assassination Archive]], the world's largest collection on the subject, and , for 12 years was also chair of the Political Science Department at the [[University of Massachusetts]], Dartmouth.)
  • Document:The Answer is 42  + (Coping with the cognitive dissonance that survival in the modern world produces in spades.)