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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Articles and ebooks by David Guyatt". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 51 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • William Casey  + (Appointed as a reward for his work on the Nixon campaign.<sup id="cite_ref-fof_1-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-fof-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Dick White  + (Appointed as something of a snub to SIS)
  • Weldon Kennedy  + (Appointed by Freeh just after the FBI's OKC "investigation".)
  • Wayne Budd  + (Appointed by [[George H. W. Bush]] to serve as Associate Attorney General.)
  • Amos Yadlin  + (Appointed director of [[Israel Defence Intelligence]] in 2006.)
  • William Casey  + (Appointed during the republican primaries.<sup id="cite_ref-fof_1-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-fof-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Boris Tadić  + (Appointed to [[Serbian President]] after the [[Integrity Initiative]] had "expand[ed] his horizons" during a visit to London.)
  • John Durham  + (Appointed to review the [[Dirty dossier]])
  • Giovanni De Lorenzo  + (Appointed with the help of the CIA)
  • Lyman Kirkpatrick  + (Appointment date slightly uncertain)
  • Julie Gerberding  + (Approved [[Merck]] vaccine [[Gardasil]] as CDC Director, salary $172,000. Then made around $25 million from stock sales when working for Merck.)
  • Lyman Lemnitzer  + (Approved the now infamous [[Operation Northwoods]])
  • Ali Soufan  + (Arab-speaking FBI agent who was involved in a number of high-profile anti-terrorism cases)
  • Chad  + (Arabic and French speaking desert nation in [[North Africa]]. Formerly part of the [[French Empire]], Chad has seen instability in recent years.)
  • Brian Crozier  + (Arch espionage insider who founded his own intelligence agency)
  • Daniel Pipes  + (Arch-Zionist and neoconservative intellectual and commentator)
  • Justin Welby  + (Archbishop of Canterbury from 2013)
  • Francis Spellman  + (Archbishop of New York 1939-1967 and protector of [[Ivan Illich]].)
  • George Pell  + (Archbishop with friends in high places)
  • Karl Bendetsen  + (Architect of the [[internment of Japanese Americans]] during [[World War II]]. [[1971 Bilderberg]])
  • File:Deagel 2025  + (Archive of the 2025 population forecast)
  • Svalbard  + (Arctic archipelago of high strategic importance)
  • Document:The Time to Negotiate Peace in Ukraine Is NOW  + (Are things in [[Ukraine]] getting worse? Yes, for both sides. This is precisely the right time to give peace a chance.)
  • Tendring District Council  + (Area in Essex, England)
  • Adrian Salbuchi  + (Argeninian political analyst, writer and commentator)
  • Martín Varsavsky  + (Argentine businessman based in Spain who founded several companies worldwide.)
  • Martín Guzmán  + (Argentinean Minister of Economy during the [[Covid-lockdowns]] and debt restructuring. Selected [[WEF/YGL]]. Close to many projects of [[George Soros]].)
  • Luis María Otero Monsegur  + (Argentinian banker who attended the [[1970 Cercle meeting in Washington DC]])
  • Alberto Nisman  + (Argentinian lawyer and CIA/Mossad collaborator who was murdered the day before delivering report on the [[1994 car bombing of the Jewish center in Buenos Aires]].)
  • Eugenio Burzaco  + (Argentinian politically connected spook with a large amount of dodgy dealings. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2006|WEF Young Global Leader 2006]])
  • Cristina Kirchner  + (Argentinian vice president; former first lady and former president)
  • Elias Davidsson  + (Argued that the US deep state organized the events of September 11th, 2001.)
  • Document:Armed and Dangerous  + (Arguments about whether ministers should resign are not the main point of the Scott Report, says Paul Foot. The real dynamite is in the connection between government and the arms industry - and the level of deception involved)
  • American Continental Corporation  + (Arizona company involved in the [[Savings and loan fraud]] through its chairman [[Charles Keating]].)
  • Jackson Stephens  + (Arkansas oilman and investment banker. Through his company and Worthen Bank, were key financial backers and fundraisers for [[Bill Clinton]] during his Presidential election in 1992.)
  • Libyan Islamic Fighting Group  + (Armed insurgent group in [[Libya]] backed to the hilt by [[Britain]] for many years.)
  • Armed Forces  + (Armies of people with guns and swords and Armies of people with guns and swords and [[bombs]] were often send throughout history to defend old men's property against other old men for often purely selfish reasons. Nowadays, this has become easier, with the amount of humans with better health, the increased world population and the variety of weapons.rld population and the variety of weapons.)
  • Paul Sjeklocha  + (Arms dealer in contact with [[Monique Garnier-Lançon]])
  • Manucher Ghorbanifar  + (Arms dealer and central figure in the [[Iran-Contra Affair]].)
  • Rolf Graage  + (Arms dealer, Le Cercle...)
  • Arms for Libya  + (Around 20 tonnes of C-4 plastic explosive,Around 20 tonnes of C-4 plastic explosive, training in bomb making, together with thousands of rifles, handguns & other weapons sold by a CIA operative to [[Muammar Gaddaffi]]'s Libya in the late [[1970s]] - early 1980s. Then "the biggest [[arms-dealing case]] in U.S. history", still lacking its own page on [[Wikipedia]] as of 2020.[[Wikipedia]] as of 2020.)
  • Philip Habib  + (Arranged for the dumping of President [[Ferdinand Marcos]].)
  • George Meany  + (Arranged the merger with the CIO)
  • Adrian Aispuro  + (Arrested in 2023, heavily armed and with fake [[U.S. Marshal]] credentials and demanded to be taken to the [[2024 US presidential candidate]] [[Robert F. Kennedy Jr]]. Corporate media were not interested.)
  • Willem Matser  + (Arrested in February 2003.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Salvador Guersson Smecke  + (Arrested in connection with the [[2001 Mexican legislative assembly attack]], then released without charge. Was reported to be an IDF Colonel.)
  • Kenneth Trentadue  + (Arrested in connection with the [[Oklahoma City bombing]] then died in jail. His brother suspected a case of mistaken identity.)
  • Frédéric Pierucci  + (Arrested in the US)
  • Document:Who Was Yuri Bezmenov  + (Article about Yuri Bezmenov by Mark Hackard)
  • Operation Paradise Falls  + (Article uploaded by the Wikispooks user CovertCalifornia)
  • Activist Teacher Blog  + (Articles and entries about activist teaching and radical pedagogy, edited by Denis G. Rancourt.)
  • Christopher Bollyn's Web site  + (Articles, publications and commentary by Christopher Bollyn, including most of his output originally published in 'The American Freepress' and elsewhere since 2001.)
  • Infectious clone  + (Artificially created homogenous copies of a single RNA virion, usable as a bioweapon creating symptoms of acute respiratory distress)
  • Hafizullah Amin  + (As Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Afghanistan))
  • Maurice Bridgeman  + (As Anglo-Persian Oil Company)
  • Leslie Gelb  + (As Assistant Secretary of State)
  • Norman Schwarzkopf  + (As CENTCOM commander led 1990-91 [[Gulf War]]; Le Cercle)
  • Björn Lundvall  + (As CEO of [[LM Ericsson]], a part of the [[Wallenberg Sphere]], Lundvall also represented the Wallenberg family as a member of the [[Bilderberg Steering committee]].)
  • Bill Morneau  + (As Canadian Minister of Finance in March 2020 funded the "[[COVID-19 response]]")
  • Hafizullah Amin  + (As Chairman of the Revolutionary Council)
  • David Norquist  + (As Comptroller, he oversaw DoD's first-ever department-wide [[audit]] of $2.7 trillion in assets, which involved over 1,000 outside auditors and discovered "major flaws" but no "major cases of fraud or abuse.")
  • Huntington D. Sheldon  + (As Director of the [[Office of Current Intelligence]], Sheldon briefed three Presidents with the became the [[President's Daily Brief]])
  • Albert Edward  + (As Edward VII)
  • Stella Kyriakides  + (As European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety she was responsible for buying rushed vaccines for tens of billions. At the same time, payments of 4 million euros were put into a family account, allegedly by her husband.)
  • Henrietta Fore  + (As Executive Director of [[UNICEF]] worked in collaboration with [[GAVI]], [[CEPI]] and the [[World Health Organization]], among others, to facilitate [[Covid vaccine|COVID-19 vaccination]].)
  • Eljas Erkko  + (As Foreign Minister, botched the negotiations with the [[Soviet Union]] before the Winter War. [[President of International Press Institute]] 1954-56)
  • Jean-Yves Le Drian  + (As French Foreign Minister promised he would provide proof "in the coming days" of Syrian government using poison gas. We are still waiting.)
  • George Albert  + (As George V)
  • William Bentinck  + (As Governor-General of the Presidency of Fort William)
  • Edward Bridges  + (As Head of the Home Civil Service, he learned about the existence of [[Stewart Menzies]]' personal slush fund.)
  • Saud bin Nasir Al-Sabah  + (As Kuwaiti Ambassador to the US)
  • Enrique Peña Nieto  + (As Mexican President he ran a remarkably corrupt government. At the time, foreign corporate media preferred to turn a blind eye to it.)
  • Andrew Johnson  + (As Military Governor)
  • Herman van Roijen  + (As Minister without Portfolio in charge of Foreign Affairs)
  • Rolf Hansen  + (As Norway's Minister of Defence, he kept a lid on [[Operation Gladio]]. Attended the [[1978 Bilderberg]] when he was considered for future PM)
  • Rene Sergent  + (As OEED President. Attended [[Bilderberg/1963]])
  • Ambrogio Ratti  + (As Pius XI)
  • Rozanne Ridgway  + (As President 1989-1993, Co-Chair 1993-1996)
  • Alberto Fujimori  + (As President of the Emergency Government and National Reconstruction)
  • Per Rudberg  + (As Prime Minister)
  • Stefan Löfven  + (As Prime Minister of Sweden, managed the Covid-19 response. [[2013 Bilderberg]] visitor)
  • Roger Seydoux de Clausonne  + (As Resident-general)
  • Bulent Ecevit  + (As Turkish prime minister, admitted that a secret army had been involved in torture, assassinations and coups d'etat)
  • Viviane Reding  + (As [[EU Commissioner for Justice]] stated that the [[EU]] should create its own intelligence service)
  • Irakli Kobakhidze  + (As [[Georgian Prime Minister]] was blackmailed by [[EU commissioner]] [[Oliver Varhelyi]], but exposed the death threat.)
  • Document:We condemn the suspension of Jo Bird and the appointment of Lord Falconer  + (As [[Ken Loach]] said: “If it looks like a [[WitchHunt|witch hunt]] and behaves like a [[WitchHunt|witch hunt]] – it may well be just that. This is intolerable and must end now.”)
  • Aleksander Kwaśniewski  + (As [[President of Poland]], let the [[CIA]] run a secret prison on Polish territory)
  • Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 8  + (As [[Trevor Timm]]As [[Trevor Timm]] testified today, senior prosecutors in the [[US Justice Department]] had opposed this prosecution as unconstitutional and refused to be involved. [[President Trump]] was left with this discredited right wing sleazeball, [[Gordon Kromberg]]. Now here we are at the [[Old Bailey]], with a floundering [[James Lewis]] clutching at this oaf [[Kromberg]] for intellectual support.[[Kromberg]] for intellectual support.)
  • Jimmy Carter  + (As [[US President]] posed problems for the [[US Deep state]] but was unsuccessful in his efforts to rein it in)
  • Viet Dinh  + (As [[United States Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy]]As [[United States Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy]] a panelist for the discussion ''Have Civil Liberties Been Unnecessarily Eroded?'' at the [[2002 Bilderberg]]. Chief architect of the [[USA PATRIOT Act]] and is a former member of the Board of Directors of [[News Corporation]].[[News Corporation]].)
  • Kim Jae-gyu  + (As [[head of the KCIA]] he assassinated his boss, the [[South Korean president]], [[Park Chung-hee]])
  • Document:Statement by Leah-Lynn Plante for her Grand Jury appearance 10 October 2012  + (As a 24 year old political activist, Leah As a 24 year old political activist, Leah was subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury three times between August and October 2012 in relation to civil unrest in Seattle during a 2012 May Day rally. She refused testify on each occasion and was imprisoned for 'civil contempt' on 10 October 2012. She was denied the right to remain silent, such that her constitutional right of non-self incrimination did not apply. Two others have also been jailed in the same manner by the same investigation.the same manner by the same investigation.)
  • Susan Kramer  + (As a Jewish politician (UK Liberal Democrats), Kramer succeeded Jenny Tonge MP (1997-2005) who had been accused of antisemitism.)
  • US/DOJ  + (As a former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal summarised "''Justice is something that exists outside the borders of the United States. Never expect to find justice within the United States''.")
  • Europe/Deep state  + (As a highly secretive, long established [[deep state milieu]], [[Le Cercle]], has been active Europe wide in political subversion.)
  • Platformization  + (As a part of globalisation, platformizatioAs a part of globalisation, platformization is the '''monopolization''' of platforms or community structures - often by the same company - (called a business model by its defenders) based on algorithms and disintermediation in a supply chain. It was hailed as preferable to weaken old [[power]] structures for the common men. Such as how [[YouTube]] gave artists their own "platform" but emerged as cartel with other internet giants.rged as cartel with other internet giants.)
  • Anwar Sadat  + (As a peace-making Egyptian leader, an obvious enemy of the [[MICC]].)
  • Document:BlackRock Plots to Buy Ukraine  + (As a result of the [[2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine]], [[BlackRock]] the most influential financial institution in the world, plans to cash in on the destruction of that country.)
  • Kay Bailey Hutchison  + (As ambassador to NATO said US prepared to consider a military strike to destroy Russian missiles.)
  • William Howard Taft IV  + (As chief legal advisor to the Department of State concluded that the preemptive use of force against Iraq in 2003 "is lawful". Many deep state friends.)