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Page nameBornDiedSummaryDescription
Ian Griggs1939Researcher
Police officer
Ted Gunderson7 November 192831 July 2011Whistleblower
Police officer
Private investigator
US policeman supposedly turned dissident who gave confusing revelations
George Hamilton (policeman)27 June 1967Police officerSenior UK policeman
Duncan Hanrahan1956Police officerFormer Metropolitan Police detective who became a middle-man between corrupt police and the criminal underworld
Frederick Hanson26 May 191426 October 1980Police officer
James HartPolice officer
"Terror expert"
Commissioner of the City of London Police 2002-2006
Gunther Hashida197729 July 2021Police officerThe third suicide of a Capitol Police Officer, who at the Capitol on January 6.
Willy Haugli2 August 192712 February 2009Police officer
Dean HaydonPolice officer
Andy Hayman1959Police officer
Stuart Henderson194031 January 2019Police officerStuart Henderson was Senior Investigating Officer at the Lockerbie Incident Control Centre
Jack Hermon23 November 19286 November 2008Police officer
Reinhard Heydrich7 March 19044 June 1942Spook
Police officer
George Hickey24 March 192325 February 2005Police officerMember of the Secret Service who was in follow-up car, directly behind the presidential limousine, when President John F. Kennedy was shot in 1963.
William Higgitt10 November 19172 April 1989Spook
Police officer
Deep state actor
Bernard Hogan-Howe25 October 1957Police officerBritish senior policeman
Hans Holmér28 December 19304 October 2002Police officer
Deep state operative
James P. Hosty192810 June 2011Police officerFBI agent who was ordered to keep Lee Harvey Oswald under observation in Dallas, Texas.
Peter Imbert27 April 1933Police officer
Christian Jambert26 November 1940August 1997Police officer
Sean Joyce1961Police officerDeputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 2011-2013
James Kallstrom6 May 19433 July 2021Police officerFBI agent who led cover-up of TWA Flight 800. Also active after 911.
Raymond Kelly4 September 1941Police officer
Deep state functionary
US deep state functionary, NYC Police Commissioner for over a decade.
Bernard Kerik4 September 1955Police officer
Deep state actor
A criminal sidekick whom Rudy Giuliani appointed to New York City Police Commissioner and suggested for United States Secretary of Homeland Security.
Huseyin Kocadağ19443 November 1996Police officerThe former Istanbul Deputy police Chief killed in the Susurluk car crash
Richard LambertWhistleblower
Police officer
The agent in charge of the FBI's Amerithrax investigation, who in 2015 publicly claimed that they had no feasible case against Bruce Ivins and that evidence exonerating him had been deliberately concealed.
Robert Lambert1952Spook
Police officer
"Terror expert"
Undercover policeman turned "terror expert"
Bob Lambert1952Spook
Police officer
Undercover policeman turned academic
Raymond Leddy18 December 19125 March 1976Spook
Police officer
CIA spook who participated in Operation Success and recruiting several Mexican presidents.
Adrian Leppard11 February 1962Banker
Police officer
Iain Livingstone6 October 1966Lawyer
Police officer
Tom LloydFebruary 1952Police officerSenior UK policeman, Head of Security for the Institute of Statecraft and director of their drug policy reform group.
Craig Mackey26 August 1962Police officerPersonally witnessed the 2017 Westminster attack
Captain Joe Manning196325 August 2021Police officer
COVID-19/Premature death
"Anti-vaxxer police officer dies of COVID after promoting Ivermectin.
Robert Mark13 March 191730 September 2010Police officerCommissioner of the London Metropolitan Police. Clamped down on corruption. Introduced the paramilitary Special Patrol Group for political operations.
David McNee23 March 192526 April 2019Police officer
William Melville25 April 18501 February 1918Spook
Police officer
Mark Minnie14 August 2018Author
Police officer
VIPaedophile/Premature death
A paedophile investigator shot dead nine days after publishing a book about a 1980s VIPaedophile network involving members of the South African government
Daniel Mitrione4 August 192010 August 1970Police officer
Deep state operative
US policeman turned spook who taught torture techniques to police in South America.
Timothy MurphyPolice officerFormer [[Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation]].<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> After the FBI, he sat on the board of the private intelligence service [[Reuters Special Services]] and the [[National Center for Missing and Exploited Children]].
Holger Münch17 August 1961Censorship
Police officer
"The still high incidence of punishable hate posting shows a need for police action."
Davey Neligan18991983Spook
Police officer
Double agent
First head of the newly formed The Irish Free State Garda Special Branch and a key figure in the
Kenneth Newman15 August 1926Police officerBritish police officer
John O'Neill6 February 195211 September 2001Police officer
9-11/Premature death
A respected and sincere opponent of "terrorism" who faced opposition in trying to investigate the U.S.S. Cole attack and who was the FBI's leading expert on Al Qaeda. Later made Head of Security for the World Trade Center, where he was killed on his first day at work, September 11th, 2001.
John Orr3 September 194519 February 2018Police officerDCS John Orr led the Lockerbie investigation (1988 to 1990)
Brian Paddick24 April 1958Politician
Police officer
British politician and retired police officer,
Manuel PenaSpook
Police officer
José Sanjenís Perdomo25 May 1935Spook
Police officer
Deep state operative
Perdomo was senior policeman under Carlos Prio, exiled to US where he joined the CIA and played a vital role putting together Operation 40. In 1980 he was working as the night doorman at the Dakota Hotel, and witnessed the murder of John Lennon.
David Petrie9 September 18797 August 1961Spook
Police officer
Wartime head of MI6 after just 5 years in the organisation.
Peter PowerJanuary 1951Soldier
Police officer
"Terror expert"
A former member of the anti-terrorism squad who volunteered the revelation that on 7-7 he was running a drill at "precisely" the same stations at the same time as the attacks took place.