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Brian Klug academic. Klug wrote in 2003 in The Guardian that "No, anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism
Fletcher Knebel of Seven Days in May (1962), about an attempted military coup in the United States.
Maxwell Knight deep politician
Peter Koenig economist and geopolitical analyst. He writes regularly for Global Research and other internet sites.
Jim Koethe murdered in September 1964 in his Dallas apartment, before he could finish his book on the JFK Assassination.
Max Kohnstamm of the Bilderberg Advisory Committee, visited the Bilderberg 28 times. European chair of the CFR
Rosa Koire estate appraiser who during her work learned about Agenda 21 and became an activist.
Adam Kokesh byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Adam+Kokesh&search-alias=books&field-author=Adam+Kokesh&sort=relevancerankAmerican libertarian political activist, radio host, and author.
Nicholas Kollerstrom writer and historian of science who has written extensively on false flag attacks
Sixten Korkman Bilderberger Finnish economist with high profile in corporate media.
Stefan Kornelius editor. Süddeutsche Zeitung
Stephen Kotkin fellow, Hoover Institution
Ivan Krastev Soros protegé
Andrew Krieg
James Howard Kunstler author, social critic, public speaker, and blogger. Covid-dissident.
Ernst Kux byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Ernst+Kux&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Ernst+Kux&sort=relevancerankSpooky academic, "a leading Swiss Sovietologist"
Jeremy Kuzmarov
Kwasi Kwarteng Chancellor and suspected deep state operative who reportedly chaired Le Cercle from 2017.
Anton LaVey figure of modern satanism.
Fatima Lahnait for Statecraft "terror expert"
Norman Lamont time Chairman of Le Cercle, financier, politician and deep politician, involved in arms and financial deals.
Mark Lane researcher into the JFK Assassination whose worked helped to prompt the CIA's coining of the phrase "Conspiracy theorist".
Jacques de Larosièreère/e/B004N2QUU0French former central banker and public official. Managing Director of the IMF and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Group of Thirty. Attended the 1982 Bilderberg meeting.
Stephen Larrabee political scientist, MSC
Doreen Lawrence of Stephen Lawrence, who was murdered in a racist attack in 1993. Ennobled in 2013 as a Life Peer in the House of Lords, where she supports the Labour Party
Guy Lawson American journalist and true crime writer
Marnia Lazreg with interest in the systemic function of torture
Adam LeBor author with an interest in history and the BIS
Oswald LeWinter byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Oswald+Lewinter&search-alias=books&field-author=Oswald+Lewinter&sort=relevancerankA shady character who issued a lot of conflicting statements and claimed to be ex-CIA. The official narrative about him - "it's all lies, he's a complete fraud" - scores for simplicity, but does not explain how he could have been so well informed on such a wide range of deep state operations.
Michael Ledeen"Washington's neoconservative guru", Bilderberg, Le Cercle...
Martin A Lee Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting.
John Lenczowski founder of the IWP
Paul Lendvai Triple Bilderberger academic
Vladimir Lenin communist revolutionary, a big contributor to later communist ideologies, founded the Soviet Union. Started the "red terror" - a mass campaign of political repression and executing 100.000 to 200.000 political dissidents in 1918.
Terry Lenzner byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Terry+Lenzner&search-alias=books&field-author=Terry+Lenzner&sort=relevancerankAssistant counsel (and chief investigator) on the United States Senate Watergate Committee.
Wolfgang Leonhard historian who wrote a working paper on The Soviet Union and East Europe: Their Problems, Contradictions and Perspective for the 1981 Bilderberg
Louis Leprince-Ringuet srch drd B00JOMHKJ4French nuclear physicist and European Movement leader
Henri Lesguillons byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Professor+Henry+Lesguillons&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Professor+Henry+LesguillonsFrench legal scholar on EU and International trade law connected to Jean Monnet. Attended the 1970 Bilderberg meeting at age 32.
Fred Leuchter byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Fred+A.+Leuchter&search-alias=books&field-author=Fred+A.+Leuchter&sort=relevancerank
Herbert Levine
Michael Levine Drug Enforcement Administration veteran who noticed that investigations were never allowed to go all the way to the top. Helped expose the CIa'S role in overruling of DEA operations.
Yasha Levine with suspicions about Tor
Ariel Levite nuclear expert and war hawk who attended Bilderberg/2012, where one of the subjects was "What Can the West Do about Iran?". Works for Carnegie Endowment.
Leonard Lewin =ast author dpBest known as the (ostensible?) author of Report from Iron Mountain
G. Gordon Liddy
Bernard Lietaer byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Bernard+Lietaer&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Bernard+Lietaer&sort=relevancerankproponent of local or complementary currency, which circulate parallel with national currencies.
David Lifton
Eduard LimonovĖduard-Limonov/e/B001H6WOO6/Russian writer, poet, publicist, and political dissident.
Abraham Lincoln US president who stood up to the US deep state
Susan Lindauer back channel to Saddam Hussein who had more integrity than her CIA handlers bargained for. Charged under the Patriot Act.