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Gamergate controversyAugust 2014Free Speech battle of the 2010s
Gaza War 20148 July 201426 August 2014
Halifax International Security Forum/201421 November 201423 November 2014Spooky conference in Canada in November 2014
Hedges v. Obama13 January 201228 April 2014The plaintiffs challenged the 2012 NDAA contending that indefinite detention on "suspicion of providing substantial support" to groups such as al-Qaeda and the Taliban was so vague as to allow unconstitutional, indefinite detention of civilians based on vague allegations. The Court of Appeals struck down an initial agreement, and the US Supreme Court concurred, arguing that the plaintiffs could not prove they would be affected by the law, so had no standing to contest it.
Igor Kolomoisky/Threat28 August 2014 00:00:00Igor Kolomoisky threatens to blow up the Dnieper hydroelectric dam if the Russian separatist forces take Zaporizhzhia
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda8 November 199431 December 2016
Iraq Inquiry24 November 20096 July 2016"The point of the delay is to give the impression Chilcot has been absolutely painstaking and therefore the bucket of whitewash he will throw cannot be hiding anything. Do not be fooled." (Craig Murray)
Joe Biden/Pledges support for Yatsenyuk28 February 2014 00:00:00US VP Joe Biden phones Arseniy Yatsenyuk to offer support and commend the Junta on its RESTRAINT - no kidding
Julian Assange/Imprisonment19 June 201224 June 2024Five years de jure in Belmarsh Prison (2019-2024)
Junta admits NAF gains9 September 2014 10:01:00Ukraine Junta admits that resurgent NAF have extended their control all the way to the Sea of Azov
Kiev Junta announces ATO15 April 2014 00:00:00Acting President, Olexander Turchynov, announces start of "anti-terrorist operation" against Donbas protestors.
Kiev in breach of UNSCR 21668 August 2014 16:45:00Russian Foreign Ministry says that Ukraine is in breach of UNSCR by formally repudiating the cease-fire agreement around the crash site
Kiev pulling back1 September 2014 10:00:00Ukraine Defense Minister Warns Of "Worst Conflict Since WWII", Shifts Forces To "Combat Full-Scale Russian Invasion"
Kiev says shot down17 July 2014 15:40:00Interfax-Ukraine News Agency quotes Anton Gerashchenko, a Ukrainian interior ministry official, as saying: "Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 shot down over eastern Ukraine by militants"
Kiev suspends crash-site truce7 August 2014 00:00:00Junta president Pyotr Poroshenko announces unilateral suspension of the truce with the DPR militia in the region of the crash site
Kiev to resume truce if asked8 August 2014 18:00:00Kiev government ready to extend the ceasefire near the crash site upon receiving a request from a multinational commission investigating the disaster.
Lavrov on Kiev ATC tapes25 August 2014 16:00:00Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says it is unclear why Kiev does not release its ATC recordings
Lavrov pushes disclosure again26 August 2014 00:00:00Russian FM Sergei Lavrov presses again for full disclosure of flight recorder and ATC recordings
Le Cercle/2014 (London)20 June 201420 June 2014Dates include June 20 but are uncertain
Malay team at crash site 2nd visit8 September 2014 00:00:00second visit of Malaysian experts team to the crash site. Malay defense minister voices concerns for their security
Malaysia Airlines Flight 1717 July 201417 July 2014A Boeing 777-200 plane, of Malaysian Airlines, which crashed in Ukraine, east of Donetsk on 17 July 2014, killing all 298 on board. President of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad was very suspicious of the immediate sole blaming of Russia.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/ATC lost contact confirmed17 July 2014 14:15:00MAS confirms it received notification from Ukrainian ATC that it had lost contact with MH17
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Black-boxes/Arrival in UK22 July 2014 12:00:00Black boxes delivered to the UK Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB), Farnborough
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Criminal Investigation28 July 2014The investigation into the fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/First altitude change17 July 2014 12:01:00Just prior to entering Ukrainian airspace, the flight climbed to FL330 (33,000 ft)
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/First reports of crash17 July 2014 15:24:0017 July 2014 15:24:00First reports come from an "aviation source" quoted by the Russian Interfax news agency
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Investigation/Censorship agreement8 August 2014 12:00:00Holland, Belgium, Australia & Ukraine signed a “Non-Disclosure Agreement” that prevents any of them from disclosing the results of the MH17 investigation and gives any one of them arbitrary veto power over disclosure which is binding on the other signatories.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Last ADS-B contact17 July 2014 13:21:28Last contact by the ADS-B (Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast) of flight tracking web sites.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Leaves departure gate17 July 2014 10:14:0017 July 2014 10:14:00Aircraft leaves the departure gate at Amsterdam's Schipol airport
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Russia's questions to Ukraine18 July 201425 July 2014Questions addressed to the Ukraine authorities by the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Russian Air Transport Agency .
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Takeoff17 July 2014 10:30:0017 July 2014 10:30:00The aircraft became airborne from Schipol runway 36C
Malaysia Airlines Flight 3708 March 20148 March 2014A commercial airliner which went missing. Reported to be seen flying towards black site, Diego Garcia. The prime-minister of Malaysia became visibly concerned that Boeing and the CIA were covering up something.
Malaysia wants ATC tapes8 August 2014 12:00:00Malaysia wants the ‘missing’ Ukrainian ATC tapes
Massacre in Odessa2 May 2014 00:00:00Events in Odessa culminated in the deaths of 48 (official narrative) and up to 120 (evidence-based alternative narrative) anti-Kiev Junta demonstrators by fire, gun-shots and beatings in and around the Odessa Trade Union building.
Mil SitRep for MH17 area15 July 2014 01:00:0017 July 2014 01:00:00Military Situation report for the MH17 area
Munich Security Conference/201431 January 20142 February 2014The 50th Munich Security Conference
NATO suspends co-operation with Russia1 April 20141 April 2014NATO foreign ministers suspend all practical civilian and military co-operation with Russia at a meeting in Brussels.
Obama warns Yanukovitch19 February 2014 00:00:00Obama Warns President Yanukovitch against military action on the Maidan protesters.
Poroshenko dissolves parliament25 August 2014 00:00:00President Poroshenko dissolves the Ukrainian parliament and schedules elections for 26 October 2014
Poroshenko inauguration7 June 2014 00:00:00Pyotr Poroshenko sworn in as fifth President of Ukraine following his victory at the elections of 25 May 2014 which were boycotted by much of the South-East of the country
Prosecution Report 12 Sep12 September 2014 09:00:00Criminal investigation of air disaster to be a long-term task
Putin as bad as Stalin?15 September 2014 01:00:00Cheering on the warmongers, Labour MP, former Defence Secretary and union rep declares that "Russian president Vladimir Putin has the potential to be as bad as Stalin".
Putin visits Crimea9 May 2014 00:00:00President Vladimir Putin makes his first visit to Crimea since its incorporation back into Russia in March
RUE MH17 report26 August 2014 01:00:00Russian Union of Engineers: reconstruction of the attack on the "Boeing"
Report of Junta using civilian planes as cover18 June 2014 00:00:00Militia Soldier - Elena, from Sloviansk tells of Ukrainian fighter planes using civilian airliners as cover prior to attacking the city
Russian ATA questions25 July 2014 00:00:00Russia’s Air Transport Agency publish 22 questions and 6 'necessary actions' addressed to the Ukrainian authorities
Russian embassy attack14 June 2014 00:00:00The Russian embassy in Kiev is subjected to sustained attack by protestors while the Ukrainian police look on
Russian military info revealed21 July 2014 00:00:00Russia MOD presentation reveals that no missile launch was detected and that a Uktainian fighter plane was detected close to the Airliner just before it crashed
SBU siezes Ukraine ATC tapes17 July 2014 20:00:00Reports of Ukraine SBU seizing the Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk ATC tapes of conversations between MH17 and Ukraine air traffic control
Saleh v. Bush13 March 201310 February 2017A legal claim that the Iraq war was an illegal act of aggression, dismissed in 2017 by the Westfall Act since it was carried out by US government employees within the scope of their employment.