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Page nameHas subGroup
Center for Vigilant Freedom910 Group
Citibank India
Citibank Argentina
Citibank Australia
Citibank China
Citibank (Hong Kong)
Citibank Indonesia
Citibank Malaysia
Bank Handlowy
Citibank Singapore
Citibank Uganda
Grupo Financiero Banamex
CitiBranded Cards
Citi Private Bank
Citibank India
Citi Securities & Banking
Nikko Citigroup
Railmark Holdings
Salomon BIG
Sedna Finance
Clinton FoundationClinton Global Initiative
Columbia UniversityColumbia Business School
Communications Security EstablishmentChief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada
ComverseVerint Systems
Concord Management and ConsultingConcord Catering
LLC Agat
LLC Megaline
Control RisksControl Risks/Information Services
Council of EuropeEuropean Court of Human Rights
European Pharmacopoeia Commission
Counter Extremism ProjectOne95
Crown AgentsMillbank Technical Services
DEASpecial Operations Division
DIAMilitary Intelligence Board
J2 Directorate for Intelligence
Directorate For Analysis
Directorate For Operations
Directorate For Science and Technology
Defense Combating Terrorism Center
DIA Americas Center
DIA Asia/Pacific Center
DIA Europe/Eurasia Center
DIA Middle East/Africa Center
Defense Clandestine Service
Defense Attaché System
Missile and Space Intelligence Center
National Center for Medical Intelligence
National Media Exploitation Center
Joint Intelligence Operations Center Europe Analytic Center
Joint Intelligence Center
National Intelligence University
Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance
Deep state/Supranational natureSafari Club
Booz Allen Hamilton
Defence Intelligence and Security CentreJoint Services Intelligence Organisation
Defense Information Systems AgencyWhite House/Communications Agency
Department for Environment Food and Rural AffairsAnimal and Plant Health Agency
Centre for Environment
Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
Rural Payments Agency
Veterinary Medicines Directorate
Department for TransportAir Accidents Investigation Branch
Marine Accident Investigation Branch
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency
Highways Agency
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Vehicle Certification Agency
British Transport Police Authority
Northern Lighthouse Board
Passenger Focus
Trinity House Lighthouse Service
Civil Aviation Authority
Department of Health and Social CareNHS
NHS Property Services
NHS England
NHS Improvement
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
Deutsche BankDeutsche Bank (Italy)
Directorate General Media and CommunicationsThe Defence Communication Strategy
UK/Ministry of Defence/Press Office
EPAEPA/Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
East GermanyStasi
European External Action ServiceEUMS
European UnionEuropean Parliament
European Commission
Court of Justice of the European Union
European Central Bank
European Court of Auditors
Schengen Information System
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
European Environment Agency
European Training Foundation
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
European Medicines Agency
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
Community Plant Variety Office
Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union
European Maritime Safety Agency
European Aviation Safety Agency
European Network and Information Security Agency
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
European GNSS Agency
European Railway Agency
European Fisheries Control Agency
European Chemicals Agency
European Institute for Gender Equality
European Defence Agency
European Institute for Security Studies
European Union Satellite Centre
European Police College
European Police Office
European body for the enhancement of judicial co-operation
Fundamental Rights Agency
Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications
European Systemic Risk Board
Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
European Banking Authority
European Securities and Markets Authority
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
European Asylum Support Office
European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom security and justice
Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation
Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Executive Agency for Health and Consumers
Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency
Research Executive Agency
European Research Council Executive Agency
Euratom Supply Agency
European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy
European Institute of Innovation and Technology
European External Action Service
European Council
EuropolEuropean Counter Terrorism Centre
Executive Office of the President of the United StatesCouncil on Environmental Quality
Office of Management and Administration
Office of Management and Budget
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Office of the Vice President of the United States
White House Office
Domestic Policy Council
Office of National AIDS Policy
Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation
White House Rural Council
Office of the Chief of Staff
White House Counsel
Office of Scheduling and Advance
Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs
Homeland Security Advisory Council
United States National Economic Council
Council of Economic Advisers
National Security Council
ExxonMobilAera Energy
Esso Australia
Exxon Neftegas
Imperial Oil
Mobil Producing Nigeria
SeaRiver Maritime
Superior Oil Co.
Vacuum Oil Co.
XTO Energy
Exxon Mobil
FBIFBI/Directorate of Intelligence
FBI/Criminal Cyber Response and Services Branch
FBI/National Security Branch
FBI/Human Resources Branch
FBI/Information and Technology Branch
FBI/Science and Technology Branch
FBI/AcademyCriminal Justice Information Services
Critical Incident Response Group
Counterterrorism Division
FBI Police
FBI/Criminal Cyber Response and Services BranchFBI Criminal Investigative Division
FBI Cyber Division
FBI Critical Incident Response Group
FBI International Operations Division
FBI Office of Law Enforcement Coordination
FBI/Directorate of IntelligenceCriminal Justice Information Services
Critical Incident Response Group
Counterterrorism Division
FBI Police
FBI/National Security BranchFBI Counterterrorism Division
FBI Counterintelligence Division
FBI Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate
Terrorist Screening Center
Fabian SocietyYoung Fabians
Fabian Women's Network
Scottish Fabians
Oculus VR
Federal Emergency Management AgencyCenter for Domestic Preparedness
Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Center for Tobacco Products
Center for Veterinary Medicine
National Center for Toxicological Research
Office of Criminal Investigations
Office of Regulatory Affairs
Forum on Information & DemocracyInternational Declaration on Information & Democracy
FranceDirection générale de la sécurité intérieure
Direction du renseignement militaire
Direction de la Protection et de la Sécurité de la Défense
Unité de coordination de la lutte anti-terroriste
Direction du Renseignement de la Préfecture de Police
Direction Nationale du Renseignement et des Enquêtes Douanières
Direction de la surveillance du territoire
Free University of BrusselsThe Institute for European Studies
G4S Secure SolutionsArmorGroup
G4S Secure Solutions
GCHQComposite Signals Organisation
Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group
Joint Technical Language Service
UK National Cyber Security Centre
GUSvyazinformsoyuz Company
Directorate for Space Intelligence
General AtomicsGeneral Atomics Aeronautical Systems
General ElectricGE Aviation
GE Capital
GE Global Research
GE Healthcare
GE Home & Business Solutions
GE Oil and Gas
GE Energy
GE Transportation
Georgetown UniversityCenter for Peace and Security Studies
McDonough School of Business
Georgetown University/Law Center
Walsh School of Foreign Service