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Bertrand CollombConnected French businessman. 13 Bilderbergs.
Jon Corzine6 times Bilderberger financier
Flavio CottiSwiss politician who attended 4 Bilderbergs in the 1990s, when he led attempts to further Switzerland's political integration into the European Union.
Kenneth DamEconomist who was US Deputy Secretary of State, with a heavy Bilderberg habit.
George DavidGreek Cypriot entrepreneur, Bilderberg Steering committee.
Étienne DavignonBelgian deep politician, EU commissioner, Bilderberg chairman, Egmont Institute president
François de DonneaBelgian establishment politician. Attended the 1997 Bilderberg as Mayor of Brussels
Uffe Ellemann-JensenStarted more offensive military/soft power posture as Danish Foreign Minister. 8 Bilderbergs, candidate for NATO General-Secretary.
Gazi ErcelTurkish central banker and 4 times Bilderberger
Üstün ErgüderRector of Bosporus University, Board Member of the Vehbi Koç Foundation
Francisco Pinto Balsemao
David FrumNeoconservative deep state operative who coined the phrase "axis of evil"
Orit GadieshOne of the world's "100 most powerful women". Attended the 1997 and 1998 Bilderbergs.
Robert Gascoyne-CecilBilderberg, Le Cercle, The Other Club, Ditchley Governor
Jean-Louis GergorinAttended 4 Bilderbergs from 1997 to 2003. Sentenced to 3 years in prison for slanderous denunciation, forgery, concealment of breach of trust and theft
Louis GerstnerFormer Chairman and CEO, RJR Nabisco, Former Chairman and CEO, IBM, Former Chairman of the Carlyle Group, Bilderberg Steering Committee.
Victor HalberstadtA professor of economics, with a minimal Wikipedia page, who has attended all Bilderberg meetings since 1975.
Lee H. HamiltonHaving chaired some key house committees, Hamilton appears to have established himself as a safe pair of hands for handling potentially damaging information, explaining his choice as fallback vice chairman of the 9/11 Commission.
Richard HolbrookeBilderberg/Steering committee, deep state operative
Will HuttonAttended the 1997 Bilderberg as Editor of The Observer
Jan HuyghebaertBelgian businessman, 11 Bilderbergs
Westye HøeghPresident of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association, Bilderberg Steering committee
Jaakko IloniemiBilderberg Steering committee, Finnish Ambassador to the US
Matías Rodríguez InciarteFormer Bilderberg Steering committee, Spanish banker and possibly deep politician
Otmar IssingTriple Bilderberger European central banker who became "international advisor" for Goldman Sachs.
Mary Jo JacobiAssistant US Secretary of Commerce
Donald JohnstonAttended 1997 Bilderberg as Secretary-General of the OECD.
Vernon JordanClose friend of Bill Clinton. A member of the Bilderberg Steering committee who attended 34 Bilderberg meetings.
Kostas KarrasGreek actor and politician. Bilderberg Steering committee, 19 Bilderbergs
Henry KissingerUS deep politician, 40+ Bilderbergs, Nobel peace prize, war criminal
Pieter KortewegDutch economist, Bilderberg Steering committee in the 1990s when he attended 7 Bilderbergs
Max KothbauerAustrian economist and banker. Former Bilderberg Steering committee.
Giannos KranidiotisA greek diplomat and politician who was killed together with his son in a "freak accident" 3 months after attending a Bilderberg meeting.
William LewisDirector of McKinsey Global Institute, Dow Jones CEO, Non-executive Director of AP
André Lévy-LangFrench banker on the Bilderberg Steering committee, 11 Bilderbergs, Le Siècle
Robert MabroFounded the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. In the late 1990s brokered a historic production cut between OPEC and its rivals that raise the price of oil.
William McDonoughCFR, TLC, 7 Bilderbergs, Group of Thirty, NY Fed Chairman..
Peter MitterbauerAustrian TLC businessman, Bilderberg/1997
Thierry de MontbrialFrench deep politician with his own intelligence agency. Former serial Bilderberger
Heather Munroe-BlumMulti-Bilderberger Canadian executive and academic
Egil MyklebustNorwegian former Bilderberg Steering committee
Matthias NaßFormer Bilderberg steering committee. International correspondent for die Zeit.
Sauli NiinistöAttended the 1997 Bilderberg as Finnish Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister of Finland
Sam NunnUSDSO? Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, founded the Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2 Bilderbergers, participated in both Operation Dark Winter & A Spreading Plague
David OddssonSix time Bilderberger Icelandic politician
Andrzej OlechowskiPolish Finance Minister, Bilderberg Steering connittee
Jorma OllilaShell chairman, Nokia CEO, Bilderberg steering committee, WEF
John PageSenior fellow in the Global Economy and Development Program at the Brookings Institution, formerly of the World Bank.
Colin PowellUS officer and politician heavily involved in the deep state Iran-contra affair. He is particularly remembered for his dramatic lies in the UN Security Council before the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, claiming Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction.
David de PurySwiss neo-liberal economist and diplomat negotiator, Bilderberg Steering committee