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Winthrop Rockefeller1 May 191222 February 1973USPolitician
Billionaire Rockefeller family who for some reason or other bought the position of Governor of Arkansas.
Virginio Rognoni5 August 1924ItalyPoliticianAttended Bilderberg/1982 as Italian Minister of the Interior during the Years of Lead, accompanied by Carlos Aritario.
Kenneth Rogoff22 March 1953USEconomist
Chess player
Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund 2001-3, WEF AGM regular
Gideon Rose1963USJournalistUS journalist, WEF regular
Wilbur Ross28 November 1937USFinancierMulti-millionaire US financier. Bilderberg. US Secretary of Commerce since 2017
Eugene Rostow25 August 191325 November 2002USDeep state operativeAttended the 1967 Bilderberg as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, later directed the Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Walt Rostow7 October 191613 February 2003Spook
Deep state functionary
Suspected US deep state functionary member of The Georgetown Set
Barnett Rubin10 January 1950USAcademicDouble Bilderberger, CFR, US political scientist
Robert Rubin29 August 1938USDeep state operativeFinancial industry deregulator. Goldman. Citigroup. CFR Chairman. "Where Wall St. meets Washington"
Michael Sabia11 September 1953CanadaBusinesspersonpublic pension fund manager
Richard E. SalomonDeep state actor
Charles Savage25 September 191812 December 2007Academic
William Scranton19 July 191728 July 2013
Tøger Seidenfaden28 April 195727 January 2011DenmarkJournalist
10 time Bilderberger Danish editor. Bilderberg Steering committee
Charles Seymour1 January 188511 August 1963Academic
President of Yale University with deep state ties.
Derek ShearerUSDeep state operativeRoommate of Strobe Talbott at Yale University
Huntington D. Sheldon14 February 190319 May 1987Spook
As Director of the Office of Current Intelligence, Sheldon briefed three Presidents with the became the President's Daily Brief
Fredrick Smith11 August 1944USPolitician
Knights of Malta, CFR ...
Gerard C. Smith4 May 19144 July 1994USDeep state actorAttended the 1973 Bilderberg. North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission 1973-76
Lamar Smith19 November 1947USPoliticianConservative Republican Congressman
Gene Sperling24 December 1958Senior advisor to US president on COVID-19 Relief
Harold Stanley2 October 188514 May 1963USBankerOne of the founders of Morgan Stanley
William Steiger1969USSpook
Civil servant
Chief of Staff at USAID from 2017 to 2021.
John H. Stein10 October 19322 February 2021SpookCIA/Deputy Director for Operations. He escaped sanction during the Iran-Contra scandal as he reportedly was not part of the planning nor execution of the operation.
James Steinberg7 May 1953USDeep state operativeBilderberg, 7th floor group ...
Henry Stimson21 September 186720 October 1950Politician
Oliver Stone15 September 1946USFilm director
Director of the 1991 film, JFK, which helped lead to passage of the Assassination Materials Disclosure Act of 1992.
Jacques van Ypersele de Strihou5 December 1936BelgiumCivil servant
Deep state functionary
A discrete person close to the royal family but well-known in Belgian and international political and economic circles.
Jacob Sullivan28 November 1976Deep state operativeUSDSO and member of the 7th floor group
Robert A. Taft8 September 188931 July 1953USPolitician
William Howard Taft15 September 18578 March 1930
William Howard Taft IV13 September 1945USLawyer
Deep state actor
As chief legal advisor to the Department of State concluded that the preemptive use of force against Iraq in 2003 "is lawful". Many deep state friends.
Strobe Talbott25 April 1946Journalist
Deep state operative
Brookings Institution President 2002-2017
Richard Thornburgh16 July 1932Lawyer
John Thornton2 January 1954USAcademic
Became a Goldman Sachs partner at age 34. Barrick Gold Corporation, Bilderberg
Paul Tully194424 September 1992Propagandist
Clinton body count
“Dear friend and trusted advisor” of Bill Clinton, "Top democratic strategist" unexpectedly found dead at 48.
Cyrus Vance27 March 191712 January 2002USLawyer
Deep state operative
Bilderberg 1970, CFR, TLC, various political postings...
J. D. Vance2 August 1984USAuthor
Deep state functionary
Apparent front man for Peter Thiel and the Paypal Mafia.
Cornelius Vanderbilt III5 September 18731 March 1942US
Eftichios VassilakisJanuary 1967GreeceBusinesspersonGreek businessman. In 2021, made large agreement for building of utility-scale solar panel plants to transform Greek power market. Attended Bilderberg/2023, where one of the themes was Energy transition.
Thorstein Veblen30 July 18573 August 1929US
Alexander Vershbow3 July 1952USDiplomat
Deep state operative
SDS connected regular at the Brussels Forum
John Vogt18 March 192016 April 2010USPilotUS Air Force officer with extensive work for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the bombing of Vietnam, who attended the 1971 Bilderberg meeting. After retirement, part of Team B, a rigged intelligence analyst group to inflate the Soviet threat.
George Vojta13 November 193522 December 2010USDeep state functionary
Central banker
Single Bilderberg, BIS, central banker
John Vorys16 June 189625 August 1968USPolitician
US lawyer and politician
George Herbert Walker III193118 January 2020Diplomat
Celeste Wallander1961USSpook
Deep state operative
US deep state operative
Malcolm Wallop27 February 193314 September 2011USPolitician
Elected Official
Tali Farhadian Weinstein1975USLawyerIranian born attorney and academic with multiple deep state connections including Skull and bones
Rebecca WeintraubUSAcademicHarvard professor who works for total vaccination of everyone in the world. "We need to change our playbook”...“And that’s going to include vaccine mandates.”