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A Group Headquartered HereDateDescription
Covington & BurlingWashington DC law firm with deep state connections
Creighton UniversityPrivate, Jesuit university in Nebraska.
CrowdStrikeCyber-"security" company that was main technical enabler of false Russiagate allegations.
Dakota Wesleyan UniversityReligious university in South Dakota, George McGovern alma mater
Davidson CollegeNorth Carolina college with 23 Rhodes Scholars.
DePaul UniversityCatholic, with emphasis on recruiting students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
DePauw UniversitySmall Midwestern university
Drew UniversityTraditionally tied to Methodism; also noted for its strong ties to South-Korean Methodism.
DuPontBig chemical company. Supplied large amounts of explosives to many US wars. Lots of chemical products and artificial fibers. Since the 1990s, focusing heavily on genetic manipulation.
Duke University/School of LawThe law school and a constituent academic unit of Duke University, North Carolina
DynCorpA long established private military contractor. Whistleblowers have alleged that the group engages in child sex trafficking amongst other activities.
DynologyUS Deep state connected MICC contractor.
East Greenwich AcademyBoarding school in Rhode Island that closed in 1943.
EastWest Institute
EdelmanPR company
El Dorado Task force
Electronic Privacy Information CenterA think tank concerned with the impact of technology on privacy and free speech.
Eli LillyPsychiatric drugs,Prozac, MKUltra...
Elon UniversityNorth Carolina private university
Empire State CollegeA college dedicated to adult, student-centered education
Enron"America's Most Innovative Company" for six consecutive years, especially in the accounting department. Massive bankruptcy in December 2001
Eurasia Foundation
Eureka CollegePrivate college in Illinois. Ronald Reagan was an alumnus.
FacebookThe world's most popular social network, with over 1,000,000,000 users in 2014.
Ferris State UniversityMichigan university
Food and Drug Administration
Ford Motor CompanyAmerican multinational automobile manufacturer
Foundation for Research on Economics and Environment
Fox NewsNot known for its insightful analysis, but has provided useful reporting on topics such as 9-11 and Covid-19
Franklin and Marshall CollegeLiberal arts college in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Freedom HouseCIA backed group interested in internet censorship
G4S Secure SolutionsA British/American multinational security services company with deep ties to the US government and military complex
GannettThe most powerful mass media newspaper company in the USA.
Garrett Evangelical Theological SeminaryMethodist seminary
Geek SquadWorked with the FBI to circumvent the need for search warrants for computers in for repair.
Genie Energy
George Fox UniversityFounded by Quakers, still a center for Quaker thought.
George Mason UniversityVirginia-based university heavily Koch-funded. Notable for hosting over 40 libertarian research centers and affiliates.
Ginkgo Bioworks"Designs, engineers, develops, tests and licenses organisms" with CIA funding - but with doubtful actual technical capacities and Theranos-like business model.
Giuliani Partners
Global International Airways
Goddard CollegeProgressive education private liberal arts college
Golden Gate UniversityYMCA roots; Courses in law, business, taxation, and accounting.
Gordon CollegePrivate Christian college in Massachusetts
Groton SchoolExclusive boarding school in Massachusetts, USA. Lots of people who later became deep state operatives and spooks.
HalliburtonMurky US PMC
Hamilton Trading Group
Hamline UniversityHamline is known for its emphasis on social justice.
Harvey Mudd CollegePrivate college in Claremont, California, focused on science and engineering.
Haverford CollegeSmall Pennsylvania College with lots of influential former students.