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Wikispooks pageNation stateDateWWWDescription
Al Mukhabarat Al A'amahSaudi Arabia
Booz Allen HamiltonDeep state/Supranational nature for-profit part of the US Deep State.
CIAUShttp://www.CIA.govThe most high profile of the US intelligence agencies, a covert agent of foreign policy. Funded by a 'black budget' derived from the global drug trade, the CIA is experienced at assassination, blackmail, instigating coups and other such covert deep state actions. Its scrutiny in the early 1970s however led to the development of more secure bases for the most sensitive deep state operations.
CIA/Directorate of OperationsCIACIA directorate
CIA/Directorate of PlansA branch of the CIA for just over 20 years.
CIA/Near East and South Asia DivisionCIA/Directorate of Operations
Confidential Intelligence UnitNational Public Order Intelligence Unit
Covert Intelligence Service private intelligence company that allow private citizens to pay to be trained by former field intelligence operatives
Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center
DGSEFrance foreign intelligence agency
Defence Intelligence Division (SANDF)
Diligencehttp://www.diligence.comAn industrial espionage network fronted by former members of the establishment.
Direction de la surveillance du territoireFrance
Dutch Military Intelligence and Security ServiceNetherlandsDutch military intelligence agency. Employed disappeared spook Willem Matser, covered up thefts of Operation Gladio weapon depots by a gang of liasons of the royal family.
Force Research UnitUK/Army
GCHQUK UK equivalent of the NSA, which carries out mass surveillance on a lot of the world's internet traffic
Gehlen Organization
Hakluyt & Company LtdHakluyt is a privately owned intelligence agency founded in 1995 by UK spooks. It has close ties to the UK deep state, MI6, Shell and BP.
Inter-Services IntelligencePakistan
Iraqi National Intelligence Service
Irish Joint SectionMI6
Israel/Military Intelligence Directorate
Joint Terrorism Analysis CentreMI5The Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre reports to the head of MI5 although it is not formally part of the Security Service.
Joint Threat Research Intelligence GroupGCHQSubunit of GCHQ that uses deception, dirty tricks, fake news to discredit people on the internet to "deny, disrupt, degrade and deceive".
LekemIsrael/Defence Ministry
MI5UK (Military Intelligence, Section 5), is the United Kingdom's domestic counter-intelligence and security agency and is part of its core in the main British domestic intelligence service.
MI5/A BranchMI5
MI5/B BranchMI5
MI5/C BranchMI5A now defunct division of MI5, incorporated into D Branch in 1994.
MI5/D BranchMI5
MI5/E BranchMI5
MI5/F BranchMI5
MI5/G BranchMI5
MI5/H BranchMI5
MI5/K BranchMI5
MI5/T BranchMI5
MI6UK foreign secret intelligence service.
Mossad"Mossad" (Hebrew for Institute) is an abbreviation for ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim (Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks). It is the Israeli State Agency with overall responsible for external intelligence and covert operations.
Muslim Contact UnitMetropolitan PoliceSpooky unit of the UK Metropolitan Police interested in "radicalisation" of Muslims.
National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit police intelligence agency interested in "extremism"
Naval Intelligence DivisionUK Naval intelligence, originally named the 'Foreign Intelligence Committee'.
New Zealand Security Intelligence ServiceNew Zealand Zealand's internal spy service
Office of Naval IntelligenceUS/Navy established US intelligence agency targeted on 9-11
Office of Policy CoordinationA forerunner of the CIA, "staffed by reckless adventurers"
Office of Strategic ServicesPrecursor to the CIA.
Office of the Director of National Intelligence goal is as "to effectively integrate foreign, military and domestic intelligence in defense of the homeland and of United States interests abroad."