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Concept.png Ideology 
a set of beliefs or philosophies attributed to a group of thinkers.

Concerning deep state politics, an ideological reference system is needed to mold public opinion. Without such a frame of reference, propaganda would loose much of its power to influence politicians as well as the public.

The goal of undue influence is to train the mark to think and act in accordance with the ideology.

Capitalism, communism, democracy, national socialism, esoteric cult and religious systems, as well as belief in apocalypse or impending Disasters all have served as ideologies, portraying propaganda as representing "higher goals and values" which might not be questioned or damned be the opponent.

People have been trained to kill, or even kill them selves, for such higher goals and values. The power of Ideologies lies in a human tendency to conform, residues of a survival instinct, and may be exploited by deep state actors. Characteristic of ideological systems is the exclusion of other ideologies and devaluation of other opinions - a claim to exclusive representation and owning of a higher truth.

Demagogues and Sociopaths regularly emerge as leaders in such a "regressed social situation" (Kernberg), with "sharp divisions in the social body between social in-group and out-group and political ideologies or parties"; often presenting themselves as self-proclaimed "rescuers" from "dangers" the ideology promotes or implies.

Ideology , in whatever form - plays a similar crucial (and often underestimated) role in cult programming, fostering dependency, mind control and (implicit) in hypnosis. [1]



Page nameDescription
"Alt-right"A modern term used in US and western CCM-media to define conservative-aligned parts of the population that have strayed away from supporting the classic liberal and classic conservatism parties in favour of (sometimes) more reactive, violent or anti-governmental ideas and concepts, in a way similar to the positioning of Antifa in the political spectrum.
"Climate change"the dogma that rise in CO2 levels correspond to a (as of yet non-significant) rise in temperature and that the world is ahead of an apocalyptic disaster
"Conservation movement"Many billionaires are highly passionate about it.
"Far right"An all-encompassing CCM buzzword.
Anti-communismAnti-communism has been the driving force behind a large amount of activities registered in Wikispooks, including activities of intelligence services, funding of activities, and motivation for deep state groups and individual deep state operators.
Anti-imperialismAn ideology that opposes Imperialism
AuthoritarianismAn ideology that opposes authoritarianism.
Christian Science
CommunismIdeology of the USSR.
ConservatismPolitical and social philosophy, not really represented by any political party anywhere in the world.
Economic nationalism
EnvironmentalismThe ideology of Green Politics; advocates campaign for environmental protection.
EuroscepticismAnti-EU movements.
IdentitarianismA "hate group".
LibertarianismAn ideology that opposes authoritarianism.
MeritocracyMeritocracy literally means that those who have earned merit through achievement are legitimized to exercise power. There is a circularity in this definition, for what merit could be greater than that of belonging to the possessing and ruling class?
NeoliberalismAn economic doctrine of "ensur[ing] that the fruits of growth [go] to the few not to the many."
New Right"an amorphous ideological movement"
Political science
PopulismAn ideology that opposes The Establishment.
Project 25"The utopian American dream for the elites"
Science/Problematic notionsScience is sometimes used as thought stopping cliché and/or tied to grants to predetermine desired outcomes for businesses as well as education curriculums
ScientismScience™ when used as a bullying technique: "just shut up and follow the experts". Exaggerated belief in science
ZionismIdeology which advocates for a Jewish nation in Palestine.


Related Quotations

Michael Parenti“The most powerful ideologies are not those that prevail against all challengers but those that are never challenged because in their ubiquity they appear as nothing more than the unadorned truth.”Michael Parenti
Psychopathy“... on the surface they don't show to be that ill. Except that they are individuals with unusual needs of extreme grandiosity , extreme aggression, extreme antisocial features and extreme paranoid orientation.

We find such persons very often in leadership positions of organizations or political systems, particularly at times when there are natural sharp divisions in the social body between social in-group and out-group and political ideologies or parties... that reflect that in their ideological formation... and they - under such turbulence, situations - they become the leader of an extreme group that exerts its superiority, the need to fight its enemies - they lead the group taking on a function... a direction... of the group towards triumph and exploiting the paranoid nature of the ideology showing an extremely aggressive behavior and total absence of any guilt feelings regarding the attack of the enemy [sic].

So, the search for the security of triumph, the security of the attack on the enemy, the suspicion of the danger of the enemy and the ruthlessness and total abandonment of moral constraints makes them ideal leader [sic] for such a regressed social situation.

So they become very dangerous leaders of institutions... school systems... hospital systems... political parties... or nations.

So... they don't become ordinary dictators - but they tend to establish totalitarian systems. They have to be loved... and feared at the same time, not just loved! They are not just narcissists who have to be admired and they are happy. They have to be loved because they are superior and the followers have to be afraid of them.

We have evidence that the personality of Stalin and of Hitler [...] presented these four features. [...] And, of course to these days [sic] we have such leaders all over the world... Idi Amin - nice illustration in Africa... and so on... and... ehm... we don't have to look very far... to find they today... eh... examples of that. [laughter].”
Otto Kernberg2017
Totalitarianism“One of the hallmarks of totalitarian systems is the criminalization of dissent. Not just the stigmatization of dissent or the demonization of dissent, but the formal criminalization of dissent, and any other type of opposition to the official ideology of the totalitarian system. Global capitalism has been inching its way toward this step for quite some time, and now, apparently, it is ready to take it.”C. J. Hopkins5 May 2021
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  1. Dr. Hans Ulrich Gresch (2003). Unsichtbare Ketten (Invisible chains) (Ger.)