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Revision as of 13:43, 11 September 2014 by Two Dogs (talk | contribs)
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In Nov 2013, Eliot Higgins "confirmed" that Syria had used chemical weapons[1], without noticing that it was not the Syrian government that carried out the attacks[2].

On 15 Jul 2014, Eliot Higgins started a new website called Bellingcat for citizen journalism to investigate current events using open source information such as videos, maps and pictures. It was funded by a Kickstarter campaign.

On 23 Aug 2014, Higgins made an estimate of the exact location where the James Foley execution video was made outside Raqqa, an Islamic State stronghold in north-central Syria.[3] Yet he failed to notice that the video itself was probably a fake[4].


Related Quotations

Anatoly Shariy“[...], according to many experts, it's an MI6 organization.”Anatoly Shariy18 October 2020
Zinc Network“Bringing together organisations including Zinc Network, the Institute for Statecraft, Aktis Strategy, Bellingcat, DFR Lab, the Media Diversity Institute, Toro Risk Solutions and Ecorys, our Consortium combines recognised market leaders in understanding, monitoring, and countering Kremlin-backed disinformation... This ecosystem of credible voices will continue to grow, exposing the actors and networks behind Kremlin-backed disinformation, reducing unwitting multipliers of disinformation, and building resilience amongst key target audiences across Europe.

We will mobilise a Network Hub based in London, led by an experienced Project Director, consisting of an agile team with core competencies augmented by a wider pool of vetted experts. Our approach is highly localised, based around regional clusters of actors who can collaborate to effectively undermine the disinformation

ecosystem in their respective areas and engage audiences most vulnerable to disinformation... It is a highly complex project involving coordination of many independent actors, and thus risk must be carefully managed and risk profiles constantly adapted, serving as the basis for all activity. The approach we propose is based on the identification, monitoring and management of risks as they materialise, allowing members to continue taking smart risks as they increase the scale and impact of their activities.”



Adam Smith InternationalLondon-based consultancy charged with overseeing the overseas work of the Adam Smith Institute. Used by British intelligence services to train puppet police forces in the Middle East.
Adessium FoundationA secretive Dutch foundation that donates to projects backed by Western governments.
Google News InitiativeGoogle and the deep state buying domination over corporate media and creating tools to censor independent voices.
National Endowment for DemocracyThe "traditional intermediary of the CIA", promoting the US "national interest" abroad by financing groups and individuals.
ProtonMailEmail and VPN server originally located in formally neutral Switzerland to avoid US/NATO surveillance or "information requests", but this has been hollowed out.
Sigrid Rausing Trust
Swedish Postcode Foundation


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External links

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