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Lars Adaktusson,Michèle Alliot-Marie,Elmar Brok,Daniel Buda,Alain Cadec,Therese Comodini Cachia, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt,Consuegra Díaz De Mera García Agustín,Frank Engel,Ferragut Rosa Estaràs,Santiago Fisas Ayxela,Christofer Fjellner,Mariya Gabriel,Andrzej Grzyb,Brian Hayes,Gunnar Hökmark,Danuta Jazlowiecka,Séan Kelly,Andrey Kovatchev,Agnieszka Kozlowska-Rajewicz,Alain Lamassoure,Monica Macovei,Mairead Mcguinness,Roberta Metsola,Elisabeth Morin-Chartier,Sirpa Pietikäinen,Cristian Dan Preda,Claude Rolin,Petri Sarvamaa,Eleni Theocharous,Róza Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein,Adina-Ioana Valean,Lambert Van Nistelrooij,Henna Virkkunen,Renate Weber,Iuliu Winkler,Maria Arena,Guillaume Balas,Hugues Bayet,Maria Benifei Brando,Biljana Borzan,Paul Brannen,Sergio Gaetano Cofferati,Andrea Cozzolino,Corina Cretu,Andi-Lucian Cristea,Miriam Dalli,Seb Dance,Isabella de Monte,Mady Delvaux-Stehres,Anneliese Dodds,Damian Draghici,Ismail Ertug,Tanja Fajon,Elisa Ferreira,Benová Monika Flašíková,Knut Fleckenstein,Eugen Freund,Iratxe García-Pérez,Rubial Eider Gardiazábal,Evelyne Gebhardt,Elena Gentile,Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg,Ana Gomes,Matthias Groote,Roberto Gualtieri,Salom Enrique Guerrero,Sylvie Guillaume,Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto,Iris Hoffmann,Richard Howitt,Iliana Iotova,Agnes Jongerius,Afzal Khan,Jude Kirton-Darling,Constanze Krehl,Miapetra Kumpula-Natri,Kashetu Kyenge,Miltiadis Kyrkos,Bernd Lange,Jo Leinen,Boguslaw Liberadzki,Juan Fernando López Aguilar,Olle Ludvigsson,David Martin,Édouard Martin,Linda Mcavan,Ionel-Sorin Moisa,Clare Moody,Claude Moraes,Luigi Morgano,Alessia Maria Mosca,Norbert Neuser,Péter Niedermüller,Jens Nilsson,Pier Antonio Panzeri,Ioan Mircea Pascu,Tonino Picula,Kati Piri,Gianni Pittella,Soraya Post,Evelyn Regner,Christine Revault D'Allonnes Bonnefoy,Liliana Rodrigues,Maria João Rodrigues,Elena Ethel Schlein,Martin Schulz,Peter Simon,Birgit Sippel,Monika Smolková,Jutta Steinruck,Marc Tarabella,Marita Ulvskog,Martínez-Orozco Elena Valenciano,Kathleen van Brempt,Daniele Viotti,Josef Weidenholzer,Boris Zala,Mark Demesmaeker,Syed Kamall,Sajjad Karim,Timothy Kirkhope,Anthea Mcintyre,Kay Swinburne,Charles Tannock,Nedzhmi Ali,Petras Auštrevicius,Catherine Bearder,Barandica Izaskun Bilbao,Jean-Marie Cavada,Marielle de Sarnez,Gérard Deprez,Martina Dlabajová,Fredrick Federley,Charles Goerens,Sylvie Goulard,Marian Harkin,Filiz Hyusmenova,Sophie in't Veld,Ivan Jakovcic,Kaja Kallas,Ilhan Kyuchyuk,Alexander Graf Lambsdorff,Barandiarán Fernando Maura,Louis Michel,Iskra Mihaylova,Angelika Mlinar,Javier Nart,Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck,Norica Nicolai,Ruiz Maite Pagazaurtundúa,Jozo Radoš,Olli Rehn,Marietje Schaake,Yana Toom,Ulla Tørnæs,Ramon Tremosa i Balcells,Ivo Vajgl,Johannes Cornelis van Baalen,Cora van Nieuwenhuizen,Paavo Väyrynen,Guy Verhofstadt,Cecilia Wikström, Marina Albiol Guzmán,Martina Anderson,Malin Björk,Lynn Boylan,Kostas Chrysogonos,Permuy Javier Couso,Dennis de Jong, Fabio de Masi,Cornelia Ernst,João Ferreira,Emmanouil Glezos,Takis Hadjigeorgiou,Thomas Händel,Pablo Iglesias,Rina Ronja Kari,Georgios Katrougkalos,Paloma López,Sabine Lösing,Jirí Maštálka,Marisa Matias,Anne-Marie Mineur,Younous Omarjee,Dimitrios Papadimoulis,Tere Rodriguez-Rubio Vázquez,Sofia Sakorafa,Caldentey Lola Sánchez,Helmut Scholz,Barbara Spinelli,Sylikiotis Neoklis,Ángela Vallina,Marie-Christine Vergiat,Miguel Viegas,Gabriele Zimmer,Inês Cristina Zuber,Jan Philipp Albrecht,Margrete Auken,Klaus Buchner,Bodil Ceballos,Michael Cramer,Karima Delli,Peter Eriksson,Sven Giegold,Rebecca Harms,Heidi Hautala,Maria Heubuch,Yannick Jadot,Eva Joly,Franziska Keller,Jean Lambert,Philippe Lamberts,Barbara Lochbihler,Ulrike Lunacek,Tamás Meszerics,Julia Reda,Michel Reimon,Terry Reintke,Judith Sargentini,Cato Molly Scott,Jordi Sebastià,Davor Škrlec,Josep-Maria Terricabras,Ernest Urtasun,Monika Vana
Lars Adaktusson,Michèle Alliot-Marie,Elmar Brok,Daniel Buda,Alain Cadec,Therese Comodini Cachia, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt,Consuegra Díaz De Mera García Agustín,Frank Engel,Ferragut Rosa Estaràs,Santiago Fisas Ayxela,Christofer Fjellner,Mariya Gabriel,Andrzej Grzyb,Brian Hayes,Gunnar Hökmark,Danuta Jazlowiecka,Séan Kelly,Andrey Kovatchev,Agnieszka Kozlowska-Rajewicz,Alain Lamassoure,Monica Macovei,Mairead Mcguinness,Roberta Metsola,Elisabeth Morin-Chartier,Sirpa Pietikäinen,Cristian Dan Preda,Claude Rolin,Petri Sarvamaa,Eleni Theocharous,Róza Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein,Adina-Ioana Valean,Lambert Van Nistelrooij,Henna Virkkunen,Renate Weber,Iuliu Winkler,Marie Arena,Guillaume Balas,Hugues Bayet,Brando Benifei,Biljana Borzan,Paul Brannen,Sergio Gaetano Cofferati,Andrea Cozzolino,Corina Cretu,Andi-Lucian Cristea,Miriam Dalli,Seb Dance,Isabella de Monte,Mady Delvaux-Stehres,Anneliese Dodds,Damian Draghici,Ismail Ertug,Tanja Fajon,Elisa Ferreira,Monika Flašíková Benová,Knut Fleckenstein,Eugen Freund,Iratxe García-Pérez,Rubial Eider Gardiazábal,Evelyne Gebhardt,Elena Gentile,Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg,Ana Gomes,Matthias Groote,Roberto Gualtieri,Enrique Guerrero Salom,Sylvie Guillaume,Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto,Iris Hoffmann,Richard Howitt,Iliana Iotova,Agnes Jongerius,Afzal Khan,Jude Kirton-Darling,Constanze Krehl,Miapetra Kumpula-Natri,Kashetu Kyenge,Miltiadis Kyrkos,Bernd Lange,Jo Leinen,Boguslaw Liberadzki,Juan Fernando López Aguilar,Olle Ludvigsson,David Martin,Édouard Martin,Linda Mcavan,Ionel-Sorin Moisa,Clare Moody,Claude Moraes,Luigi Morgano,Alessia Maria Mosca,Norbert Neuser,Péter Niedermüller,Jens Nilsson,Pier Antonio Panzeri,Ioan Mircea Pascu,Tonino Picula,Kati Piri,Gianni Pittella,Soraya Post,Evelyn Regner,Christine Revault D'Allonnes Bonnefoy,Liliana Rodrigues,Maria João Rodrigues,Elena Ethel Schlein,Martin Schulz,Peter Simon,Birgit Sippel,Monika Smolková,Jutta Steinruck,Marc Tarabella,Marita Ulvskog,Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco,Kathleen van Brempt,Daniele Viotti,Josef Weidenholzer,Boris Zala,Mark Demesmaeker,Syed Kamall,Sajjad Karim,Timothy Kirkhope,Anthea Mcintyre,Kay Swinburne,Charles Tannock,Nedzhmi Ali,Petras Auštrevicius,Catherine Bearder,Izaskun Bilbao Barandica,Jean-Marie Cavada,Marielle de Sarnez,Gérard Deprez,Martina Dlabajová,Fredrick Federley,Charles Goerens,Sylvie Goulard,Marian Harkin,Filiz Hyusmenova,Sophie in't Veld,Ivan Jakovcic,Kaja Kallas,Ilhan Kyuchyuk,Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Fernando Maura Barandiarán,Louis Michel,Iskra Mihaylova,Angelika Mlinar,Javier Nart,Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck,Norica Nicolai,Ruiz Maite Pagazaurtundúa,Jozo Radoš,Olli Rehn,Marietje Schaake,Yana Toom,Ulla Tørnæs,Ramon Tremosa i Balcells,Ivo Vajgl,Johannes Cornelis van Baalen,Cora van Nieuwenhuizen,Paavo Väyrynen,Guy Verhofstadt,Cecilia Wikström, Marina Albiol Guzmán,Martina Anderson,Malin Björk,Lynn Boylan,Kostas Chrysogonos,Javier Couso Permuy,Dennis de Jong, Fabio de Masi,Cornelia Ernst,João Ferreira,Emmanouil Glezos,Takis Hadjigeorgiou,Thomas Händel,Pablo Iglesias,Rina Ronja Kari,Georgios Katrougkalos,Paloma López,Sabine Lösing,Jirí Maštálka,Marisa Matias,Anne-Marie Mineur,Younous Omarjee,Dimitrios Papadimoulis,Tere Rodriguez-Rubio Vázquez,Sofia Sakorafa,Lola Sánchez Caldentey,Helmut Scholz,Barbara Spinelli,Sylikiotis Neoklis,Ángela Vallina,Marie-Christine Vergiat,Miguel Viegas,Gabriele Zimmer,Inês Cristina Zuber,Jan Philipp Albrecht,Margrete Auken,Klaus Buchner,Bodil Ceballos,Michael Cramer,Karima Delli,Peter Eriksson,Sven Giegold,Rebecca Harms,Heidi Hautala,Maria Heubuch,Yannick Jadot,Eva Joly,Franziska Keller,Jean Lambert,Philippe Lamberts,Barbara Lochbihler,Ulrike Lunacek,Tamás Meszerics,Julia Reda,Michel Reimon,Terry Reintke,Judith Sargentini,Molly Scott Cato,Jordi Sebastià,Davor Škrlec,Josep-Maria Terricabras,Ernest Urtasun,Monika Vana
This mapping from internal documents provides [[George Soros]] and his [[Open Society European Policy Institute]] and the [[Open Society Foundations|Open Society network]] intelligence on Members of the 8th [[European Parliament]] (2014-2019) likely to support Open Society values during the 2014–2019 legislature.<ref>https://legacy.gscdn.nl/archives/images/soroskooptbrussel.pdf</ref>
This mapping from internal documents provides [[George Soros]] and his [[Open Society European Policy Institute]] and the [[Open Society Foundations|Open Society network]] intelligence on Members of the 8th [[European Parliament]] (2014-2019) likely to support Open Society values during the 2014–2019 legislature.<ref>https://legacy.gscdn.nl/archives/images/soroskooptbrussel.pdf</ref>
It spans 11 committees and 26 delegations, as well as the European Parliament’s highest decisionmaking bodies: 226 MEPs who are proven or likely Open Society allies.
It spans 11 committees and 26 delegations, as well as the European Parliament’s highest decision-making bodies: 226 MEPs who are proven or likely Open Society allies.
The Soros list sheds light on the question of what makes the EU leadership implement policies, which run counter to the interests of Europeans. The answer is [[corruption]]. The politicians bribed by Soros dance to his tune. They fight against the attempts of national leaders to protect the interests of their peoples.<ref>http://theduran.com/the-list-of-soros-names-226-meps-in-europe-who-are-under-the-control-of-george-soros/</ref>
==Career boost==
A number of MEPs on the list went on to bigger things.
*[[Roberta Metsola]] became [[President of the European Parliament]] in January 2022, replacing [[David Sassoli]]
*[[Mairead McGuinness]], [[Elisa Ferreira]] and [[Adina-Ioana Vălean]] joined the new commission in 2019 on appointment by [[Ursula von der Leyen]]
*[[Anneliese Dodds]] later became [[Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer]]
*[[Afzal Khan]] was elected to the [[House of Commons]] and [[Syed Kamall]] became a Lord in the [[House of Lords]]
*[[Kaja Kallas]] later became [[Prime Minister of Estonia]]
*[[Olli Rehn]] became Governor of the [[Bank of Finland]]
*[[Georgios Katrougalos]] became [[Foreign Minister of Greece]]
===By country===
[[Latvia]] was the only country without any MEPs on the list.
[[Germany]] had the most MEPs, [[Spain]] had the second highest, the [[United Kingdom]] had the third highest.
[[Sweden]], [[Finland]], [[Belgium]] had delegations with a majority of MEPs listed.
===By party affiliation===
There were reliable allies named from most political parties in the European Parliament, but there are some significant facts to note.
*There were reliable allies across the [[political spectrum]] (excluding [[far right]])
*The political grouping with the most reliable allies was the Socialist grouping (centre left)
*The single largest party in the European Parliament; the [[Christian Democratic Union]] of Germany had just one reliable ally.
*Of the political groups in the Parliament; 6 of the 9 had members included on the list.
*Three of the four largest political parties in Italy; [[Forza Italia]], [[Lega Nord]] and the [[Five Star Movement]], had no reliable allies.
Of the 6 political groups that had reliable allies listed.
*[[Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats]], had 82 out of 188
*[[Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe]], had 40 out of 68
*[[European United Left–Nordic Green Left]], 34 out of 51
*[[European People's Party]], had 32 out of 219
*[[The Greens–European Free Alliance]], had 29 out of 52
*[[European Conservatives and Reformists]], had 9 out of 71, of which 6 were [[Tories]] from Britain
Interestingly, the political grouping with the highest proportion of reliable allies (two-thirds) within the group was the far-left [[European United Left–Nordic Green Left]] which includes such otherwise [[Eurosceptic]] parties as [[Die Linke]], [[Syriza]] and [[La France Insoumise]].

Latest revision as of 07:29, 22 January 2022

Group.png Open Society Foundations/Reliable alliesRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Membership• Lars Adaktusson
• Michèle Alliot-Marie
• Elmar Brok
• Daniel Buda
• Alain Cadec
• Therese Comodini Cachia
• Anna Maria Corazza Bildt
• Consuegra Díaz De Mera García Agustín
• Frank Engel
• Ferragut Rosa Estaràs
• Santiago Fisas Ayxela
• Christofer Fjellner
• Mariya Gabriel
• Andrzej Grzyb
• Brian Hayes
• Gunnar Hökmark
• Danuta Jazlowiecka
• Séan Kelly
• Andrey Kovatchev
• Agnieszka Kozlowska-Rajewicz
• Alain Lamassoure
• Monica Macovei
• Mairead Mcguinness
• Roberta Metsola
• Elisabeth Morin-Chartier
• Sirpa Pietikäinen
• Cristian Dan Preda
• Claude Rolin
• Petri Sarvamaa
• Eleni Theocharous
• Róza Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein
• Adina-Ioana Valean
• Lambert Van Nistelrooij
• Henna Virkkunen
• Renate Weber
• Iuliu Winkler
• Marie Arena
• Guillaume Balas
• Hugues Bayet
• Brando Benifei
• Biljana Borzan
• Paul Brannen
• Sergio Gaetano Cofferati
• Andrea Cozzolino
• Corina Cretu
• Andi-Lucian Cristea
• Miriam Dalli
• Seb Dance
• Isabella de Monte
• Mady Delvaux-Stehres
• Anneliese Dodds
• Damian Draghici
• Ismail Ertug
• Tanja Fajon
• Elisa Ferreira
• Monika Flašíková Benová
• Knut Fleckenstein
• Eugen Freund
• Iratxe García-Pérez
• Rubial Eider Gardiazábal
• Evelyne Gebhardt
• Elena Gentile
• Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg
• Ana Gomes
• Matthias Groote
• Roberto Gualtieri
• Enrique Guerrero Salom
• Sylvie Guillaume
• Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto
• Iris Hoffmann
• Richard Howitt
• Iliana Iotova
• Agnes Jongerius
• Afzal Khan
• Jude Kirton-Darling
• Constanze Krehl
• Miapetra Kumpula-Natri
• Kashetu Kyenge
• Miltiadis Kyrkos
• Bernd Lange
• Jo Leinen
• Boguslaw Liberadzki
• Juan Fernando López Aguilar
• Olle Ludvigsson
• David Martin
• Édouard Martin
• Linda Mcavan
• Ionel-Sorin Moisa
• Clare Moody
• Claude Moraes
• Luigi Morgano
• Alessia Maria Mosca
• Norbert Neuser
• Péter Niedermüller
• Jens Nilsson
• Pier Antonio Panzeri
• Ioan Mircea Pascu
• Tonino Picula
• Kati Piri
• Gianni Pittella
• Soraya Post
• Evelyn Regner
• Christine Revault D'Allonnes Bonnefoy
• Liliana Rodrigues
• Maria João Rodrigues
• Elena Ethel Schlein
• Martin Schulz
• Peter Simon
• Birgit Sippel
• Monika Smolková
• Jutta Steinruck
• Marc Tarabella
• Marita Ulvskog
• Elena Valenciano Martínez-Orozco
• Kathleen van Brempt
• Daniele Viotti
• Josef Weidenholzer
• Boris Zala
• Mark Demesmaeker
• Syed Kamall
• Sajjad Karim
• Timothy Kirkhope
• Anthea Mcintyre
• Kay Swinburne
• Charles Tannock
• Nedzhmi Ali
• Petras Auštrevicius
• Catherine Bearder
• Izaskun Bilbao Barandica
• Jean-Marie Cavada
• Marielle de Sarnez
• Gérard Deprez
• Martina Dlabajová
• Fredrick Federley
• Charles Goerens
• Sylvie Goulard
• Marian Harkin
• Filiz Hyusmenova
• Sophie in't Veld
• Ivan Jakovcic
• Kaja Kallas
• Ilhan Kyuchyuk
• Alexander Graf Lambsdorff
• Fernando Maura Barandiarán
• Louis Michel
• Iskra Mihaylova
• Angelika Mlinar
• Javier Nart
• Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck
• Norica Nicolai
• Ruiz Maite Pagazaurtundúa
• Jozo Radoš
• Olli Rehn
• Marietje Schaake
• Yana Toom
• Ulla Tørnæs
• Ramon Tremosa i Balcells
• Ivo Vajgl
• Johannes Cornelis van Baalen
• Cora van Nieuwenhuizen
• Paavo Väyrynen
• Guy Verhofstadt
• Cecilia Wikström
• Marina Albiol Guzmán
• Martina Anderson
• Malin Björk
• Lynn Boylan
• Kostas Chrysogonos
• Javier Couso Permuy
• Dennis de Jong
• Fabio de Masi
• Cornelia Ernst
• João Ferreira
• Emmanouil Glezos
• Takis Hadjigeorgiou
• Thomas Händel
• Pablo Iglesias
• Rina Ronja Kari
• Georgios Katrougkalos
• Paloma López
• Sabine Lösing
• Jirí Maštálka
• Marisa Matias
• Anne-Marie Mineur
• Younous Omarjee
• Dimitrios Papadimoulis
• Tere Rodriguez-Rubio Vázquez
• Sofia Sakorafa
• Lola Sánchez Caldentey
• Helmut Scholz
• Barbara Spinelli
• Sylikiotis Neoklis
• Ángela Vallina
• Marie-Christine Vergiat
• Miguel Viegas
• Gabriele Zimmer
• Inês Cristina Zuber
• Jan Philipp Albrecht
• Margrete Auken
• Klaus Buchner
• Bodil Ceballos
• Michael Cramer
• Karima Delli
• Peter Eriksson
• Sven Giegold
• Rebecca Harms
• Heidi Hautala
• Maria Heubuch
• Yannick Jadot
• Eva Joly
• Franziska Keller
• Jean Lambert
• Philippe Lamberts
• Barbara Lochbihler
• Ulrike Lunacek
• Tamás Meszerics
• Julia Reda
• Michel Reimon
• Terry Reintke
• Judith Sargentini
• Molly Scott Cato
• Jordi Sebastià
• Davor Škrlec
• Josep-Maria Terricabras
• Ernest Urtasun
• Monika Vana

This mapping from internal documents provides George Soros and his Open Society European Policy Institute and the Open Society network intelligence on Members of the 8th European Parliament (2014-2019) likely to support Open Society values during the 2014–2019 legislature.[1]

It spans 11 committees and 26 delegations, as well as the European Parliament’s highest decision-making bodies: 226 MEPs who are proven or likely Open Society allies.

The Soros list sheds light on the question of what makes the EU leadership implement policies, which run counter to the interests of Europeans. The answer is corruption. The politicians bribed by Soros dance to his tune. They fight against the attempts of national leaders to protect the interests of their peoples.[2]

Career boost

A number of MEPs on the list went on to bigger things.


By country

Latvia was the only country without any MEPs on the list.

Germany had the most MEPs, Spain had the second highest, the United Kingdom had the third highest.

Sweden, Finland, Belgium had delegations with a majority of MEPs listed.

By party affiliation

There were reliable allies named from most political parties in the European Parliament, but there are some significant facts to note.

  • There were reliable allies across the political spectrum (excluding far right)
  • The political grouping with the most reliable allies was the Socialist grouping (centre left)
  • The single largest party in the European Parliament; the Christian Democratic Union of Germany had just one reliable ally.
  • Of the political groups in the Parliament; 6 of the 9 had members included on the list.
  • Three of the four largest political parties in Italy; Forza Italia, Lega Nord and the Five Star Movement, had no reliable allies.


Of the 6 political groups that had reliable allies listed.

Interestingly, the political grouping with the highest proportion of reliable allies (two-thirds) within the group was the far-left European United Left–Nordic Green Left which includes such otherwise Eurosceptic parties as Die Linke, Syriza and La France Insoumise.


Known members

23 of the 226 of the members already have pages here:

Hans van Baalen"A Dutch pirate and a villain"
Brando BenifeiItalian politician
Elmar Broklobbyist and European parliament politician, MSC regular
Elisa FerreiraAppointed European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms by Ursula von der Leyen in December 2019. In 2020 was helping to fight Covid with emergency spending
Sylvie GoulardFrench politician who attended the 2016 Bilderberg. Deputy Governor of the Bank of France since 2018
Richard HowittMember of the European Parliament
Kaja KallasEstonian politician
Syed KamallA member of the European Parliament
Sajjad KarimA member of the European Parliament
Ska KellerGerman politician and member of the European Parliament for Alliance 90/The Greens who was selected a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2015.
Afzal Khan
Timothy KirkhopeA member of the European Parliament
Jean Lambert
David MartinSpooky MEP
Roberta MetsolaMaltese MEP who was named a "reliable ally" of George Soros. She has been President of the European Parliament since January 2022.
Claude MoraesA member of the European Parliament
Olli RehnAttended the 2007 Bilderberg as European Commissioner for Enlargement. FIFA COVID-19 Relief Plan steering committee chair
Marietje SchaakeDutch spooky euro-politician. Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace
Elly Schlein"Rising star" of Italian politics with heavy deep state backing.
Barbara SpinelliMEP, Second generation Bilderberger
Kay SwinburneA member of the European Parliament
Charles TannockA member of the European Parliament
Guy VerhofstadtFormer Belgian Prime-Minister. European Parliament's Brexit Coordinator and Chair of the Brexit Steering Group. Banned from Russia since 2015.
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