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File:Port Arthur Massacre-A Critical Study.pdf
File:Propaganda.pdfA seminal work on the systematic manipulation of public opinion.
File:Reality Denial.pdfA critique of Steven Pinker's apologetics for Western Imperial violence in his much acclaimed 2011 book The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined
File:Red Symphony.pdf
File:Report from Iron Mountain.pdfA precient analysis of why war is considered necessary by the power-brokers of the western world
File:Rogue Agents (3rd edition, 2011, full).pdfA book about the activities of the covert European groupings responsible for the realisation of the European Union between the end of World War II and the mid 1990's.
File:Rogue Agents (4th edition, 2015, full).pdfA book about the activities of the covert European groupings responsible for the realisation of the European Union between the end of World War II and the mid 1990's
File:Rogue Agents - the Cercle and the 6I in the Private Cold War 1951 - 1991 by David Teacher (5th edn, 2017).pdfA book about the activities of the covert European groupings responsible for the realisation of the European Union between the end of World War II and the mid 1990's.
File:Secret Power.pdfA detailed account of how the integration of New Zealand into the UKUSA global signals interception system was achieved with neither the knowledge not consent of the country's senior politicians - in particular Prime minister David Lange who wrote the foreword to this book. It also deals with the infamous Rainbow Warrior incident in detail
File:September 11 Commission Report.pdfAn anonymously authored ebook purporting to explain the motivation, genesis and execution of the 9/11 attacks.
File:Solving 9-11.pdf
File:Srebrenica massacre.pdfForensic examination of the event that has come to be known as "The Srebrenica Massacre" in the western mainstrean narrative of the break-up of the former Yugoslavia
File:Stolen Identity.pdfA book by Buchenwald survivor Nikolaus Grüner (A-7713): "... to expose "Elie Wiesel" who took my friend Lazar Wiesel's tattooed Number from Auschwitz A-7713, without being registered in Auschwitz. This spineless profiteer turned the graves of Auschwitz Birkenau - into an industry and himself into an "impostor" of the worst kind."
File:The Big Breach.pdfEx-MI6 officer Richard Tomlinson tells his story - of particular interest in what he has to say about the death of Diana Pricess of Wales. The UK authorites made strenuous efforts to prevent publication of the book and Tomlinson was subjected to serious harassment and terms of imprisonment
File:The Catholic Orangemen of Togo.pdf
File:The Controversy of Zion.pdfA comprehensive survey of Judaic history from its origins to its 'revolutionary Zionism' manifestations in the tragedies of the late 19th and 20th centuries
File:The Federal Reserve conspiracy by Antony C Sutton.pdfHistorical perspectives on the money trust including critique of Karl Marx
File:The Fluoride Deception Preview.pdfThis is a preview PDF, which includes only the first 92 pages of this well researched and well referenced expose of water fluoridation in the USA. Bryson draws on many interviews with scientists, and archival research in places such as the newly opened files of the Manhattan Project and the Atomic Energy Commission. The book reveals how and why water was ever fluoridated, and some of the dangers of this practice."
File:The Franklin Cover-Up.pdf
File:The Holocaust Industry.pdfDevastating criticism of the way in which Jewish organisations use their Official Narrative of "The Holocaust" to extort money from the alleged perpetrators and of those who weren't sufficiently focused on that extortion
File:The International Jew.pdf
File:The Jews-Hilaire Belloc.pdfAt the time of its publication in the 1920s, considered a seminal contribution to understanding the role of the Jews in western society.
File:The Leuchter Reports.pdfThree technical reports on the alleged existence and operation of homicidal gas chambers at concentration camps in Germany and Poland during WWII.
File:The Nameless War.pdfPolitically incorrect history of events leading up to the Second World War, told by an MP who enjoyed the friendship and confidence of prime minister Neville Chamberlain during the critical months between Munich and September 1939
File:The Rape of the Mind by Joost A. M. Meerloo.pdf
File:The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich.pdf
File:The Secret Team.pdfAn unauthorised history of the CIA from its origins to the Kennedy assassination. Prouty suggested that the assassination was a coup d'état to stop the President from taking control of the CIA after the Bay of Pigs disaster. He also points out that the movement of Kennedy after a bullet struck his head was consistent with a shot from the grassy knoll. He also drew attention to the suspicious actions of the "Umbrella Man".
File:The War on Freedom.pdfAn overview of the events of 9-11, what lay behind them and where responsibility lies
File:TheGasChamberOfSherlockHolmes.pdfA useful and readable non-technical review of the evidence for the alleged extensive use of homicidal gas chambers by Germany during WWII.
File:US Army Field Manual 21-78.pdfField Manual 21-78 is an (declassified) introduction to "honorable survival", i.e. how to resist brainwashing
File:US Money v Corporation Currency.pdfProphetic 1912 book about the evil effects of privatised central banking in general and the activities of the Rothschild dynasty in particular
File:Unconditional Hatred.pdfAn uncomplicated military man ventures into the murky world of policy. A scathing indictment of Winston Churchill for his part in causing the most destructive war in world history.
File:Wall St and the Bolshevik Revolution.pdf
File:Wall St and the Rise of Hitler.pdf
File:Warisaracket.pdfThe classic insider's denunciation of war. Easily readable in one sitting, it is sadly just as relevant to the situation facing humanity in the early 21st century as it was when first published a few years before the carnage of World War II.
File:Waters Flowing Eastward.pdfProbably the most complete historical analysis and deconstruction of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
File:Zap Gun.pdfA novel expanded from 'Project Plowshare', first published as a two-part serial in the November, 1965, and January, 1966, issues of Worlds of Tomorrow magazine.
Hidden HistoryA seminal work of historical revisionism. It is a meticulously researched tour de force on the hidden and suppressed history of the origins of World War I. The book will be very uncomfortable reading for anyone schooled in the Western Establishment Victor's history of the 20th century.
HoodwinkedFormer Economic Hit Man John Perkin shows how we've been hoodwinked by the CEOs who run the corporatocracy - those few corporations that control the vast amounts of capital, land, and resources around the globe - and the politicians they manipulate.
JFK and The Unspeakable
Methodical Illusion
Murder in SamarkandAn account of Murray's experiences as ambassador and his persecution by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office for his persistence in raising issues of the gross abuse of human rights in Uzbekistan.
Nato's Secret ArmiesDetailed forensic examination of the NATO organised and promoted False-flag terrorism that afflicted many European countries, particularly Italy and Germany, through the 1970-80's
Nineteen Eighty-FourA critically acclaimed and some have said all too prophetic warning about totalitarian government.
Op JBA compelling first-person narrative account of how a young spook played a key role in "Operation James Bond" - which allowed Martin Bormann to escape from Berlin at the end of WWII.
Other LossesAn expose of allied war crimes as regards treatment of prisoners.
Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy
Rogue Agents
Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only SuperpowerA critical examination of United States foreign policy during and following the Cold War