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TitleDocument typePublication dateSubject(s)Description
Document:Research Proposal November 2018 Edelman Intelligenceproject proposal26 June 2018Opinion polling
The Institute for Statecraft would like to explore further work with Edelman Intelligence to understand changing perceptions and identify solutions on the issue of false information and Russian malign influence.
Document:Russian Federation (RF) Sanctionswanted sanctions strategy26 December 2018Shopping list of desired sanctionsshopping list of desired sanctions, maybe written by an Ukrainian
Document:Russian Influence in Greece (Final)political file22 April 2018Ivan SavvidisAn file on Ivan Savvidis, a Greek multi-millionaire with ties to Russia
Document:Russian hand in Dutch referendumassessment26 December 2018Future Dutch referendum on EU-Ukraine association April
6 2016
Even this document, presumably written by an Ukrainian, admits "Yet Russian information campaign is not in full swing in Netherlands."
Document:Russian propaganda and the US election SHORTanalysis26 December 2018Russia Today
Bill Clinton
Donald Trump
Sputnik News
Document:Russian-propagandistname list26 December 2018Armenia
List of opponents
List of Armenians accused of being Russian propagandists
Document:September 20 Dinner Participant Biosbiographies26 December 2018Biographies
Document:Social Media as a vector for propagandapaper26 December 2018Propaganda
Russia Today
Social media
Document:Stephen Donald Lewis Davies @ GMCsnooping on doctor20 March 2018Skripal Affair
Stephen Davies
Screenshot of II checking out Dr. Stephen Davies of Salisbury Hospital, who wrote a letter to the Times disputing the official narrative. See Skripal Affair
Document:Suspected Propagandistslist of Armenians suspected of being Russian propagandists26 December 2018Armenia
List of opponents
List of suspected Russian propagandists
Document:TV8 Moldova list of activitiesfunding requirements for NGO TV Channel26 December 2018NGO
upgrade requirements and price for Moldovan NGO channel
Document:TV8 Storage equipmentfunding requirements for NGO TV Channel26 December 2018NGO
costs for upgrading NGO TV channel in Moldova
Document:The Integrity Initiative Guide to Countering Russian Disinformationanalysis2 November 2018Propaganda
Integrity Initiative
Information Operation
A guide to Russian disinformation, an ideological prep guide for dedicated II operatives
Document:The Reasons for the Decline of MODreform proposal6 April 2018War
The Civil and Military Services have seen their intellectual capacity dramatically reduced as they have reduced in numbers, and for the past decade have made virtually no contribution to the redesign of the Whitehall structures of power. This now needs to change.
Document:The last nail in the coffin of Moldovan democracy?analysis26 December 2018Moldova
Russian influence
Document:To influence/shape entertainment outputs'Memorandum' document on how to influence/shape entertainment outputs26 December 2018Corporate media
Entertainment industry
Document:Upskilling to Upscale: Unleashing the Capacity of Civil Society to Counter Disinformationproject planJune 2018Bellingcat
Atlantic Council
Latvian Elves
Influence networks
A central II-document. The master plan for a huge network of British-directed NGOs in Europe. ‘Disinformation’ refers to everything not fitting the Western government narrative...
Document:VM/IfS Media Appearances & Commentary (July 2017– )Victor Madeira assessment26 December 2018Media activity of II memberlist of Victor Madeira media appearances
Document:Visit of Ukrainian Reserve Officers DraftWikispooks Page13 December 2018Propaganda
Document:Visit of Ukrainian military officers to UK 6 13 July
British forces are interested in what Ukrainian colleagues have to say (including what seems to be some tall tales from a Roman Myhailyk)
Document:Visit of Ukrainian military officers to UK 6 13 JulyUkrainan intelligence view of Russian/separatist tactics and strategy26 February 2016Russia
Ukrainian officers tells British colleagues their opinions and work with Croatia
Document:Who Are the Corbynites, and What Do They Believe?A study of Corbyn supporters26 December 2018British intelligence services analyze Corbyn supportersCorbyn supporters are analyzed, presumably with the intention of countering Corbyn
Document:Why do Muslims in particular usually have a misconception of NATO?creating a loyal cadre6 April 2018NATO
Perception management
"supported by the We Are NATO project, IfS expects to be able to change perceptions both of NATO and of UK defence and the Armed Forces, and to inspire a long term appreciation of NATO, its mechanisms, programmes and intervention activities.
Document:Why is it so difficult to address the Russia issue in Spainaction plan15 April 2018Important document: Expand and solidify the network of likeminded individuals...Messages should be tailored to the audiences...Those individuals already identified in key positions who have leverage over [conservative] audiences should be more involved with the Integrity Initiative....Gay and lesbian associations could be approached...A partnership for some activities with civil society actors concerned with this issue like Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International
VM-IfS Media Appearances & Commentary 2 (July 2017- )Victor Madeira assessment26 December 2018Media activity of II memberList of Victor Madeira media appearances. The list is identical to Document; VM/IfS Media Appearances & Commentary (July 2017– ) but has a few extra entires