Property:Has influencewatch

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Status: experimental
This property is for influencewatch URLs

RDF logic:
  • Subject:      Influencewatch URLs of people
  • Predicate:  Has influencewatch
  • Object:        URLs of influencewatch pages (type URL)

47 Pages use the property "Has influencewatch"

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Page nameHas influencewatch
Pierre Omidyar
Abt Associates
Google News Initiative
The Nation
Americans for Democratic Action
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Center for a New American Security
Center for American Progress
Center for Constitutional Rights
Climate Central
Clinton Global Initiative
Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism
Democracy Integrity Project
Electronic Privacy Information Center
German Marshall Fund
Human Rights Watch
Institute for New Economic Thinking
MacArthur Foundation
Media Development Investment Fund
New Leaders Council
Open Philanthropy
Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
Poynter Institute
Quincy Institute For Responsible Statecraft
Sierra Club
UN/Population Fund
Hewlett Foundation
Covering Climate Now
Democracy Alliance
Global Disinformation Index
Our World in Data
Andy Slavitt
Daniel Sachs
Elon Musk
Gina McCarthy
Hal Harvey
Hillary Clinton
Jared Polis
Klaus Schwab
Ralph Nader
Ron Klain
Sharon Tennison
Ted Turner
Warren Buffett
Showing 20 pages using this property.