Hoover Institution/Fellows

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Group.png Hoover Institution/Fellows
(Fellows at Hoover Institution)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Membership• Ayaan Hirsi Ali.jpg Ayaan Hirsi Ali
• Richard Allen.jpg Richard V. Allen
•  Annelise Anderson
•  Terry Anderson
•  Scott W. Atlas
•  Michael R. Auslin
•  Dennis L. Bark
•  Joseph Berger
•  David Berkey
•  Peter Berkowitz
•  Russell A. Berman
•  Michael S. Bernstam
•  Charles Blahous
•  Clint Bolick
•  Valentin Bolotnyy
•  Michael D. Bordo
• Michael Boskin.jpg Michael J. Boskin
•  David Brady
•  Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
•  M. Kate Bundorf
•  Cole Bunzel
•  Jennifer Burns
•  Bruce Caldwell
•  Charles Calomiris
•  Brandice Canes-Wrone
•  Arye Carmon
•  Chirantan Chatterjee
•  Lanhee J. Chen
•  Tom Church
•  Elizabeth Cobbs
•  John H. Cochrane
•  John F. Cogan
•  Warren Cook
•  Mary Elisabeth Cox
•  William Damon
•  David Davenport
•  Steven J. Davis
•  David DeCremer
• John M. Deutch.jpg John Deutch
• Larry Diamond.jpg Larry Diamond
•  Frank Dikötter
•  Gerald A. Dorfman
•  Darrell Duffie
• John b dunlop.png John B. Dunlop
•  Peter Duus
•  James O. Ellis Jr.
•  Emmerich Davies
•  Richard A. Epstein
• Joseph Felter.png Joseph Felter
• Niall Ferguson.jpg Niall Ferguson
•  Andrew J. Filardo
•  Chester E. Finn Jr.
•  Morris P. Fiorina
•  Vicky Fouka
•  Mike Franc
•  Alexander Galetovic
• Timothy J. Garton Ash.jpg Timothy Garton Ash
•  Thomas W. Gilligan
• Jack Goldsmith.jpg Jack Goldsmith
•  James Goodby
•  Paul Gregory
•  Justin Grimmer
• Jakub Grygiel.png Jakub Grygiel
•  Stephen Haber
•  Robert E. Hall
•  Victor Davis Hanson
•  Eric Hanushek
• Kevin Hassett.jpg Kevin Hassett
•  Brian Hayashi
•  Adele M. Hayutin
•  Daniel Heil
•  David R. Henderson
•  Thomas H. Henriksen
•  Robert Hessen
•  Charles Hill
• Jim hoagland.png Jim Hoagland
•  Laurie Simon Hodrick
•  Robert J. Hodrick
•  Caroline M. Hoxby
•  Haifeng Huang
•  Erik Hurst
•  Edward M. Ifft
• Toomas Hendrik Ilves.jpg Toomas Hendrik Ilves
• Bobby Ray Inman.jpg Bobby Inman
•  Shanto Iyengar
•  Raymond Jeanloz
• Josef Joffe.jpg Josef Joffe
•  Ken Jowitt
•  Kenneth L. Judd
•  Timothy Kane
•  Edward Kasinec
•  Daniel P. Kessler
• Henry Kissinger.jpg Henry A. Kissinger
•  Herb Klein
• Stephen Kotkin 2015.jpg Stephen Kotkin
•  Markos Kounalakis
•  Stephen D. Krasner
•  Melvyn B. Krauss
•  Roman Kräussl
•  Tai-Chun Kuo
•  Edward Paul Lazear
•  David L. Leal
•  Nanyang Li
•  Gary D. Libecap
•  Leo Liebreich
•  Herbert Lin
•  Hsiao-ting Lin
• Bjørn Lomborg 1.jpg Bjorn Lomborg
•  Xiaobo Lü
•  Thomas E. MaCurdy
•  Jillian Malzone
•  Harvey C. Mansfield
•  Marco Di Maggio
•  Andrei Markevich
• James Mattis.JPG Jim Mattis
• John Michael McConnell.jpg Michael McConnell
• Michael McFaul.jpg Michael McFaul
•  Ellen R. McGrattan
•  Charles E. McLure Jr.
• H.R. McMaster ARCIC 2014.jpg H. R. McMaster
•  Thomas A. Metzger
•  Abbas Milani
•  James C. Miller III
•  Alice L. Miller
•  Terry M. Moe
•  Thomas Gale Moore
•  David C. Mulford
•  Casey B. Mulligan
•  Norman M. Naimark
•  Toshio Nishi
•  Chiaki Nishiyama
• Senator Nunn.jpg Sam Nunn
• Joseph nye.jpg Joseph Nye
•  Lee Ohanian
•  Masafumi Okazaki
• George Osborne1.jpg George Osborne
•  Ian Palmer
•  Elena Pastorino
•  Bertrand M. Patenaude
• William j perry.png William J. Perry
•  Carol Peterson
•  Paul E. Peterson
•  Nicolas Petit
•  Michael J. Petrilli
•  Charles I. Plosser
•  Alvin Rabushka
•  John Raisian
•  Raghuram Rajan
•  Joshua D. Rauh
•  Margaret Raymond
• Condoleezza Rice.jpg Condoleezza Rice
•  Douglas Rivers
•  Andrew Roberts
•  Russell Roberts
•  Peter M. Robinson
•  Jonathan Rodden
•  Gary Roughead
•  Christopher N. Ruszkowski
•  Thomas J. Sargent
• Nadia Schadlow.jpg Nadia Schadlow
•  Jacquelyn Schneider
•  David Schoenherr
•  Amit Seru
•  Robert Service
• Raj Shah.jpg Raj Shah
•  Chris Sharman
•  Anatol Shmelev
•  Zachary Shore
•  George P. Shultz
•  Maciej Siekierski
•  Kiron K. Skinner
•  L. Reece Smyth
•  Abraham D. Sofaer
•  Abraham D. Sofaer
•  Richard Sousa
•  Thomas Sowell
• A. Michael Spence.jpg Michael Spence
•  Shelby Steele
•  Barry Strauss
•  James L. Sweeney
•  George Tavlas
•  John B. Taylor
•  Bruce Thornton
•  Glenn Tiffert
•  James Timbie
•  Yuma Totani
•  Matt Tuzel
•  John Villasenor
•  Eric Wakin
• Kevin Warsh.jpg Kevin M. Warsh
•  Angie Waters
•  Barry R. Weingast
•  Bill Whalen
•  Pete Wilson
•  Ludger Woessmann
• John Yoo.jpg John Yoo
•  Amy Zegart
• 4799290374 cff36621fa o.jpg Philip Zelikow
•  Lei Zhang
•  Ariell Zimran
•  Newt Gingrich
• Ronald Reagan chesterfields.jpg Ronald Reagan
• Margaret Thatcher.jpg Margaret Thatcher
• Rumsfeld 2,3.png Donald Rumsfeld
•  John Abizaid

Fellows at Hoover Institution, both present (2020)[1] and historical.


Known members

37 of the 204 of the members already have pages here:

Ayaan Hirsi AliA "neocon pet project"
Richard AllenUS National Security Advisor, Cercle, Iran-Contra...
Timothy Garton AshUK historian, Ditchley Governor with other connections. Presented a paper to the 1989 Bilderberg. Subsequently attended two more, over a span of 30 years.
Michael BoskinSenior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. Panelist at the 1991 Bilderberg, on the panel Economic And Financial Threats To The Alliance.
Larry Diamondregime change expert
Frank DikötterDutch historian
John B. DunlopSpooky US expert on Soviet Union and Russia, focusing on ethnic nationalist separatism.
Joseph FelterSpooky military-industrial complex officer and academic with interest in South-East Asia and militarized hacking.
Niall FergusonPoly Bilderberger Hoover Institution Fellow historian, WEF YGL 2005, attended the WEF/Annual Meeting/2020
Jack GoldsmithHarvard Law School professor who advocated that human rights should not apply to defendants before U.S. courts. Stepson of "Chuckie" O'Brien, widely believed to have played a role in the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa.
Jakub GrygielUS academic who collaborated with the Integrity Initiative
Jim HoaglandUS journalist whose Deep state connections include the CFR, Hoover Institution, Institute for Strategic Dialogue and 4 visits to the Bilderberg
Toomas IlvesPresident of Estonia with a lot of Deep State connections, including membership of the Munich Security Conference Advisory Council.
Bobby Ray InmanNSA director 1977-1981
Josef JoffePublisher-editor of Die Zeit
Chester E. Finn Jr.Secretary and Treasurer of the Philanthropy Roundtable
Henry KissingerUS deep politician, 40+ Bilderbergs, Nobel peace prize, war criminal
Stephen KotkinSenior fellow, Hoover Institution
Bjørn LomborgWEF YGL, WEF GLT. President of the Gates-funded think tank Copenhagen Consensus Center, which publishes glowing estimates of the efficiency of the Gates foundation.
James Mattis“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
John Michael McConnellNSA director, then Vice Chairman of Booz Allen Hamilton - "The perfect embodiment of the revolving door" in Washington.
Michael McFaulUS Ambassador to Russia 2012-2014
H. R. McMasterSingle Bilderberger US general
Sam NunnUSDSO? Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, founded the Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2 Bilderbergers, participated in both Operation Dark Winter & A Spreading Plague
Joseph NyeUS deep state connected academic who wrote in June 2021 that Vaccinating the world against Covid-19 is in America’s national interest
George OsborneSuspected UK deep politician, heavy Bilderberg habit,
William PerryAttended the 1996 Bilderberg as US Secretary of Defense
Ronald ReaganActor turned deep state functionary. Lots of black operations happened during his presidency.
Condoleezza RiceUSDSO: "No one could have imagined airplanes flying into buildings"
Donald RumsfeldSenior member of the cabal, former US Defense Secretary, got aspartame approved
Nadia SchadlowSuspected US deep state functionary. First Bilderberg in 2017
George ShultzUS Cold warrior who attended the 1984 Washington Conference on International Terrorism
Michael SpenceBilderberg economist who signed the Document:Uniting Behind A People’s Vaccine Against COVID-19
Margaret ThatcherThree term UK PM whom the UK Deep State used to push through radical privatisation: "There is no such thing as society."
Kevin WarshBilderberg Steering committee, US Federal Reserve governor
John YooThe US lawyer whose name is now synonymous with the infamous "torture memo" which opened the door to legalising torture and lead to his conviction as a war criminal.
Philip ZelikowBush-administration insider and Chair of 911 Commission later head of the University of Virginia's COVID Commission Planning Group
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