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     Page name     InterestsBornDiedDescription
David Pryce-Jones15 February 1936
Michael Prysner15 June 1983
Pierre PéanPan Am Flight 103
UTA Flight 772
5 March 193825 July 2019A pioneering investigative journalist, whose work shed light on a variety of deep events
William QuandtMiddle East1941US lawyer on the Middle East: Political Fallout And Future Prospects panel at the 1991 Bilderberg.
Lavanya Rajamani"Climate change"Indian professor and Rhodes Scholar
Lila RajivaPropaganda
Corporate media
Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Robin RamsayDeep politics1948Robin Ramsay is co-founder and editor of the Lobster Magazine. He writes about politics, para-politics and deep Politics.
William RamseyOccultism
Aleister Crowley
Serial killer
Smiley face killers
Order of Nine Angles
Arthur Ransome18 January 18843 June 1967
S. Ichtiaque Rasool"Climate change"
Global cooling
193020 April 2016Wrote a working paper on global warming for the 1989 Bilderberg, proposing a large program of training dedicated cadre "motivated and placed in various strategic positions in industry, government and academia" and making it "a permanent and prominent part of our scientific, political and foreign policy agendas."
David Ray Griffin9-118 August 1939November 2022An energetic 9-11 dissident who wrote several books on the September 11 attacks.
Ellen RayCIA193911 June 2015
Douglas Reed11 March 189526 August 1976
Warren ReedAuthor and former officer with the Australian Secret Intelligence Service and the Board of Directors of the international intelligence network Global Panel Foundation.
Maud Pember Reeves24 December 186513 September 1953Suffragist, socialist, feminist, writer and member of the Fabian Society, married to William Pember Reeves the Agent-General, representative of New Zealand government within the British Empire. She spent most of her life in New Zealand and Britain.
Tanya ReinhartJuly 194317 March 2007Israeli academic and Anti-Zionist critic both of Israel's invasion and occupation of Lebanon and its occupation of the Palestinian territories after 1967. Lost her position at Tel Aviv University after bureaucratic harassment
Boris Reitschuster12 May 1971COVID critic & Integrity Initiative
Peter Riddell14 October 1948Director of the UK Institute for Government.
Ron RidenourCOINTELPRO1939"journalist-author-editor-activist for peace, equality and justice"
Rory Ridley-Duff
Stella Rimington13 May 1935
Nicholas Rockefeller
Lew Rockwell1 July 1944
Sergio Romano7 July 1929
Kermit Roosevelt Sr.10 October 188 JL4 June 1943Roosevelt family businessman, soldier, explorer, and writer - and possible spook.
Theodore Roosevelt27 October 18586 January 1919
Flemming Rose11 March 1958
Michael Rosen7 May 1946
Marshall RosenbergPeace6 October 19347 February 2015Creator of Nonviolent Communication, a communication process that helps people to exchange the information necessary to resolve conflicts and differences peacefully.
Colin RossProject MKUltra
Dissociative Identity Disorder
14 July 1950Expert in the field of dissociation and trauma-related disorders
Dennis Ross26 November 1948US diplomat, author, US Director of Policy Planning under GHWB
Rick Ross26 January 1960
Jürgen RothCrime syndicate
White-collar crime
4 November 194528 September 2017German investigative journalist who has published many books on organized crime.
Rebekah Roth"9-11/Israel did it"Initially well received by the 9-11 Truth movement, 'Rebekah Roth' has become a focus of doubt, with many activists questioning both her motives and bona-fides.
Eric Rouleau1 July 192625 February 2015"The most influential journalist covering the Near East, not only in France, but around the world." Wrote a working paper entitled The West, The Gulf and The Iraqi-Iranian War for the 1984 Bilderberg, but is not listed among the attendees.
Arthur E. RowseUS journalist who wrote an article about Gladio in Italy.
Arundhati Roy23 November 1961Left-wing writer/activist with many dangerous enemies
Kenneth Roy26 March 19455 November 2018Scottish ministers with or without the assistance of the Lord Advocate have managed to convince themselves that the most expedient way of marking 10 years of the Lockerbie scandal is simply to affirm the infallibility of Scottish justice.
Joshua Rozenberg30 May 1950British legal commentator and journalist.
Barry Rubin"Terrorism"28 January 19503 February 2014Closely affiliated with the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, as well as Israeli think tanks.
Michael Ruppert9-11/Drills
Arms for Libya
CIA/Drug trafficking
US/Deep state
3 February 195113 April 2014Former cop who famously confronted John Deutch about CIA drug dealing. Later became a dissident journalist.
James RusbridgerIntelligence agency26 February 192816 February 1994UK spook who died under suspicious circumstances. Officially a suicide during sex game.
Salman Rushdie19 June 1947
Dick RussellJFK Assassination
Stuart J. RussellArtificial intelligence1962Chatham House Artificial intelligence specialist
Gus RussoJFK/Assassination1950
Kevin RyanDeep politics
9-11/WTC Controlled demolition
A former site manager for Environmental Health Laboratories, a division of Underwriters Laboratories, who became interested in 9/11 and had the tenacity to keep asking questions. Did productive research on 9/11.
Thomas Röper26 November 1971German journalist covering Russia related topics and Corona.
Werner Rügemer4 September 1941
'The Saker'Pseudonym of Andrei Raevsky, an ex-patriot Russian domiciled in Florida