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Andrew Breitbart political commentator who died of "heart failure" after exposing Anthony Weiner's sexting
Pete Brewton =ttfc fc cl t23AN investigative journalist who exposed the Savings and loan fraud.
Sergey Brin of Google.
Laurens Jan Brinkhorst politician & lawyer who attended the 1970 and 1974 Bilderbergs
Elco Brinkman politician
Manlio Brosio last Secretary General of NATO who was appointed before he attended the Bilderberg.
Bill Browder businessman. At one point the largest foreign investor in Russia, barred from entering Russia in 2005, he has actively worked for regime change since then.
Ken Brower expert senior fellow of the Institute for Statecraft
Madeleine Brown
Nick Bryant who wrote the second substantial book on the Franklin child prostitution ring.
Tania Bryer broadcaster in Epstein's black book.
Ian Brzezinski of Zbigniew Brzezinski, member of the Integrity Initiative's US Cluster.
Frank Bsirske Single Bilderberg Labour leader. Pushed to make Covid jabs mandatory, to be enforced with punitive fines.
Kathalijne Buitenweg politician who attended her first Bilderberg in 2019.
Whitey Bulger connected US Crime boss assassinated in prison aged 89
Pierre-Henri Bunel
Erhard Busek the 1981 Bilderberg as chairman of the Vienna’s People’s Party. Later Vice-Chancellor of Austria for 4 years. Chairman of European Forum Alpbach.
George H. W. Bush and bones mastermind of the bush family busine$$.
George W. Bush 43rd US President, a bonesman, former oil businessman, now being pursued for war crimes.
Jeb Bush Bush crime family member whom the cabal are trying to get elected.
Marvin Bush
Neil Bush of George H. W. Bush, involved in the Savings and loan fraud.
Prescott Bush father of the Bush family
Jacques de Bourbon Busset diplomat and author, attended the 1957 October Bilderberg as former Deputy Head of Robert Schuman’s Private Office, where he aided in the development of the Schuman Plan. Later Vice President at CERN
Claude Bébéar insurance executive and organizer of the business lobby.
Ulf Böge who headed the German anti-trust office for 8 years
Andreas von Bülow German government minister who attended the 1978 Bilderberg. A prominent 9-11 dissident
Richard Caborn
Michel Camdessus MD
Kim Campbell Canadian prime minister
Capricorn One =fn al tt 1
Jack Caravelli US Deep state operative, CIA, Georgetown, University
Karl Carstens politician who attended the 1971 Bilderberg and caught a Bilderberg wind; became a member of the Bundestag in 1972. German President 1979-1984
Jimmy Carter US President posed problems for the US Deep state but was unsuccessful in his efforts to rein it in
Henri de Castries"French President of Bilderberg"
Fidel Castro an estimated 600 assassination attempts to be the longest ever non-royal leader.
Fabio Luca Cavazza magazine editor who had close connections to the United States Information Service and similar. Played a large role in the cultural cold war
Juan Luis Cebrián media mogul with a heavy Bilderberg habit.
Thane Eugene Cesar suspected assassin of RFK, an armed security guard who got the job a week earlier.
William Chasey operative who was effectively hounded out of Washington following publication of Pan Am 103: The Lockerbie Cover-up
Dick Cheney deep politician with close ties to the MICC. Vice President 2001-2009, under George W Bush.
Children of Men =fn al tt 1All of humanity has been infertile for 20 years in connection with a flu pandemic. The movie never explains how exactly this happened.
Noam Chomsky acclaimed critic of US foreign policy with an encyclopedic knowledge of history, Chomsky has become a gatekeeper by his refusal to contemplate false flag attacks. By 2021 turned proponent of starving dissidents to death in concentration camps.
Michel Chossudovsky author, academic and editor of the Global Research website.
Bill Clinton deep politician, husband of Hillary Clinton, “every bit as corrupt as Nixon, but a lot smoother”
Hillary Clinton“Too big to jail”
Patrick Cockburn
Jared Cohen of Jigsaw, CFR, Bilderberg, who "grew up watching [GHWB]'s example & I was honored to get to know him in his later years."
Michael Cohen fraudulent US lawyer "who came out of nowhere to occupy a prominent spot in Trump’s orbit," found dead in 2021.
William Colby boss who maybe became too loose-mouthed, died in suspicious circumstances