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Alfredo AmbrosettiJune 19316 times Bilderberg visitor Italian businessman
Giorgio Ambrosoli17 October 193311 July 1979An Italian lawyer assassinated while investigating Michele Sindona.
Nino Andreatta11 August 192826 March 2007Italian politician and founder of think-tanks. Removed officials who appeared in the list seized from Licio Gelli and imposed the dissolution of the Banco Ambrosiano.
Giulio Andreotti14 January 19196 May 2013"The ultimate insider of Italian political life", who as Italian Prime Minister publicly confirmed the existence of Operation Gladio
Tima Anselmi25 March 19271 November 2016Single Bilderberger Italian Heath Minister
Enrico Anzilotti8 February 18981983Governor of Italian Somaliland from 1957-1958. Attended the 1959 Bilderberg
Carlos AritarioAccompanied Virginio Rognoni to the 1982 Bilderberg.
Luca Attanasio23 May 197722 February 2021Ambassador assassinated in 2021.
Paolo Baffi5 August 19114 August 1989
Sergio Balanzino20 June 193425 February 2018Twice acting Secretary General of NATO.
Vittorio BarattieriItalian economist interested in privatization
Luigi Barzini21 December 190830 March 1984Italian anti-communist journalist and politician, Attended 1980 Bilderberg meeting.
Piero Bassetti20 December 1928Double Bilderberg Italian politician
Gianfranco Battelli1937March 2022SISMI Director on 9-11, who reports that he refused to cooperate in kidnapping terrorist suspects for the CIA.
Rodolfo de Bendetti2 July 1961Double Bilderberg Italian deep state connected businessman
Carlo De Benedetti14 November 1934
Brando Benifei1 January 1986Italian politician
Giorgio Benvenuto8 December 1937Italian trade unionist and politician, attended the 1980 Bilderberg as Italian Socialist Party/General secretary
Silvio Berlusconi29 September 193612 June 2023Italian media magnate, three time Prime Minister of Italy, bunga bunga parties ...
Franco Bernabè18 September 1948Italian banker and manager, Steering Committee of the Bilderberg
Gilberto Bernardini28 August 19064 August 1995Italian physicist and academic. Director of CERN 1957-64.
Tarcisio Bertone2 December 1934
Enzo Bettiza7 June 192728 July 2017Anti-communist Moscow correspondent and editor who attended the 1974 Bilderberg Meeting. Later Europhile politician.
Marco Bizzarri19 August 1962CEO of Gucci
Vincenzo Boccia
Emma Bonino9 March 1948Attended the 1998 Bilderberg as European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection
Luca Del BonoAnglo-Italian entrepreneur listed in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.
Valerio Borghese6 June 190626 August 1974Organized a failed coup in Italy and was exiled.
Mario Borghezio3 December 1947Italian politician; interested in the Bilderberg
Ferrucio de Bortoli20 May 1953Italian journalist
Bruno Branciforte6 November 1947Italian admiral. The last head of the Italian Military Intelligence and Security Service and first leader of the Italian External Intelligence and Security Agency.
Flavio Briatore12 April 1950Italian businessman mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.
Umberto Broccoli1895Italian officer and spook who was involved in the establishment of Gladio
Manlio Brosio10 July 189714 March 1980The last Secretary General of NATO who was appointed before he attended the Bilderberg.
Aristide BrunelloLittle known [[Cercle]] visitor. Vatican prelate and spy for the [[BND]] under [[Reinhard Gehlen]]. Attended a meeting of the [[Le Cercle]].<a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a>
Renato Brunetta15 May 1950Italian minister who let the digital lobby penetrate public administration
Roberto Burioni1962Italian virologist and academic who was given prominence in Italy for his strong stance against the antivaccination movement. The loudest proponent of the lockdowns and other policies from the start of Covid in 2020.
Raffaele Cafiero12 February 189110 July 1959Italian monarchist politician who attended two Bilderbergs in the 1950s
Luigi Calabresi14 November 193717 May 1972An Italian policeman who was alleged to have killed a suspect of the Piazza Fontana bombing. Assassinated in 1972, leading to public unrest.
Luigi Caligaris4 October 193117 October 2019Single Bilderberger Italian officer, later politician
Roberto Calvi13 April 192017 June 1982An Italian banker dubbed "God's Banker" (Italian: Banchiere di Dio) by the press because of his close association with the Holy See. Found death, hanging from a bridge in London.
Giampiero Cantoni10 February 19399 May 2012Italian entrepreneur and Senator for Silvio Berlusconi's party. Exposed as confidential informant to the US embassy.
Umberto Cappuzzo30 April 192213 May 2014Senior Italian military leader and Le Cercle attendee.
Carlo Caracciolo23 October 192515 December 2008
Lucio Caracciolo7 February 1954Double Bilderberg Italian journalist economist
Antonio Cariglia28 March 192420 February 2010Italian politician acquitted after a 12 years court case in relation to Mani pulite.
Guido Carli28 March 191423 April 1993Pentabilderberger, Governor of the Bank of Italy for 15 years
Giovanni Carlo
Luciano Carta31 January 1957Attended the 2020 MSC as director of AISE, an Italian intelligence agency
Mario Casardi1 April 1915