Fethullah Gülen

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Person.png Fethullah Gülen   Website WikiquoteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
(religious leader, billionaire, deep politician)
Fethullah Gülen.jpg
BornFethullah Gülen
Pasinler, Erzurum, Turkey
NationalityTurkish, Stateless
Founder ofGülen movement
Perpetrator of2016 Turkish coup attempt
Interest ofAga Khan IV
Funds and leads a large network of Islamic schools doubling as CIA proxies

Fethullah Gülen was an ally of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan before 2013. The alliance was destroyed after the 2013 corruption investigations in Turkey.[1][2][3][4][5] Erdogan accused Gülen of being behind the corruption investigations.[6] He is currently on Turkey's most-wanted-terrorist list and is accused of leading what the current Turkish officials call the Gulenist Terror Organisation (FETÖ).[7] A Turkish criminal court issued an arrest warrant for Gülen.[8][9] Turkey is demanding the extradition of Gülen from the United States.[2][10][11] However, U.S. government figures in general has stated he is associated with any terrorist activity, and have requested evidence to be provided by the Turkish Government to substantiate the allegations in the warrant requesting extradition.[12][13][14]

Gülen movement

For the movement he leads, see also:

Full article: Stub class article Gülen movement

US backing

Sibel Edmonds explains how Fethullah Gülen brought into the United States during the Clinton Administration, and how Bill Clinton’s White House, the State Department and the US Justice Department’s Janet Reno provided the him and his "terrorism"-heroin operations with blanket immunity and protection.[15]

Edmonds said this in her deposition 2009 about Gülen's network and how it is being used in Central Asia:

“He has since established more than 300 madrasahs in Central Asia and what he calls universities that have a front that is called Moderate Islam, but he is closely involved in training mujahideen-like militia Islam who are brought from Pakistan and Afghanistan into Central Asia where his madrasahs operate, and his organization's network is estimated to be around $25 billion.


He has opened several Islamic universities in the United States. As I said it's being promoted under Moderate Islam. It is supported by certain U.S. authorities here because of the operations in Central Asia, but what they have been doing since late 1990s is actually radical Islam and militizing (phonetic) these very, very young, from the age 14, 15, by commandoes they use, and this is both commandoes from Turkish military, commandoes from Pakistani ISI in Central Asia and Azerbaijan, and after that they bring them to Turkey, and from Turkey they send them through Europe, to European and elsewhere.”
Sibel Edmonds (2009)  [16]


An event carried out

2016 Turkish coup attemptTurkey
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  1. http://www.trtworld.com/in-depth/turkey-challenged-by-terror-in-2015-17588
  2. a b http://www.trtworld.com/turkey/gulen-faces-life-in-prison-on-coup-attempt-charges-8742
  3. http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/erdogan-faces-new-protests-over-corruption-scandal/article/364759
  4. http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/ekonomi/25378685.asp
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-13503361
  6. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2013/1229/The-Gulen-movement-a-self-exiled-imam-challenges-Turkey-s-Erdogan
  7. http://aa.com.tr/en/turkey/turkey-issues-list-of-most-wanted-terrorists/457286
  8. http://aa.com.tr/en/turkey/istanbul-court-issues-new-arrest-warrant-for-gulen/407559
  9. http://www.dailysabah.com/investigations/2014/12/19/the-court-issues-an-arrest-warrant-for-fethullah-gulen
  10. http://www.trtworld.com/turkey/turkey-to-demand-extradition-of-fethullah-gulen-from-us-27389
  11. http://aa.com.tr/en/turkey/turkish-prosecutors-seek-life-sentence-for-fetullah-gulen/396307
  12. http://www.aktifhaber.com/prof-dr-henri-barkeyden-gulen-hareketi-ile-ilgili-carpici-aciklama-1316990h.htm
  13. http://medyascope.tv/2016/03/09/henri-barkey-ile-soylesi-washington-gulen-cemaatine-nasil-bakiyor/
  14. http://www.trtworld.com/in-depth/turkey-challenged-by-terror-in-2015-17588
  15. http://www.newsbud.com/2016/08/12/wikileaks-hillary-gulen-intimate-ties-how-the-clintons-gave-birth-to-mullah-gulens-terrorist-network/
  16. http://www.whistleblowers.org/storage/whistleblowers/documents/edmondsdepositiontranscript.pdf