Belgium/Deep state

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The Belgian Deep state

The Belgian Deep state is not yet well documented here.


Full article: Brussels

Brussels is headquarters of NATO. The activities of Willem Matser have strengthened suspicion that, as Sibel Edmonds alleges, it is a conduit for large scale drug trafficking.



Paul van Zeeland‎ was Belgian Prime minister. A suspected deep politician, he held various posts after WW2 and attended 6 Bilderberg meetings in the 1950s.


At Poupehan between 1982 and 1987 meetings occurred between Hubert Detremmerie, Wilfried Martens, Alfons Verplaetse and Jef Houthuys to discuss the social and economic situation of Belgium.[1]

Brabant Massacres

Full article: Brabant Massacres

Between 1982 and 1985, 28 people were killed in a series of attacks called the Brabant Massacres. Alan Francovich suggested that these were carried out through Operation Gladio.


Dutroux Affair

Full article: Dutroux Affair

The Dutroux Affair was a VIPaedophile scandal which helped expose the hand of the deep state. Marc Dutroux knew Paul Latinus of the Westland New Post.[2]


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