Document:Visit of Ukrainian Reserve Officers Draft
British forces are interested in what Ukrainian colleagues have to say (including what seems to be some tall tales from a Roman Myhailyk) |

Subjects: Ukraine, hybrid warfare, propaganda, Document:Visit of Ukrainian military officers to UK 6 13 July
Example of: Integrity Initiative/Leak/3
Source: 'Anonymous' ([visit-of-ukrainian-reserve-officers-programme-11-07-2016.pdf Link])
Draft for same visit as Document:Visit of Ukrainian military officers to UK 6 13 July, but this one includes attendee list
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The Institute for Statecraft Visit of Ukrainian Reserve Officers
Visit of Ukrainian Reserve Officers
16th draft; 11 07 2016
1. To counter Russian disinformation about the conflict with Ukraine
2. To reinforce the lessons of the conflict as outlined in the Mar 2016 Army study (Insights into Training Smarter against a Hybrid Adversary) and to inform the military and MOD more widely on this issue
3. To inform the HCDC and other relevant Whitehall Departments
4. To make the issue available to academics and journalists and to engage them in developing awareness and understanding of the issue in Whitehall and beyond
5. To engage Ukrainian specialists and Baltic specialists in a permanent learning network for combatting hybrid warfare
Wed 6 July
0800 (approx.) Col Eitutis arrives Luton. Train to London Blackfriars Station ETA 2 Temple Place 0900.
1125 Ukrainian party arrives Gatwick, Ukrainian Flight PS 111; met and escorted by Coco Cunningham and Amalyah Hart
1300 (approx.) Train to London Blackfriars station
1400 Buffet lunch; introductory briefing, the Institute for Statecraft
1530-1630 Meeting with Hugh Martin, HAWKI
1645- 2130 Briefing and Discussion at 3rd Military Intelligence Battalion (3MI), Worship St, London
(1800-1900 Supper, North Sea Fish Restaurant, 7 Leigh St. 0207 387 5892)
2130-2330 Travel to Warminster by Minibus. Accommodation, Army School of Infantry. Officer’s Mess
Thu 7 July
0900 -1830 Workshop with HQ Field Army Lessons learned Group, Land Warfare Development Centre
Officer’s Mess accommodation, Warminster
Fri 8 July
0800-0930 Travel to Innsworth by minibus
1100-1300 Workshop at HQ Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, Innsworth, Gloucester
1430 – 1700 Washup and planning meeting
1800 Dinner Officer’s Mess accommodation, Hermitage
Sat 9 July
0845 Statecraft team arrive Thatcham station (0745 train from Paddington)
0930-1200 Discussions with 77 Brigade and Specialist Group Military Intelligence (SGMI), 1 ISR Brigade, Denison Bks, HERMITAGE, Thatcham,
Berks, RG18 9TP
Cultural programme Oxford. Hosts: Lt Col J P Searle TD RA, SGMI. +44 1635 204 459 Mob: 07970 389733; Amalyah Hart
07972 786 618
Officer’s Mess accommodation Hermitage
Sun 10 July
0930 Travel to London. Drop luggage at Hounslow Bks. Minibus drops team in central London and departs
Free in London. Host, (pm) Maj Kirsty Baxter Tel; 07779 151125. work tel; 020 7996 4107
Accommodation, Hounslow Barracks
Mon 11 July
0930-1130 Meeting with Deborah Haynes, the Times Defence Correspondent, at the Institute for Statecraft
1222 – 1322 Train Kings Cross to Huntingdon
1400 – 1700 Workshop for NIFC/SHAPE, RAF Molesworth
1800 Return to London
Accommodation, Hounslow Barracks
Tue 12 Jul
1045-1200 Meeting with HCDC, House of Commons
1400 Workshop with PJHQ at the Institute for Statecraft
1730 Final washup discussion
2030 Train Blackfriars to Gatwick (unescorted)
2300 Depart Gatwick, Ukrainian Flight PS 114
Col Eitutis Accommodation at the Honourable Artillery Company
Wed 13 Jul
1100 Col Eitutis departs London for Luton (1415 flight)
Capt. Igor SENCHYLO; personal number 2424114797; Passport Nr. EP881265 issue date 27 March 2013; valid until 27 March 2023;
Col. Roman MYKHAILYK; personal number 2407116072; Passport Nr. EX600353 issue date 1 October 2013; valid until 1 October 2023;
Col. Rafael LIUKMANOV; personal number 19650704-00255; Passport Nr. FB460246 Issue date 8 May 2015; valid until 8 May 2025;
Col. Sergii GRIGORIEV; personal number 2348020232; Passport Nr. EA121011Issue date:10 Aug 2007; valid until 10 Aug 2017;
Col. Dmytro KOLOMOIETS; personal number 2562215115; Passport Nr. ER664541 issue date 16 May 2014; valid until 16 May 2024;
Brief career details
Roman Myhailyk has been on active service since the beginning of military conflict in June 2014 when, acting with cooperation with the Ukrainian Security Service, he was carrying out deep reconnaissance operations to gather vital intelligence information for the Ukrainian Army. During 56 such operations behind enemy lines he has taken 37 Russian Federation army officers as prisoners and handed them over to Ukrainian military forces. Over 1000 parachute jumps
Sergii Grigoriev has been an active participant in the war since March 2015, instructing in intelligence operations. He was wounded during a recent recce operation. He originally served in KGB SF and then the Ukrainian Security Service. 400 parachute jumps.
Rafael Liukmanov, a SF Intelligence Officer, has been an active participant in the war since October 2014, carrying out missions behind enemy lines for Special Operations Center “A”. 700 parachute jumps.
Igor Senchilo, a radio-electronic combat and intelligence officer, has been an active member in the conflict since January 2015, acting in a drone detection and elimination group. Between Jan-June 2016 he made 15 recce missions behind enemy lines in the Donetsk area.
Dmytro Kolomoiets will act as Interpreter. He is an Intelligence Officer who has specialised in CT and other relevant skills
Escorting personnel
Col. (Res) Vidmantas Eitutis, Lithuanian Army. Military training instructor to the Ukrainian Army for active counterintelligence operations in the Lughansk area:
Mr Audrius Butkevicius, Senior Fellow, the Institute for Statecraft. Formerly the first Defence Minister of newly independent Lithuania.
Points of Contact
The Institute for Statecraft, 2 Temple Place, London WC2R 3BD
Coco Cunningham +44 7786 432 130
Chris Donnelly, +44 7974 019 212
Amalyah Hart +44 7972 786 618
Charlie Hatton +44 7817 859 088
Dan Lafayeedney, +44 7711283203
Greg Rowett +44 7532 169 082
Lt Col Mike Peebles, CO 3 Military Intelligence Bn, Worship St, London. +44 7500 918 141
Capt Sean Cronin +44 7799 411 861
Army HQ (Warminster)
Col ATD ‘Jacko’ Jackson| DACOS Lessons | Warfare Branch, HQ Field Army | Land Warfare Development Centre, Imber Road, Warminster, Wilts, BA12 0DJ Mil: 94381 2904| Civ: +44 1985 222904 | Fax: 94381 5204 | Mobile: +44 7917 559461 DII/F: FdArmy-Warfare-Lessons-DACOS |
Maj Neil Cargill | SO2 Lesson Capture (Eurasia) | Lessons Team | Warfare Branch, HQ Field Army | Land Warfare Development Centre, Imber Road, Warminster, Wilts, BA12 0DJ Mil: 94381 2626 | Civ: +44 1985 222626 Mob: +44 7780 113 690 DII/F: FdArmy-Warfare-LessonsCap-SO2A | ARRC (Innsworth)
Lt Col James Bryant | MA to COMARRC | HQ ARRC, Imjin Barracks, Innsworth, Gloucestershire, GL3 1HW | DTN: 95471 5443 | Civ Tel: +44 (0) 1452 718443 | Mobile Phone: +44 (0) 7825 720952 | SSS: 9298 54712467
Lt Col Roy Natarajan | DACOS G2 | HQ ARRC | Imjin Barracks | Gloucester | GL3 1HW | Mil: 95471 5329 | Civ: +44 1452 718329
Maj Rob Money, MA to COS ARRC
77 Bde & SGMI, 1 ISR Bde (Hermitage)
Brig Alastair Aitken | Commander 77th Brigade | Denison Barracks, Hermitage, Thatcham, BERKS, RG18 9TP | 94231 4240 | 01635 204240 | Mobile 07500 227650 | DII/F 77X-CGP Comd
Maj Simon Fittock RA | Chief of Staff | 77th Brigade | Denison Barracks | Hermitage | Thatcham | BERKS | RG18 9TP Tel Mil: 94231 4342 | Civ: +44 (0)1635 204342 | SSS: 9298 4231 4407 | BB +44 (0)7887 630291 | e.
Major Joseph Brown | DCOS 77th Brigade | Denison Barracks, Hermitage, Thatcham, BERKS, RG18 9TP | 94231 4209| 01635 204209 | Mobile 07557595894 |
Maj Alex Finnen MBE QVRM TD PhD FRGS, Executive Officer (XO), Specialist Group Military Intelligence, 1 ISR Bde, Room 13, Building 7A, Denison Barracks, Hermitage, Thatcham, Berks RG18 9TP. Tel: 94231 4314 | 01635 204 314 Ext 4314 email: Mob: 07951 126 367
Col Phil Clark | D Comd Int | HQ 1 ISR Bde, Building 19B, Trenchard Lines, Upavon, Pewsey, WILTS. SN9 6BE |Tel Mil: 94344 5456 | Civ: 01980 615 456 | Mob: 07748 334658)
Lt Ray Rosen, OC LIFC TR Sect, 1 ISR Bde.
Lt Col Mark Wood MBE | Commanding Officer | Honourable Artillery Company | Finsbury Barracks | City Road | LONDON | EC1Y 2BQ Mil: 94631 2700 | Civ: 0207 448 0700 | BlackBerry: 07825 192638 | HAC-RHQ-CO@MOD.UK
Hounslow Barracks TW4 6HD
Irish Guards Piquet Officer; Will Moore. 07771 835 044
PJHQ (Northwood)
Col Richard Campbell, PJHQ J5 PLANS
Capt Martin Mcnaughton, PJHQ-J5-PLANS-SO2-EUROPE
NATO Intelligence Fusion Centre (NIFC, Molesworth)
Maria Zawalski, Admin, NATO Intelligence Fusion Centre, Unit 5806, RAF Molesworth, Huntingdon, Cambs PE28 0QB. Tel: 01480 847107
Wg Cdr Andy Bruce, Section Chief | CSAS & CUO | J2 Ops | CCOMC | SHAPE | 7061 Casteau / BFPO 26 +32 (0)65 44 4215 | UK Mil: 9205-423-4215 | BB: +32 (0)497 708204.
Col Darryl A. Rupp US Army, Chief J2 Operations; Director, Crisis Identification Group Comprehensive Crisis and Operations Management Centre, SHAPE, Mons, Belgium. Tel 0032-65-44-3751, Mob 0032 478 825 108
Lt James Wright, Defence Concepts and Doctrine Centre, Shrivenham.
Lt Col Giles Harris| Army Strategic Engagement Team | Army Staff, Level 5, Zone M, Desk 46 | Ministry of Defence | Main Building | Whitehall | London | SW1A 2HB Office: 0207 218 3289 / 9621 83289 | Mobile: 07770 322 972 |
Maj Rob Sandford,
Transport. SSgt Christopher Peacock, ; driver, LCpl Brad Rogerson, 07434 601 385