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Revision as of 03:48, 7 February 2023 by Jun (talk | contribs)
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Normal person from a middle-class family with a job. Yep, they exist here.


Sharing knowledge? This is better than virtue signalling on Twitter, innit?


See the articles down below. Furthermore, my research on the Dutch Cluster of the II remains my best work. The Dutch Deep State is probably the best summary on the web alongside ISGP.


Not a lot these days. New work.

Wikispooks stats overview

 Has usageCount


 Has targetHas valueHas publicationDateHas summaryDescription
JunKlaas Bruinsma524 September 2020The biggest Dutch drug kingpin of all time. Linked to the royals, child sex networks and even CIA-sponsored Gladio.When you're named in a Netflix doc alongside El Chapo and Pablo Escobar, were mentioned as Epstein-like supplier of children & drugs in local news, and was never caught for "stealing" dozens of weapons from your intelligence agency, and the only thing the public remember and focus on is that your ex was a Dutch princess... how much have you successfully hidden?
Jun2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Premature death58 August 2023Defenestration or hit list?A list of worldwide victims of a targeted killing of Russia-aligned businessman and their families remains unsolved. Who is running this assassination network is not clear, but the professionalism and list cannot be explained by suicide rates.
JunWikiscanner526 December 2022What happens when you cross-check dozens of IP-addresses of the people editing Wikipedia without an account? They turn out to be the CIA, FBI, NSA and every corporation in the US! What a surprise.Some poor guy created a database cross-checking who was anonymously editing Wikipedia pages and getting away with it. All the intelligence agencies? All the corporations? US Senators? Royals from over the world? The good answer is all of them. And Jimmy Wales did nothing about it. The question here is… who are the registered editors behind Wikipedia allowing this?
JunPlatformization514 February 2023An important economical business technique of companies to force people to use them daily.So, you want to start a website but not use Microsoft? Get Apple, but Google works with Microsoft to track you. Fine, use Safari, and DuckDuckGo. O, DDG uses Bing. O, use Yahoo, fine. O, your work uses Skype. Don't use Skype. Use Linux with FaceTime. Well, we can still track you as Microsoft hosts a part of Netflix, Amazon and your data is in your bosses and professor's Office apps. Ok, ok, you use Linux, don't have a smartphone, or phone at all, no TV, and never got an ID? Even if you don't use Linux, we can merely track you by others walking or driving past you! Ha-ha!! Oh, you live in a forest Five Eyes covers the world in military satellites. We own you. Go to sleep.
JunBlack site56 November 2023The worldwide CIA kidnapping program of mostly innocent people from all over the world.One of the most evil consequences of 9-11 is the permanent CIA kidnapping program, where often innocent people, including kids, were kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered without any trial or posthumous apology.
JunDonald Trump54 October 2022What happens when the billionaire friend of all the corrupt politicians runs for president promising to end all corruption? More of the same? Who would've thought?The most talked about president in the world post 9-11. Trump has become the spokesperson for a conservative/alt-right hybrid section of a splintered US deep state that most importantly got older generations on the Internet listening to hand-picked political theories. His campaign-style is always peculiarly focused on the emotional engineering of older rural Americans that the American system (or the Pareto Principle) threw overboard after the Cold War. Up until now nobody still knows why Trump was placed there: Are they planning a civil war by rallying rural Americans to arms? Or is it just the new reality to pander to ageing populations?
JunMalaysia Airlines Flight 370514 February 2023The sole plane still not found in the world, even after the Malaysian president accused the CIA and Boeing of basically murdering 200 people on board.When a plane disappears with 239 people on board, witnesses seeing the plane get killed and kidnapped, researchers and airline CEOs get threatened to shut up, and the pilot was accused of trying to commit suicide above a secret CIA black site.... it raises the question; why hasn't the American government admitted what they obviously saw on their military radar? And why did an Israeli intelligence company had one plane painted over in Malaysian colours just before another plane of them was shot down in Ukraine?
JunThe Paypal Mafia58 August 2023A group of obnoxious millennial kids not liking corporate structure all leave a big tech company and promise to take over tech and support each other no matter what. 20 years later they lead deep state factions, tech companies, intelligence agencies and mass surveillance companies. And they all got funded by the CIA when the left Ebay.If your group of friends call themselves a mafia, gain stakes in tech companies forming cartels and working with intelligence agencies that fund and supply war crimes with big data, and actively help start civil wars and more ways to expand mass surveillance... aren't you a part of some mafia?
JunCorporate media/Logic514 February 2023A more advanced explainer of the tactics used by corporate media to manipulate the psyche of viewers.When reading these techniques, it is a plausible assumption to argue nearly every outlet is employing these. What if all sides of corporate media are controlled by deep state factions? What if... Operation Mockingbird has already been highly successful?
Jun2015 Hawija bombing53 April 2020A bombing of an "ISIS" factory killed 200 non-ISIS people.A "War on Terror" bombing in Iraq killed over 200 refugees. But they were stateless, so they can't claim anything anyway. And Mark Rutte has "kept forgetting" he was told this even happened. Another war crime the ICC doesn't care about. This article serves a good reminder that the War on Terror has terrorized more people than it actually “freed”.
JunGeorge Carlin57 August 2023A US comedian that often discussed deep political subjects and very often hit the mark.
JunTwitter Files510 September 2023"China has only state TV! Russia only has state-aligned TV". Well, this page shows the new media in and from the US sure has all the hallmarks of government control.Another example of how Operation Mockingbird has allowed 3-letter-agencies to take control of all the biggest media. Even more interesting is nobody questioned why Elon Musk (formerly-broke-and-then-saved-by-the-CIA-Elon Musk) of all leaked this. One would began to wonder if other media are also controlled in this way.
Jun2009 Queen's Day Attack59 April 2009Perhaps the only mass casualty terrorist attack on Dutch soil after 9-11, in a period Geert Wilders his Mossad connections and Jan Peter Balkenende his EU/Deep state were fighting for control according to Wikileaks. It was never solved.Just like Stephan Paddock, this terror attack was broadcasted live on TV, so when the "terrorist” died live on the screen, not many people question what happened before the attack. Even the official report mentioned people almost seeming to help the victimizer and going off protocol, similar to 9-11 or 7-7. With the Wikileaks data leaks mentioning deep lobbying for a US-minded Dutch PM, the botched investigation raised the question, was this a false flag?
JunElon Musk55 March 2023Billionaire saved by the CIA takes over big tech with his friends, but "acts" like he's too autistic to be handled.O, a billionaire guy almost goes broke several times, calls his CIA Big Tech front buddy he used to buy ICBMs in Russia with, gets handed big government contract after government contract against government recommendations, and promises to buy and take over Big Tech with his deep state friends. His deep state friends own so hugely important tech companies and become boss of bosses in non-democratic societies such as the WEF and Bilderberg. And then, he buys Twitter.... what if.... what if this was the CIA's plan all along?
JunShinzō Abe58 August 2023A very important figurehead in Japanese politics during the rise of China in the early 2000s.As grandson of a WW2 vet, CIA liaison and possible deep state aligned-cult leader, Abe aggressively turned Japan slowly into a possible Ukraine of Asia against China. The fact he also had a very archaic and unapologetic way about the past or its ability to learn from it, perhaps shows the peace in Asia in this century is not a given.
JunOperatiën en Inlichtingen511 March 2021The Dutch Operation Gladio group.This group, with drug kingpins linked to royals having criminal knowledge of certain crimes has escaped punishment. Child sex networks, cocaine worldwide networks, CIA financing, it's all here, but the media never mentions the dozens of newspapers all giving just one part of the story as if this is not a cooperating network. This page is the best page on the net linking all individuals, instead of the limited hangout the Wikipedia page provides.
JunVladimir Putin58 August 2023The FSB man turned president that tried to save the Soviet Union by staging a Russian 9-11.Since staging a false flag attack on his own people, Putin has been in a race with the US and CIA utilising the same tactics as them; neo-colonialism of Africa, bombing the Middle East and gaining wealth by putting countries against each-other and polarise his own people against each-other to make sure they don't turn against the government.
JunOperation Gladio514 July 2024The largest and most influential secret army in Europe of the 1900s.Even Wikipedia officially names this secret terrorist group involved in the use of assassination, psychological warfare, and false flag operations to delegitimize left-wing parties in Western European countries. Some countries even have the militants still under official government contract. So it is not clear if this organization has ceased to exist or it continued in different form.
"Has publicationDate}" contains a listed "}" character as part of the property label and has therefore been classified as invalid.
 Has targetHas valueHas publicationDateHas summaryDescription
JunKlaas Bruinsma524 September 2020The biggest Dutch drug kingpin of all time. Linked to the royals, child sex networks and even CIA-sponsored Gladio.When you're named in a Netflix doc alongside El Chapo and Pablo Escobar, were mentioned as Epstein-like supplier of children & drugs in local news, and was never caught for "stealing" dozens of weapons from your intelligence agency, and the only thing the public remember and focus on is that your ex was a Dutch princess... how much have you successfully hidden?
Jun2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Premature death58 August 2023Defenestration or hit list?A list of worldwide victims of a targeted killing of Russia-aligned businessman and their families remains unsolved. Who is running this assassination network is not clear, but the professionalism and list cannot be explained by suicide rates.
JunWikiscanner526 December 2022What happens when you cross-check dozens of IP-addresses of the people editing Wikipedia without an account? They turn out to be the CIA, FBI, NSA and every corporation in the US! What a surprise.Some poor guy created a database cross-checking who was anonymously editing Wikipedia pages and getting away with it. All the intelligence agencies? All the corporations? US Senators? Royals from over the world? The good answer is all of them. And Jimmy Wales did nothing about it. The question here is… who are the registered editors behind Wikipedia allowing this?
JunPlatformization514 February 2023An important economical business technique of companies to force people to use them daily.So, you want to start a website but not use Microsoft? Get Apple, but Google works with Microsoft to track you. Fine, use Safari, and DuckDuckGo. O, DDG uses Bing. O, use Yahoo, fine. O, your work uses Skype. Don't use Skype. Use Linux with FaceTime. Well, we can still track you as Microsoft hosts a part of Netflix, Amazon and your data is in your bosses and professor's Office apps. Ok, ok, you use Linux, don't have a smartphone, or phone at all, no TV, and never got an ID? Even if you don't use Linux, we can merely track you by others walking or driving past you! Ha-ha!! Oh, you live in a forest Five Eyes covers the world in military satellites. We own you. Go to sleep.
JunBlack site56 November 2023The worldwide CIA kidnapping program of mostly innocent people from all over the world.One of the most evil consequences of 9-11 is the permanent CIA kidnapping program, where often innocent people, including kids, were kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered without any trial or posthumous apology.
JunDonald Trump54 October 2022What happens when the billionaire friend of all the corrupt politicians runs for president promising to end all corruption? More of the same? Who would've thought?The most talked about president in the world post 9-11. Trump has become the spokesperson for a conservative/alt-right hybrid section of a splintered US deep state that most importantly got older generations on the Internet listening to hand-picked political theories. His campaign-style is always peculiarly focused on the emotional engineering of older rural Americans that the American system (or the Pareto Principle) threw overboard after the Cold War. Up until now nobody still knows why Trump was placed there: Are they planning a civil war by rallying rural Americans to arms? Or is it just the new reality to pander to ageing populations?
JunMalaysia Airlines Flight 370514 February 2023The sole plane still not found in the world, even after the Malaysian president accused the CIA and Boeing of basically murdering 200 people on board.When a plane disappears with 239 people on board, witnesses seeing the plane get killed and kidnapped, researchers and airline CEOs get threatened to shut up, and the pilot was accused of trying to commit suicide above a secret CIA black site.... it raises the question; why hasn't the American government admitted what they obviously saw on their military radar? And why did an Israeli intelligence company had one plane painted over in Malaysian colours just before another plane of them was shot down in Ukraine?
JunThe Paypal Mafia58 August 2023A group of obnoxious millennial kids not liking corporate structure all leave a big tech company and promise to take over tech and support each other no matter what. 20 years later they lead deep state factions, tech companies, intelligence agencies and mass surveillance companies. And they all got funded by the CIA when the left Ebay.If your group of friends call themselves a mafia, gain stakes in tech companies forming cartels and working with intelligence agencies that fund and supply war crimes with big data, and actively help start civil wars and more ways to expand mass surveillance... aren't you a part of some mafia?
JunCorporate media/Logic514 February 2023A more advanced explainer of the tactics used by corporate media to manipulate the psyche of viewers.When reading these techniques, it is a plausible assumption to argue nearly every outlet is employing these. What if all sides of corporate media are controlled by deep state factions? What if... Operation Mockingbird has already been highly successful?
Jun2015 Hawija bombing53 April 2020A bombing of an "ISIS" factory killed 200 non-ISIS people.A "War on Terror" bombing in Iraq killed over 200 refugees. But they were stateless, so they can't claim anything anyway. And Mark Rutte has "kept forgetting" he was told this even happened. Another war crime the ICC doesn't care about. This article serves a good reminder that the War on Terror has terrorized more people than it actually “freed”.
JunGeorge Carlin57 August 2023A US comedian that often discussed deep political subjects and very often hit the mark.
JunTwitter Files510 September 2023"China has only state TV! Russia only has state-aligned TV". Well, this page shows the new media in and from the US sure has all the hallmarks of government control.Another example of how Operation Mockingbird has allowed 3-letter-agencies to take control of all the biggest media. Even more interesting is nobody questioned why Elon Musk (formerly-broke-and-then-saved-by-the-CIA-Elon Musk) of all leaked this. One would began to wonder if other media are also controlled in this way.
Jun2009 Queen's Day Attack59 April 2009Perhaps the only mass casualty terrorist attack on Dutch soil after 9-11, in a period Geert Wilders his Mossad connections and Jan Peter Balkenende his EU/Deep state were fighting for control according to Wikileaks. It was never solved.Just like Stephan Paddock, this terror attack was broadcasted live on TV, so when the "terrorist” died live on the screen, not many people question what happened before the attack. Even the official report mentioned people almost seeming to help the victimizer and going off protocol, similar to 9-11 or 7-7. With the Wikileaks data leaks mentioning deep lobbying for a US-minded Dutch PM, the botched investigation raised the question, was this a false flag?
JunElon Musk55 March 2023Billionaire saved by the CIA takes over big tech with his friends, but "acts" like he's too autistic to be handled.O, a billionaire guy almost goes broke several times, calls his CIA Big Tech front buddy he used to buy ICBMs in Russia with, gets handed big government contract after government contract against government recommendations, and promises to buy and take over Big Tech with his deep state friends. His deep state friends own so hugely important tech companies and become boss of bosses in non-democratic societies such as the WEF and Bilderberg. And then, he buys Twitter.... what if.... what if this was the CIA's plan all along?
JunShinzō Abe58 August 2023A very important figurehead in Japanese politics during the rise of China in the early 2000s.As grandson of a WW2 vet, CIA liaison and possible deep state aligned-cult leader, Abe aggressively turned Japan slowly into a possible Ukraine of Asia against China. The fact he also had a very archaic and unapologetic way about the past or its ability to learn from it, perhaps shows the peace in Asia in this century is not a given.
JunOperatiën en Inlichtingen511 March 2021The Dutch Operation Gladio group.This group, with drug kingpins linked to royals having criminal knowledge of certain crimes has escaped punishment. Child sex networks, cocaine worldwide networks, CIA financing, it's all here, but the media never mentions the dozens of newspapers all giving just one part of the story as if this is not a cooperating network. This page is the best page on the net linking all individuals, instead of the limited hangout the Wikipedia page provides.
JunVladimir Putin58 August 2023The FSB man turned president that tried to save the Soviet Union by staging a Russian 9-11.Since staging a false flag attack on his own people, Putin has been in a race with the US and CIA utilising the same tactics as them; neo-colonialism of Africa, bombing the Middle East and gaining wealth by putting countries against each-other and polarise his own people against each-other to make sure they don't turn against the government.
JunOperation Gladio514 July 2024The largest and most influential secret army in Europe of the 1900s.Even Wikipedia officially names this secret terrorist group involved in the use of assassination, psychological warfare, and false flag operations to delegitimize left-wing parties in Western European countries. Some countries even have the militants still under official government contract. So it is not clear if this organization has ceased to exist or it continued in different form.
"rating}" contains a listed "}" character as part of the property label and has therefore been classified as invalid.

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