Wikispooks:Site Rationale

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"I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favorable presumption that they did not wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way against holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority: still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority."
Lord Acton, 1887, historian and politician[1]


Those people up to no good don't generally advertise the fact. Wicked deeds are done in secret, but for those which cannot be kept secret - such as assassinations or full scale wars - alternative explanations are concocted and agressively promoted. Aware of this, WikiSpooks aims for a genuinely dispassionate analysis of what is going on in the world, refusing to blindly take the "Official Narratives" of nation states at face value. Being "dispassionate" means avoiding deference towards established power structures (for example to safeguard one's employment, social standing, ambitions, avoiding cognitive dissonance etc.). This is no simple task, since authorities have exercise a great influence over people's worldviews (for example, through controlling the curriculum of mass compulsion schooling) and continue to do so, although in recent years people are at last exercising increasing scepticism of "the establishment".

Not believing the hype

While commercially-controlled media generally present official narrative-friendly perspectives of events in inexplicable isolation, framing them psychologically for their own purposes, Wikispooks seeks to shine an unbiased light in dark places and so to establish and trace important connections been events based on objective evidence. Behind a range of distractions from sports to celebrity culture or even party politics ("...the entertainment division of the military industrial complex" as Frank Zappa once opined) lies a set of hidden truths, parts of a wholly unacknowledged reality which can be discerned behind the misinformation fog that aims to hide it.

Who is pulling the strings?

Party politics has been an effective way to motivating passionate and ultimately irrelevant action among citizens while obscuring the reality that a large proportion of "leaders" of public organisations are in fact mere puppets enthralled to hidden organisations with secret agendas, parts of what Peter Dale Scott has referred to as a supranational deep state. Wikispooks seeks to follow the strings of these puppet leaders and find out who is doing the pulling...

Witnessing to the truth

Dog trials.jpg

Mindful of the scientific conclusion that psychopathic and sociopathic (conscienceless) personality types are disproportionately represented at the top of hierarchical power structures, the growing influence of such structures over people's lives is naturally a matter of concern.

Serious students of history will be well aware that a great many geopolitical events of major import do not happen randomly but are in fact organised and planned by those seeking to gain from them. Planning is usually in secret, and the true organisers often only identified long after the fact, if at all. The historical record is full of people confused by events who were unable to respond appropriately because they lacked understanding of what was really happening.

Wikispooks does not seek to promote any particular agenda or response to this state of affairs, but is content to follow the Quaker tradition of witnessing to the truth, trusting that individuals of good faith will be able to find effective strategies to counter this development. Concerned citizens everywhere are organising in innumerable different ways, attempting to establish limits to the apparently insatiable desire of 'the system' to exercise power. The system cannot keep running unless people passively 'tug their forelocks when forelock-tugging is required' and accept their allotted place in the existing scheme of things.[2] Wikispooks has faith in the track record of truth to inspire people to shake off age old structures of bondage and self-deception.


'If the above made sense to you, how two pointed questions that the commercially-controlled media would never ask:

  1. Do you believe that global political establishments and power structures are:
  • as corrupt and self-serving than they have ever been?
  • working from private agendas that they would like to keep hidden?
  • systematically deceiving people to further those agendas?
  • endangering all life on earth with the Machiavellian power games?
  1. If you answered "yes" to question 1, Whare are you doing to try and stop them?


  1. Letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, April 5, 1887 published in Historical Essays and Studies, edited by J. N. Figgis and R. V. Laurence (London: Macmillan, 1907)
  2. John Cleese & The Two Ronnies video sketch 'I know my place'

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