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|members=Jamiluddin Ali,Paolo Beonio-Brocchieri,Lazaros Th. Choumanidis,Krishna Dave,Jacques Defay,Erhard Eppler,Atsushi Kawamura,Eriverstone Kigundu,Taramal Kunhikrishnan,Lucjan Kydryński,Ian MacArthur,Louis Marcorelles,Christopher Marti, Masaya Miyoshi,Joonkyu Park,Lucio Pozzi,Sachidanand Sahay,Maximo Soliven,Pierre Vinde,Moshe Zak
|image=Harvard International Seminar 1962 and JFK.jpg
|image_caption=Attendees of the Harvard International Seminar and [[President JFK]] on the White House lawn.
|members=Jacques Defay,Leo Clemens Tindens,Che Tai Lee,Ole Hyltoft Petersen,Mohamed Moustafa Badawi,Ian MacArthur,Christopher Martin,Paul-Andre Fabra-Rovira,Michel Gentot,Louis Marcorelles,Erhard Eppler,Gunter Kurt Willi Gaus,Georg Kauffmann,Emmanuel Ashare Sai,Lazaros Th. Choumanidis,Krishna Dave,Taramal Kunhikrishnan,Sachidanand Sahay,Harjati Siagian,Mehry Ahy,Moshe Zak,Paolo Beonio-Brocchieri,Lucio Pozzi,Atsushi Kawamura,Masaya Miyoshi,Haig Abraham Katchadourian,Joonkyu Park,Hamdan bin Sheikh Tahir,Jamiluddīn Ali,Mohammad Kaysar Hussain,Maximo Soliven,Lucjan Kydryński,Jose-Pascual Meneu,Nils Otto Falke Isaksson,Pierre Vinde,Claude Louis Torracinta,Vasit Dejkunjorn,Hemet Fuat Bengu,Eriverstone Kigundu,Franklin G. Balch,Thomas J. Hargadon,Francis G. Hutchins,Sinisa Triva
The attendees of the Harvard/International Seminar in the year 1962. The list is not complete.They got to visit President [[John F. Kennedy]]<ref>https://www.jfklibrary.org/asset-viewer/archives/JFKWHP/1962/Month%2008/Day%2022/JFKWHP-1962-08-22-B</ref><ref>https://findit.library.yale.edu/images_layout/fullview?parentoid=11784668</ref>
These are the participants from 1962 for the yearly International Seminar led by [[Henry Kissinger]] at Harvard University.<ref>https://www.jfklibrary.org/asset-viewer/archives/JFKWHP/1962/Month%2008/Day%2022/JFKWHP-1962-08-22-B</ref><ref>https://findit.library.yale.edu/images_layout/fullview?parentoid=11784668</ref>. The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref>  Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.<ref>https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1969/8/12/international-seminar-introduces-foreign-dignitaries-to/</ref> They were among other things treated to an audience with President [[John F. Kennedy]].
==Select examples==
For next year's cadre, see [[Harvard/International Seminar/1963]]. For the previous year, see [[Harvard/International Seminar/1961]]. For an overview of the program itself, see [[Harvard/International Seminar]].
*[[Jamīluddīn ´Ālī]] - Chief for Public and Cultural Relations in the President's Secretariat of [[Pakistan]]
*[[Paolo Beonio-Brocchieri]] - Collaborator in the Eastern Asia Section of the [[Milan Institute for the Study of International Politics]]
*[[Lazaros Th. Choumanidis]]- Leader of the Democratic Reformist Party of [[Greece]],.
*[[ Krishna Dave]] -Assistant-in-Charge of the Women’s Department of the [[All-India Congress Committee]]
*[[Jacques Defay]], of the National Council of Political Science of [[Belgium]]  
*[[Jacques Defay]], of the National Council of Political Science of [[Belgium]]  
*[[Leo Clemens Tindens]] - Member Of Parliament; Secretary General of the Christian Social Party
*[[Che Tai Lee]] - Professor, Head of Department of Diplomacy, acting Dean of Graduate School of Diplomacy, [[National Chengchi University]], Republic of China (Taiwan).
*[[Ole Hyltoft Petersen]] - Personal secretary of the Minister for Cultural Affairs, Denmark
*[[Mohamed Moustafa Badawi]] - Lecturer, Faculty of Arts, [[University of Alexandria]], [[Egypt]]
*[[Ian MacArthur]] - Member of Parliament of [[Great Britain]]
*[[Christopher Martin]] - former Assistant Editor of [[Encounter]] ([[London]], [[England]])
*[[Paul-Andre Fabra-Rovira]] - France. Reporter for the newspaper "Le Monde", specialising in foreign  economic affairs, international trade, and problems of the Common Market
*[[Michel Gentot]] "Auditeur au Conseil d'Etat", in charge of Documentation and Coordination; Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and the Institute of Political Sciences of Paris
*[[Louis Marcorelles]] - Assistant Editor of Cahiers du Cinéma (Paris, [[France]])
*[[Dr. Erhard Eppler]] Member of the [[Bundestag]] of [[Germany]]  
*[[Dr. Erhard Eppler]] Member of the [[Bundestag]] of [[Germany]]  
*[[Gunter Kurt Willi Gaus]] - Germany. Political editor for the daily [[Süddeutsche Zeitung]]
*[[Georg Kauffmann]] - Germany. Lecturer, History of Art, [[University of Bonn]]
*[[Emmanuel Ashare Sai]] - Administrative Officer, Ministry of Construction and Communications,Ghana
*[[Lazaros Th. Choumanidis]]- Leader of the Democratic Reformist Party of [[Greece]],.
*[[Krishna Dave]] -Assistant-in-Charge of the Women’s Department of the [[All-India Congress Committee]]; [[KE PATH PAR (Hindi) - official organ of the Women's Department, A.I.C.C.
*[[Taramal Kunhikrishnan]] - Production and Promotion Officer of Southern Languages Book Trust of [[India]]
*[[Sachidanand Sahay]] - Acting Chief Sub-Editor of [[The Statesman]] (Calcutta, [[India]])
*Mrs [[Harjati Siagian]] - Managing Directress, Gurung Agung (book importers, publishers); board member, Jajasan Kesedjahteraan Anak (Child's Welfare Foundation) supervised by the Indonesian Women's Congress; freelance journalist
*Miss [[Mehry Ahy]] - Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Russian Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran
*[[Moshe Zak]] - Managing and Foreign Editor of [[Maariv Daily]] ([[Tel Aviv]], [[Israel]])
*[[Paolo Beonio-Brocchieri]] - Collaborator in the Eastern Asia Section of the [[Milan Institute for the Study of International Politics]]
*[[Lucio Pozzi]] - artist, of [[Italy]]
*[[Atsushi Kawamura]] - Assistant Foreign Editor of the [[Tokyo Shimbun]]
*[[Atsushi Kawamura]] - Assistant Foreign Editor of the [[Tokyo Shimbun]]
*[[Eriverstone Kigundu]] - Senior Assistant Secretary to the Minister of Health and Works of [[Uganda]]
*[[Taramal Kunhikrishnan]] - Production and Promotion Officer of Southern Languages Book Trust of [[India]]
*[[Lucjan Kydryński]] - Editor for Cultural Affairs of Przekrój Weekly ([[Krakow]], [[Poland]])
*[[Ian MacArthur]] - Member of Parliament of [[Great Britain]]
*[[Louis Marcorelles]] - Assistant Editor of Cahiers du Cinéma (Paris, [[France]])
*[[Christopher Martin]] - former Assistant Editor of Encounter ([[London]], [[England]])
*[[Masaya Miyoshi]] - member of the Research Department of the Federation of Economic Organizations, of [[Tokyo]], [[Japan]]
*[[Masaya Miyoshi]] - member of the Research Department of the Federation of Economic Organizations, of [[Tokyo]], [[Japan]]
*[[Haig Abraham Katchadourian]] - Associate Professor of Philosophy, American University of Beirut
*[[Joonkyu Park]] - writer, lecturer, and former Member of the National Assembly of [[South Korea|Korea]]
*[[Joonkyu Park]] - writer, lecturer, and former Member of the National Assembly of [[South Korea|Korea]]
*[[Lucio Pozzi]] - artist, of [[Italy]]
*[[Hamdan bin Sheikh Tahir]] Principle Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Education, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
*[[Sachidanand Sahay]] - Acting Chief Sub-Editor of [[The Statesman]] (Calcutta, [[India]])
*[[Jamiluddīn Ali]] - Chief for Public and Cultural Relations in the President's Secretariat of [[Pakistan]]
*[[Mohammad Kaysar Hussain]] - Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Karachi
*[[Maximo Soliven]] - Publisher and columnist of The Evening News (Manila, [[Philippines]])  
*[[Maximo Soliven]] - Publisher and columnist of The Evening News (Manila, [[Philippines]])  
*[[ Pierre Vinde]] - First Secretary in the Budget Division of the Ministry of Finance of [[Sweden]]
*[[Lucjan Kydryński]] - Editor for Cultural Affairs of Przekrój Weekly ([[Krakow]], [[Poland]])
*[[Moshe Zak]] - Managing and Foreign Editor of [[Maariv Daily]] ([[Tel Aviv]], [[Israel]])
*[[Jose-Pascual Meneu]] - Assistant Professor, School of Law, Madtid University; lawyer; legal adviser, Swiss Embassy  
*[[Nils Otto Falke Isaksson]] - Literary Critic, DAGENS NYHETER, Stockholm  
*[[ Pierre Vinde]] - First Secretary in the Budget Division of the Ministry of Finance of [[Sweden]]; member of Interministerial Development Aid Planning Committee and of Board of Directors, [[Swedish Agency for International Assistance]].
DEFAY, Jacques; Avenue du Herisson, 10) Brussels 18, Balgium
*[[Claude Louis Torracinta]]; Financial and business editor for the daily TRIBUNE DE GENEVE, Switzerland
Conseil National de la Politique Scientifique: in charged' the
*[[Vasit Dejkunjorn]] Inspector, Criminal Investigation Bureau, Thailand Police Department
section of the Councils secretariat for problems of structure and
*[[Hemet Fuat Bengu]] - Literary critic for two magazines of art, VARLIK and YEDITEPE, and for a fortnightly review of politics, economics and culture, FORUM; editor of the publishing house, De Yayinevi; Turkey.
organization of scientific activities, formation of men, and research
*[[Eriverstone Kigundu]] - Senior Assistant Secretary to the Minister of Health and Works of [[Uganda]]
within industry.
*[[Franklin G. Balch]] - Assistant Dean of Students and Lecturer in Government, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut  
TINDENS Leo Clemens; Lindenlei 44, Mortsel (Antwerp), Belgium ,
*[[Thomas J. Hargadon]] - Graduate, Harvard Law School, Harvard University  
Member Of Parliament; Secretary General of the Christian Social Paety
*[[Francis G. Hutchins]] - Doctoral candidate in Political Science, Harvard University  
CHINA LEE, Che 'Tai; National Chengchi University, Mushan, Taipei,
*[[Sinisa Triva]] - Professor of Civil Procedure Law, Law School, Zagreb University  
Taiwan,,epublic of China
Professgr„ Head of Department of Diplomacy, 4ting Dean of
GraduaWSchool of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University.
DENMARK PETERSEN, Ole Hyltoft; 39 Naestvedgade, Copenhagen, Denmark
Personal secretary of the Minister for Cultural Affairs
EGYPT BADAWI, Mohamed Moustafa; Rue Lancret 19, Alexandria, Egypt
Lecturer, Faculty of Arts, University of Alexandria
ENGLAND MacARTHUR, Ian; House of Commons, London, England
Member of Parliament; Associate Director, J. Walter Thompson Co.) Ltd.
MARTIN, Christopher John Neville; 10 Cadogan Gardens,
London S.W. 3, England
Assistant Editor of ENCOUNTER
FABRA-ROVIRA, Paul-Andre; 38 avenue de Gravelle, Charenton
(Seine), France
Reporter for the newspaper "Le Monde", specialising in foreign
economic affairs, international trade, and problems of the
Common Market
GENTOT, Michel; Boulevard Berthier 134, Paris 17, France
"Auditeur au Conseil dtEtat", ln charge of Documentation and
Coordination; Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and the
Institute of Political Sciences of Paris
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FRANCE (cont.) MARCORELLES, Louis Paul; Rue Rochechouart 8, Paris 9, France
Film critic in the weekly FRANCE-OBSERVATEUR; Assistant Editor,
CAHIERS DU CINEMA; French correspondent, SIGHT & SOUND,
ENCORE (London)
EPPLER, Erhard; Liebnisatr., 61, Schwsnningen/Neckat, Germany
Member of the Bundestag
GAUS, punter Kurt Willi; Sendlinger Str. 80, Munich, Germany
Political editor for the daily SUDDENTSCHE ZEITUNG
KAUFFMANN, Georg; Kunsthistorisches Institut, Liebfrauenvag 1,
Bonn, Germany
Lecturer, History of Art, University of Bonn
SAI, Emmanuel Ashare; Ministry of Construction and Communi-
cations, P.O. Box 1443, Accra, Ghana
Auministrative Officer, Ministry of Construction and Communi-
GREECE CHOUMANIDIS, Lazaros Theodore; 53 Eptanissou St., Athens,
Leader of the Democratic Reformist Party; author
INDIA DAVE, Krishna (Miss); 7 Jantar Mantar Road, A.I.C.C.,
New Delhi, India
Assistant Secretary, Foreign Relations Department, Assistant
in charge, Women's Department, All India Congress Committee
(Headquarters of the Indian National Congress Party); Asso-
ciate Editor, WOMEN ON TEE MARCH (English) and MAMILA PRAGATI
KE PATH PAR (Hindi) - official organ of the Women's Depart..
ment, A.I.C.C.
KUNHIKRISHNAN, Taramal Vanmeri; 8A Sylvan Colony, Madras 10,
South India
Production and Promotion Officer of Southern Languages
Book Trust
SAHAY, Sachchidanandaz; 4 Chowringhee Square, Calcutta, India
Acting Chief Sub-Editor, THE STATESMAN, Calcutta
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INDONESIA SIAGIAN, Harjati (Mrs.); 8 Djalan Sumenep, Djakarta, Indonesia
Managing Directress, Gurung Agung (book importers, publishers);
board member, Jajasan Kesedjahteraan Anak (Child's Welfare
Foundation) supervised by the Indonesian Wassn's Congress;
freelance journalist
/RAN AR?, Mabry (Miss); 165 Avenue Hogoughi, Tehran, Iran
Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Russian
Language and Literature, University of Tehran
ISRAEL ZAK, bshe Icek; 4 Gordon Street, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Managing and Foreign Editor, MAARIV DAILY
ITALY BEONIO-BROCCHIERI, Paolo; Via Solari 52, Milan, Italy
Collaborator in the Eastern Asia Section of the Milan Institute
for the Study of International Politics; Editor for the Far
.Eastern countries of the "Il Politico" (Quarterly of the
University of Pavia); Editor of the quarterly "Civilta Cinese",
POZZI, Lucio; Via Flaminia 50, Rome, Italy
KAWAMURA, Atsushi; 1-99 Komagome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Assistant Foreign Editor, TOKYO SHIMBUN
MIYOSHI, Masaya; Minamitamagun, Bino-machi, Tamadaira 42-7,
Tokyo, Japan
Member of the Research Department, Federation of Economic
Organizations, Tokyo
KHATCHADOURIAN, Haig Abraham; Department of Philosophy,
American University, Beirut, Lebanon
Associate Professor of Philosophy, American University of
PARK, Joonkyu; 220-4 Yongdoo Dong, Tongdaemoon Ku, Seoul, Korea
Writer and lecturer; former member of the National Assembly
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MALAYA TAHIR, Hamdan bin Sheikh; Ministry of Education, Federal House,
Kuala Lumpur, Federation of Malaya
Principle Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Education, Kuala
PAKISTAN AALI, Jamiluddin; Bungalow No. 3, President's Estate, Victoria
Road, Karachi, Pakistan
Officer on Special Duty, President's Secretariat (Public) -
Public and Cultural Relations; Honorary Executive Secretary,
Pakistan Writers Guild; Member, Executive of Society of
Urdu Language
HUSSAIN, Mohammad Kaysar; G-45/12 F.C. Area, Karachi, Pakistan
Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Karachi
PHILIPPINES SOLIVEN, Maximo Villaflor; 969 Herran Street, Manila, Philippines
Publisher and Columnist, THE EVENING NEWS, Manila
POLAND KYDRYNSKI, Lucjan; Chocimska 21/6, Krakow, Poland
Journalist, editor for cultural affairs, PRZEKROJ WEEKLY
SPAIN MENEU, Jose-Pascual; Alcala 116-7°, Madrid 9, Spain
Assistant Professor, School of Law, Madtid University; lawyer;  
legal adviser, Swiss Embassy  
SWEDEN ISAKSSON, Nils Otto Falke; Svartensgatan 10, Stockholm ed.,
Literary Critic, DAGENS NYHETER, Stockholm  
VINDE, Pierre Lars Victor; Farstavagen 87, Stockholm-Farsta,
First secretary, Budget Division, Ministry of Finance; member  
of Interministerial Development Aid Planning Committee and of  
Board of Directors, Swedish Agency for International Assistance  
SWITZERLAND TORRACINTA, Claude Louis; 29 rue de la Servette, Geneva,
Financial and business editor for the daily TRIBUNE DE GENEVE  
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.5 .
DEJKUNJORN, Vasit; Sukhumvit Road, Akarn Pibulves, No. 179,
Bangkok, Thailand
Inspector, Criminal Investigation Bureau, Thailand Police  
TURKEY BENGU, Hemet Fuat; Camlica, Altunizade, Okul Sokagi 1, Istanbul,
Literary critic for two magazines of art, VARLIK and YEDITEPE,  
and for a fortnightly review of politics, economics and culture,  
FORUM; edltor of the publishing house, De Yayinevi  
UGANDA KIGUNDU, iriverstone Wagumbulizi; P.O. Box 91, Kampala,
Uganda (East Africa)
Senior Assistant Secretary to the Minister of Health and Works  
UNITED STATES BALCH, Franklin G.; 24 Coolidge Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Assistant Dean of Students and Lecturer in Government, Wesleyan  
University, Middletown, Connecticut  
HARGADON, Thomas J.; 12 Russel Street, Waltham, Massachusetts
Graduate, Harvard Law School, Harvard University  
HUTCHINS, Francis G.; Cox 2299, Berea College, Berea, Kentucky
Doctoral candidate in Political Science, Harvard University  
TRIVA, Sinisa; Veslacka 14 B, Zagreb, Yugoslavia
Professor of Civil Procedure Law, Law School, Zagreb University  

Latest revision as of 02:51, 26 September 2023

<-Group.png Harvard/International Seminar/1962Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png->
Harvard International Seminar 1962 and JFK.jpg
Attendees of the Harvard International Seminar and President JFK on the White House lawn.
Membership•  Jacques Defay
•  Leo Clemens Tindens
•  Che Tai Lee
•  Ole Hyltoft Petersen
•  Mohamed Moustafa Badawi
•  Ian MacArthur
•  Christopher Martin
•  Paul-Andre Fabra-Rovira
•  Michel Gentot
•  Louis Marcorelles
•  Erhard Eppler
•  Gunter Kurt Willi Gaus
•  Georg Kauffmann
•  Emmanuel Ashare Sai
•  Lazaros Th. Choumanidis
•  Krishna Dave
•  Taramal Kunhikrishnan
•  Sachidanand Sahay
•  Harjati Siagian
•  Mehry Ahy
•  Moshe Zak
•  Paolo Beonio-Brocchieri
•  Lucio Pozzi
•  Atsushi Kawamura
•  Masaya Miyoshi
•  Haig Abraham Katchadourian
•  Joonkyu Park
•  Hamdan bin Sheikh Tahir
•  Jamiluddīn Ali
•  Mohammad Kaysar Hussain
•  Maximo Soliven
•  Lucjan Kydryński
•  Jose-Pascual Meneu
•  Nils Otto Falke Isaksson
•  Pierre Vinde
•  Claude Louis Torracinta
•  Vasit Dejkunjorn
•  Hemet Fuat Bengu
•  Eriverstone Kigundu
•  Franklin G. Balch
•  Thomas J. Hargadon
•  Francis G. Hutchins
•  Sinisa Triva

These are the participants from 1962 for the yearly International Seminar led by Henry Kissinger at Harvard University.[1][2]. The fully paid six week stay had as one of its purposes to "establish better understanding among a select group of people who will be in top leadership roles in their countries in the years ahead".[3] Approximately half are from the field of the humanities and half in politics and economics.[4] They were among other things treated to an audience with President John F. Kennedy.

For next year's cadre, see Harvard/International Seminar/1963. For the previous year, see Harvard/International Seminar/1961. For an overview of the program itself, see Harvard/International Seminar.


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