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'''Anyone intending serious involvement with the WikiSpooks Project will need to be fairly comfortable with the content of this article.'''  
'''Wikispooks is an open source encyclopaedia of [[deep politics]]. This page is for those readers familiar with its contents who who would like to become editors. It clarifies Wikispooks' expectations of those who apply for editing permissions.'''
'''Scepticism is no barrier; fundamental disagreement IS.'''<br/><br/>
''Wikispooks'' is one of many reactions to the ever more blatant hypocrisies of the "[[Establishment]]" worldview. Aggressive use of {{ccm}} and scientifically researched projects to [[socially engineer]] a passive population have meant that '[[UK|Anglo]]-[[USA|American]]-[[Europe|Euro]]-[[NATO]]' friendly announcements are often accompanied only by the most superficial of justifications, whereas challenges to their {{on}}s are vigorously opposed on principle, whatever the facts of the case. Wikispooks is for [[red pill]]ers to critically reflect on these "[[Official narratives]]", to compile relevant evidence, exchange opinons and bounce ideas off like minds.
==Core principles==
'''WikiSpooks''' is one of myriad reactions to glaring hypocricies in the received 'Anglo-American-Euro-NATO' world view and the behaviours of Western Nation State [[Project:Definitions|"Establishments"]] that both derive from and are harnessed to it. The project rests on the the following linked propositions:
Wikispooks concurs that:
# [[Wikispooks:Site Rationale|"all power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely"]]
==Core propositions==
Wikispooks suggests further that:
# that both [[WikiSpooks:Definitions|"Official narratives"]] and "Official ''Opposition'' narratives" are, by definition, always more-or-less in service to [[WikiSpooks:Definitions|"The Establishment"]]. {{ref|1}}
<ol start="2">
# that "The Establishment" is the embodiment of REAL political power as distinct from largely illusory PARTY or FACTIONAL political power
<li>both "[[Official narrative]]s" and "[[Official_Narrative#Official_opposition_narratives|Official ''opposition'' narratives]]" are always more-or-less in service to {{te}} by deflecting attention from the real events, actors and their true motivations;</li>
# that the agenda's of REAL power are always hidden and that the primary function of [[WikiSpooks:Definitions|"Official Narratives"]] is thus to provide plausible cover for them.
<li>early 21<sup>st</sup> century party politics is nothing more than a convenient cover for the real business of [[deep politics]] which is rarely if ever investigated by the {{ccm}}, which are more or less completely controlled by agents of the [[deep state]];</li>
# that all power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely {{ref|2}}
<li>whilst there are good people everywhere, large hierarchical organisations (such as national governments and multi-national corporations) are prone to domination by [[psychopaths]] and [[sociopaths]], and so their pronouncements must be regarded as highly suspect at best;</li>
# that the early 21st century end-game thrust towards a Globalised system of Government in service to Globalised Corporate Capitalism - the "New Establishment " or "New World Order" - is (by it's very aspiration to absolute power), approaching absolute corruption. {{ref|3}}
<li>the early 21<sup>st</sup> century is witnessing an end-game push towards a globalised corporate capitalism. As this Orwellian "[[New World Order]]" aspires to absolute power, it embraces absolute corruption.<ref>The nature of the modern Corporation, as essentially psychopathic, is apposite (see this [https://www.medialens.org/2011/comment-is-free-but-freedom-is-slavery-an-exchange-with-the-guardians-economics-editor/ Media-Lens article]), as is the necessity for psychopathy in an individual as sine-qua-non for the acquisition and exercise of power at senior Nation State level.</ref></li>
*These propositions are axiomatic to WikiSpooks' purpose. They may be debatable but, other than using the above ''discussion tab'', '''NOT here'''.  
Wikispooks admonishes that:
*Anyone in substantial disagreement with any of them should take their disagreements elsewhere. - PERIOD.  
<ol start="6">
*Anyone ignoring this admonition and seeking either to debate them or post/edit articles in such a way as to purposely question or oppose them, will forfeit further site involvement in short order (the "Official narratives" of anything and everything already have vast resources dedicated to their promotion and WikiSpooks has no intention of adding to them).
<li>[[Establishment]]-sponsored "[[official narrative]]s" are already vastly overrepresented and this site is for their ''critical investigation'', not their defense or promulgation.</li>
<li>The above principles are central to Wikispooks' purpose. This website has only one page on which they are debatable: [[{{TALKPAGENAME}}|this talk page]].</li>
<li>Anyone editing the encyclopaedia in such a way as to purposely question or oppose these core principles will forfeit further site involvement in short order.</li>
'''It follows from the above five propositions that "The Official Narrative" of anything will ALWAYS be deceptive.'''
==Good faith==
[[image:Golden Rule.png|right|160px]]
Each of us has limited experience, so our opinions are necessarily biased and our knowledge to a certain extent flawed. We can however act in ''good faith''. In our conduct on the site, Wikispooks editors agree to subjugate local affiliations of race, creed, national, tribal, cultural or other parochial identities to the following:
# ''Our Common Humanity'': '''"We are all one."'''
# ''The Golden Rule:'' '''"We treat others as we hope to be treated by them."'''
# ''Our Sincerity'': '''"The insights we share will be done so sincerely."'''
==WikiSpooks main purpose==
The main purpose of Wikispooks therefore, is to provide alternatives to [[WikiSpooks:Definitions|"Official narratives"]], together with evidence, argument and speculation in support of those alternatives. Many of the alternatives provided will contain inaccuracies; they may even be downright false (in the manner of the masses of disinformation routinely and deliberately fostered by [[WikiSpooks:Definitions|"The Establishment"]] to provide the appearance of healthy opposition). '''They are however provided in good faith.'''
== Application Guidelines ==
Screening of editor applications is somewhat stringent since protection of the site's integrity is a high priority. '''''Most applications are declined''' — if you wish to become an editor you will be expected to spend some time on it''. Read the [[Wikispooks:Policy]] before you apply. Applications which contain grammatical errors, or those which do not mention ''why'' you wish to become an editor and what sort of edits you plan on doing'' will be rejected. We will expect you to identify yourself, include something about your background, and have published online and for your application to link to that.
==In Good Faith==
If you have applied before, you ''may'' re-apply, but you should mention this fact. Also, please mention in your application if there is a page on this site that mentions you, a document you have helped create, or if you plan on creating a page about yourself.
By '''"in Good faith"''' is meant, in furtherance of just two core axioms:
# that '''"Common Humanity"''' has absolute precedence over any and all considerations of Race, Colour, Creed or national, tribal, cultural or other membership, affiliation or loyalty.
# that the aphorism  '''''"Treat others as you expect to be treated by others"''''' follows from a shared common humanity .
==Examples of propositions axiomatic to mainstream discourse==
We do not welcome anonymous/pseudonymous applications, those intended for self-promotion or applications carried out at the request of a third party.
'''The following are akin to latter-day articles of religious faith. They can be questioned only on pain of excommunication from mainstream discourse as mediated by the Establishment [[MSM]].'''  
=== Examples of propositions axiomatic to mainstream discourse in Western {{CCM}} ===
'''The following are akin to latter-day articles of religious faith. They can be questioned only on pain of excommunication from mainstream discourse as mediated by {{te}}'s {{ccm}}.'''  
* Economic growth is necessary for a healthy economy and society.
* Economic growth is necessary for a healthy economy and society.
* Progress - as in to be 'Progressive'  - is at the heart of society's endeavours (Though, in similar fashion to the Emperor's New Clothes {{ref|4}} and because it is taken to be blindingly obvious, progress to what is left entirely to the imagination)  
* Progress - as in to be 'Progressive'  - is at the heart of society's endeavours (Though, in similar fashion to the Emperor's New Clothes {{ref|4}} and because it is taken to be blindingly obvious, progress to what is left entirely to the imagination)  
* Globalisation is both beneficial and necessary to 'progress'
* "[http://www.anti-globalisation.com/anti-globalisation/ Globalisation]" is both beneficial and necessary to "progress"
* Globalised so-called "Free Trade" is good for the whole world and necessary for 'progress'
* Globalised "[[Free Trade]]" is good for the whole world and necessary for 'progress'
* The intent of Western Nation States in General and one's own country (UK, USA, Germany France etc) in particular, towards the rest of the world, is essentially benign
* The intent of Western Nation States in general and one's own country ([[UK]], [[USA]],[[Germany]] [[France]] etc) in particular, towards the rest of the world, is essentially benign
* That real power is wielded by 'democratically elected' governments
* That "[[democratically elected]]" governments represent the apex of national and international power structures
* That a change of 'democratically elected' government in the West is the result of meaningful choice and thus has more than superficial effect on the agendas of REAL State and Supra-State Power.
* That "democratically elected" governments' main aim is to promote the well being of the populations of their nations, i.e. to pursue essentially Utilitarian{{ref|5}} policies
* That the primary function of Western 'democratically elected' governments is to be solitious for the best interests of their general populations ie to prosecute essentially Utilitarian {{ref|5}} policies
* Anglo-American-[[NATO]] Military actions are only ever used as a last resort either in "self-defence" or for purposes of [[humanitarian intervention]].
* That Agencies of Western Nation States, or elements/groups controlled by them, could not possibly carry out lethal [[Project:Definitions|'False-Flag']] attacks against their own civilian populations. The proposition is unthinkable and constitutes an absolute taboo which is rigorously enforced by the entire [[MSM]]
* That agencies of Western Nation States, or factions controlled by them could not possibly carry out lethal [[False Flag Attacks]] against their own civilian populations. Such a proposition is unthinkable and constitutes an absolute taboo which is enforced by all the {{ccm}}
* Anglo-American-NATO Military actions are always a last resort and only taken either is 'self-defence' or for the ultimate benefit of those on their receiving end.
''All of these proposition sit somewhere between patently false and utterly absurd, yet they are promulgated every hour of every day by more or less all the {{ccm}}.''
'''<big>If you are in agreement with the intent of Wikispooks and wish to contribute, subject to the guidelines outlined above, you are invited to [[Special:RequestAccount|apply for a Login]].<br/>
'''... All of which sit somewhere been utterly absurd and patently false - and there are many more. And yet, to effectively question any of them is to court serious risks -  risks to one's career, position,  place  or, at the extremes of effectiveness of the questioning, one's life.'''
==See Also==
* [[Project:About|About WikiSpooks]]
* [[Project:Editorial Policy|Editorial Policy]]
* [[Project:Privacy policy|Privacy policy]]
* [[Project:Registered User Undertakings|Registered User Undertakings]]
* [[Project:The Problem with Wikipedia|The Problem with Wikipedia]]
* [[Project:Site Rationale|Site Rationale]]
* [[Project:What this site is not|What this site is not]]
#{{note|1}}. The most succinct rendering of 'Opposition' as integral to 'Establishment' is probably that of the founder of modern Zionism Theodore Hertzl who stated '''''"We will lead every rebellion against us"'''''.  A seemingly ridiculous contradiction, but in practice a principle at the very heart of the exercise of Machiavellian Power.
#{{note|2}}. An aphorism attributed to Lord Acton in a letter to Mandell Creighton dated 1887 - more [[WikiSpooks:Site Rationale|here]]
#{{note|3}}. The nature of the modern Corporation as essentially psychopathic is apposite (see this [http://tinyurl.com/6j69o9r Media-Lens article]), as is the necessity for psychopathy in an individual as sine-qua-non for the acquisition and exercise of power at senior Nation State level.
#{{note|4}}. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor%27s_New_Clothes The Emperor's New Clothes] - Wikipedia article.
#{{note|4}}. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor%27s_New_Clothes The Emperor's New Clothes] - Wikipedia article.
#{{note|5}}. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism Utilitarianism] - Wikipedia article on the utilitarian political philosophy of John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham
#{{note|5}}. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism Utilitarianism] - Wikipedia article on the utilitarian political philosophy of John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham
{{Template:Wikispooks Footer/Policy}}
[[Category:About WikiSpooks]]
[[Category:About Wikispooks]]

Revision as of 02:42, 1 June 2023

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Wikispooks is an open source encyclopaedia of deep politics. This page is for those readers familiar with its contents who who would like to become editors. It clarifies Wikispooks' expectations of those who apply for editing permissions.


Wikispooks is one of many reactions to the ever more blatant hypocrisies of the "Establishment" worldview. Aggressive use of commercially-controlled media and scientifically researched projects to socially engineer a passive population have meant that 'Anglo-American-Euro-NATO' friendly announcements are often accompanied only by the most superficial of justifications, whereas challenges to their official narratives are vigorously opposed on principle, whatever the facts of the case. Wikispooks is for red pillers to critically reflect on these "Official narratives", to compile relevant evidence, exchange opinons and bounce ideas off like minds.

Core principles

Wikispooks concurs that:

  1. "all power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely"

Wikispooks suggests further that:

  1. both "Official narratives" and "Official opposition narratives" are always more-or-less in service to the establishment by deflecting attention from the real events, actors and their true motivations;
  2. early 21st century party politics is nothing more than a convenient cover for the real business of deep politics which is rarely if ever investigated by the commercially-controlled media, which are more or less completely controlled by agents of the deep state;
  3. whilst there are good people everywhere, large hierarchical organisations (such as national governments and multi-national corporations) are prone to domination by psychopaths and sociopaths, and so their pronouncements must be regarded as highly suspect at best;
  4. the early 21st century is witnessing an end-game push towards a globalised corporate capitalism. As this Orwellian "New World Order" aspires to absolute power, it embraces absolute corruption.[1]

Wikispooks admonishes that:

  1. Establishment-sponsored "official narratives" are already vastly overrepresented and this site is for their critical investigation, not their defense or promulgation.
  2. The above principles are central to Wikispooks' purpose. This website has only one page on which they are debatable: this talk page.
  3. Anyone editing the encyclopaedia in such a way as to purposely question or oppose these core principles will forfeit further site involvement in short order.

Good faith

Golden Rule.png

Each of us has limited experience, so our opinions are necessarily biased and our knowledge to a certain extent flawed. We can however act in good faith. In our conduct on the site, Wikispooks editors agree to subjugate local affiliations of race, creed, national, tribal, cultural or other parochial identities to the following:

  1. Our Common Humanity: "We are all one."
  2. The Golden Rule: "We treat others as we hope to be treated by them."

Application Guidelines

Screening of editor applications is somewhat stringent since protection of the site's integrity is a high priority. Most applications are declined — if you wish to become an editor you will be expected to spend some time on it. Read the Wikispooks:Policy before you apply. Applications which contain grammatical errors, or those which do not mention why you wish to become an editor and what sort of edits you plan on doing will be rejected. We will expect you to identify yourself, include something about your background, and have published online and for your application to link to that.

If you have applied before, you may re-apply, but you should mention this fact. Also, please mention in your application if there is a page on this site that mentions you, a document you have helped create, or if you plan on creating a page about yourself.

We do not welcome anonymous/pseudonymous applications, those intended for self-promotion or applications carried out at the request of a third party.
If you are in agreement with the intent of Wikispooks and wish to contribute, subject to the guidelines outlined above, you are invited to apply for a Login.


  1. The nature of the modern Corporation, as essentially psychopathic, is apposite (see this Media-Lens article), as is the necessity for psychopathy in an individual as sine-qua-non for the acquisition and exercise of power at senior Nation State level.
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