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Concept.png Gun 

Definitely not to be confused for a "less lethal" weapon such as a taser.[1] People die from gunshots.


An example

Page nameDescription
Gun control


Gun victims on Wikispooks

Shinzō AbeJapanese deep state actor and PM who aggressively re-militarised the country
Hafizullah Amin
Anis AmriSupposed perpetrator of the 2016 Berlin attack, termed "Not independently notable" by Wikipedia.
Galip BalkarAssassinated by Armenians while Turkish Ambassador to Yugoslavia
Louis Barthou
J. Clifford BaxterEnron Corporation executive who resigned in May 2001 before allegedly "committing suicide" the following year. Prior to his death he had agreed to testify before Congress in the Enron scandal.
Eddy Benavides
Charles-Victor Bracht
Jean de BroglieThe investigation into his 1976 assassination was soon classified as a military secret.
Manuel Buendía
Mārtiņš BunkusAssassinated lawyer who had worked on suspect financial institutions in Riga
Roland CarnabyA senior spook who was shot by a Houston police officer following a high speed motor car chase and died of his wounds.
Paul Castellano"The Howard Hughes of the Mob"
Sal Cincinelli
Kurt CobainHighly influential frontman of the rock band Nirvana
Sam CookeSinger and Civil Rights activist. He was good friends with boxer Muhammad Ali and activist Malcolm X. Shot dead in Los Angeles motel, possibly as part of COINTELPRO.
William CooperAnnounced around 10 weeks before 9/11 that "Whatever they're going to blame on Usama bin Laden - don't you believe it...They will soon do something outlandish to gain the support of the Sheeple".<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> He was killed by the US Marshals Service less than two months after the event.
Anastasio Somoza DebayleThird generation "our son of a bitch"
Richard Christian DillardAmerican political staffer
Silme DomingoAssassinated labor activist, probably killed on orders of Ferdinand Marcos
Denis DonaldsonSinn Féin member exposed in December 2005 as an MI5 employee. Assassinated in 2006.
Waldo DubbersteinUS spook shot in the head after becoming entangled in Edwin Wilson
Klaus EberweinA Haitian government official and businessman who was found dead with gunshot in head, a week before he was due to testify before the Haitian Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.
Kathy FergusonCo-defendant in the Paula Jones law suit against Bill Clinton. Died violently.
Daniel ForestierA DGSE agent who was assassinated in 2019
Francisco Ortiz FrancoMexican journalist assassinated within months of starting to write about drug trafficking.
Helric FredouA French policeman who reportedly shot himself just after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.
Anastasio Somoza GarcíaWith the help of the US Marine Corps started a family dictatorship that maintained absolute control over Nicaragua for 42 years.
Álvaro Gomez-HurtadoSpooky Colombian diplomat who attended Le Cercle. Assassinated in 1995
François de GrossouvreThe spook in charge of Operation Gladio in France.
Walter GuinnessLord Moyne. An Anglo-Irish politician and businessman. Was Minister of State in UN Mandate Palestine in 1944 when he was assassinated by members of Lehi
Philip HaneyA DOHS whistleblower who suddenly died in February 2020
Frank HegartyIRA member recruited as British informer. Executed in 1986 with direct involvement of Martin McGuinness.
Ernest HemingwayAmerican author hounded by the FBI
Bill HunterA reported who investigated the JFK assassination. Shot dead by a policeman, reportedly accidentally.
JFKThe last US president to effectively seek to promote the welfare of the US population.
Kenneth JohannemannA janitor at the World Trade Centre who saw explosions and rescued someone from the base of the buliding who had been burned by one.
George F. Baker JrA "prominent socialite" shot dead in 1977. 1001 Club. His son was presumed dead after flying a small plane.
Steve KangasA spook turned whistleblower who was one of the first political campaigners on the internet. Probably murdered by the US Deep state.
Denis KirejewUkrainian negotiator in early peace talks, shot for allegedly having shown pro-Russian tendencies.
David KoreshA cult leader shot dead in the Waco siege.
Andrei KozlovOn the Friday before he was assassinated, stated at a banking conference that "Those who have been found out laundering criminal money should probably be barred from staying in the banking profession for life. Such people disgrace the banking system."
Victor Kravchenko
Ivar KreugerSwedish match tycoon who was shot dead in a Paris hotel in 1932
Walter KrivitskyA spook and defector
Pedro Luis Díaz LanzOperation 40 pilot
Maxim LazovskyNamed as suspect in the 1999 Russian apartment bombings. Shot by unknown assassins.
Thomas H. LeeUS businessman friend of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Gunshot to the head.
Bing LiuAn assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead in his home in an apparent murder-suicide
Anton LubowskiNamibian anti-apartheid activist assassinated by South Africa's Civil Cooperation Bureau
... further results


Related Quotation

Hunter S. ThompsonAmerica... just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable”Hunter S. Thompson
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