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 Has spartacusBorn onDied onDescription
Mikhail Bakunin May 18141 July 1876
Arthur Balfour July 184819 March 1930
Joseph Ball September 188510 July 1961British spook who forged the Zinoviev Letter to bring down the first British Labour Party government in 1924. "Ball also had a keen understanding of the dark arts of political manipulation, a readiness to use all means at his disposal and an ability to keep himself out of the limelight... he knew how to lie and how to keep a secret."
Guy Banister March 19016 June 1964A US deep state operative involved in the JFK assassination. Suddenly died after he had attracted the attention of investigator Jim Garrison.
Bernard Barker December 19275 June 2009A soldier/spook involved both in the assassination of JFK and the Watergate coup.
Tracy Barnes August 191118 February 1972US Deep state actor involved in the Bay of Pigs
Joel Barr Barr.htm1 January 19161 August 1998
H. G. Bartholomew
Bernard Baruch August 187020 June 1965
Fulgencio Batista January 19016 August 1973President of Cuba
John Jacob Bausch Jacob Bausch
Bay of Pigs Invasion deliberately botched attempt to invade Cuba by the CIA, devised as a way to entrap JFK into full scale military action against Cuba. Unsuccessful, since JFK however refused to be manipulated.
Eddie Bayo
Boris Bazarov Bazarov.htm18931939Assassinated spook
Cedric Belfrage November 190421 June 1990Part of British Security Coordination, then press control officer in Germany after the WW2. Suspected Soviet agent, or British double-agent.
Larry Bell April 189420 October 1956Founder of Bell Aircraft Corporation, a part of the military-industrial complex, with ties to Lyndon B. Johnson. Grand Master freemason.
Carmine Bellino
Alan H. Belmont to director J. Edgar Hoover who ran the FBI cover-up after the JFK assassination; participated in COINTELPRO; and denied the existence of the Mafia.
Domingo Benavides
William Wedgwood Benn May 187717 November 1960British Liberal politician who later joined the Labour Party. RAF officer and Secretary of State for India.
Robert Bennett September 19334 May 2016Mormon US Senator who attended Brussels Forums
Enis Berberoğluhttp://Turkish politician and journalist who attended the [[2012 Bilderberg]]1 April 1956Turkish politician and journalist sentenced in 2017 to 25 years in prison on spying charges
Lavrenty Beria March 189923 December 1953
Paul Bethel spook who worked closely with anti-Castro exiles including Alpha 66.
Aneurin Bevan November 18976 July 1960
William Beveridge March 187916 March 1963Economist who helped shape welfare state policies and institutions in post-World War II Britain .
Ernest Bevin March 188114 April 1951British politician who was Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in the years after World War 2.
William Bishop 40 connected CIA officer with unclear connections to the JFK assassination.
Otto von Bismarck April 181530 July 1898
Richard M. Bissell September 19097 February 1994Member of The Georgetown Set strongly suspected of being involved in the JFK Assassination
Fred Black January 1993
Hugo Black February 188625 September 1971
George Blake November 1922A UK spy who passed a lot of documents to the USSR.
Louis Bloomfield August 190619 July 1984Canadian Zionist and spook tied to the assassination of John F. Kennedy through the CIA front organization Permindex.
Anthony Blunt September 190726 March 1983British art historian and Soviet spy. Member of the Cambridge Five
Nicholas Bodington June 19043 July 1974
Charles Bohlen August 19041 January 1974US diplomat member of The Georgetown Set, advisor to all US Presidents from 1943 to 1968
Don Bohning
Abraham Bolden January 1935Secret Service agent convicted on bogus charges when he blew the whistle to the Warren Commission.
Murray Bookchin January 192130 July 2006Philosopher who founded the social ecology movement
Martin Bormann June 19002 May 1945A prominent official in Hitler's government with control over assets plundered by the Nazis. The official story says he died in Berlin in 1945, although this is disputed.
Orlando Bosch August 192627 April 2011Convicted assassin, Operation 40 member, released by special order of George H. W. Bush after a petition from Jeb Bush
Juan Almeida Bosque
Boston and most populous city in Massachusetts, USA.
J. Thornton Boswell
Randolph Bourne May 188622 December 1918US writer best known for the phrase "war is the health of the state", that laments the success of governments in arrogating authority and resources during conflicts.
Ernest Boyce Boyce.htm
Brendan Bracken
Thomas W. Braden February 19173 April 2009OSS, Georgetown Set, CIA