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Covid Commission Planning Group

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Group.png Covid Commission Planning GroupRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Covid Commission Planning Group.png
Founder• 4799290374 cff36621fa o.jpg Philip Zelikow
Headquarters University of Virginia
Membership•  Amesh Adalja
• Anita cicero.jpg Anita Cicero
•  Yvonne Commodore-Mensah
•  Lisa Cooper
•  Gigi Gronvall
• Tara Kirk (700625823).jpg Tara Kirk Sell
•  Jennifer Nuzzo
•  Caitlin Rivers
•  Joshua Sharfstein
• Toner.png Eric Toner
•  Crystal Watson
•  Danielle Allen
•  John Bridgeland
•  Michael Callaha
•  Nicholas Christakis
•  Richard Danzi
•  Charity Dean
•  Victor Dza
•  Gary Edson
• Zeke Emanuel.png Ezekiel Emanuel
•  Ruth Faden
• Julie Gerberding.jpg Julie Gerberding
• Margaret Hamburg.jpg Margaret Hamburg
• Richard hatchett.png Richard Hatchett
•  Alexander Lazar
•  Marc Lipsitch
•  Anup Malani
•  Stephanie Mayfield
• Mark McClellan.jpg Mark McClellan
•  J. Stephen Morrison
•  Michael Osterholm
•  David Relman
•  Robert Rodriguez
•  Carl Schramm
•  Emily Silverman
•  Kristin Urquiza
•  Rajeev Venkayya
The deep state and Big Pharma preparing a once-in-a-century opportunity, led by Philip Zelikow, who was executive director of the 9/11 Commission

The Covid Commission Planning Group (Covid CPG), established in early 2021 and based at the University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs, was a deep state group that intends "to prepare the way for a potential National COVID Commission".[1] The Planning Group was directed by Philip Zelikow, who was executive director of the 9/11 Commission.

Zelikow stated:

to win the war against this alien invader, we have to win the war globally, not just nationally. It is a world war. That requires an approach on therapies, vaccines and financial support that takes a global view of how to defeat this threat and contain the most dangerous variants.[2]

The Covid CPG foresees that "the scope of a future commission’s work must be national and international, not just federal". They stress that "a future commission should also address private sector and nonprofit challenges, not just those faced by the government", in a "once-in-a-century opportunity" to "safeguard our common future from new existential threats".[3]

Big Pharma lobbying

One of the focus areas of the group is making approval and use of genetic engineering and gene therapies easier: "the promise and challenge of the bio revolution, including the relationship of science, industry, and government in handling the profound opportunities and risks of the bio revolution for dealing with new threats, nationally and globally; the regulatory environment for innovation, and specific issues in R&D and manufacturing, including challenging global production and supply chains for tests, therapeutics, and vaccines; and the challenges in national and global distribution of vaccines"[4]

Public or private Commission

The United States government might soon consider whether or how to organize a National Covid Commission. "If Congress and the White House prefer to establish a government commission, the Planning Group will offer its work to that effort. Alternatively, an independent, privately organized national commission could answer a broad set of questions" since "there’s a growing risk that hard-won lessons from the last year will be lost amid the natural urge to put the crisis behind us and return to our pre-pandemic lives."[3] It is not clear which "private organizers" they have in mind.

Conflict of interest

With hyperbole, the planning group states that "COVID-19 pandemic ranks as a singular mass trauma suffered by humanity during the last hundred years. Millions have already died. Tens of millions have fallen ill. Billions have suffered."[3] This suffering and trauma comes exclusively from the lockdowns and other measures many of these very experts were central in preparing and forcing through, not from any virus. The experts are preparing the groundwork for assessing their own deeds, a huge conflict of interest.


Sponsors of this commission planning effort include (but maybe not limited to) Schmidt Futures, the Skoll Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, and Stand Together. Based at the University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs, the Covid CPG is working with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security at the Bloomberg School of Public Health.


Known members

9 of the 37 of the members already have pages here:

Anita CiceroBig pharma lobbyist, public health planner and participant in Event 201
Zeke EmanuelUS "bioethicist". Brother of Ari Emanuel and Rahm Emanuel
Julie GerberdingApproved Merck vaccine Gardasil as CDC Director, salary $172,000. Then made around $25 million from stock sales when working for Merck.
Margaret HamburgUS physician and expert in pandemic preparedness. Board of the Council on Foreign Relations.Operation Dark Winter, Clade X, GAVI, CFR, Wellcome Trust,Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation
Richard HatchettEarly pusher (2001) for obligatory confinement of the whole population in case of biological emergency.
Mark McClellanFood and Drug Administration Commissioner who "streamlined" regulatory requirements for new drugs. Later made big bucks on boards of Big Pharma companies.
Tara Kirk Sell"Worked on pandemic preparedness and response for over a decade, focusing on public health policy and risk communication."
Eric TonerProject director and principal designer of the influential pandemic exercises Clade X and Event 201, which reflected many of his ideas on the subject.
Rajeev VenkayyaMember of the Independent Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness who attended the WEF/Annual Meeting/2020 among others
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