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Glenn Altschuler
Marco AlveràAugust 1975Italian gas executive, turning into "hydrogen power"
Shepard AmbellasFounded Intellihub. Reported on the 2012 Bilderberg.
Mark Ames3 October 1965American journalist who lived in Moscow during the 90s.
Hooshang Amirahmadi24 May 1947Iranian American spook who attended Le Cercle.
Jamil AnderliniOctober 1977Corporate journalist with long China experience. Attended Bilderberg/2024, where one of the subjects was China. WEF/YGL.
Robert Anderson4 June 191014 August 1989Le Cercle, Bilderberg,
Robert O. Anderson12 April 19172 December 2007Triple Bilderberg Big Oil exec who attended the 1973 Bilderberg
Dwayne Andreas4 March 191816 November 2016Large political donor to both major US parties.
José Andrés13 July 1969Spanish-American chef and restaurateur with ties to the US deep state
Marcia Angell20 April 1939"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine."
Hans Angermueller7 October 192411 July 2015Iran-Contra connected banker
James Jesus Angleton9 December 191712 May 1987"The dominant counterintelligence figure in the non-communist world", according to Richard Helms, DCI.
'Little Apostate'A young woman in the US who became critical of the Covid-19 related legislation and started a podcast. Seems to be inactive since mid-2022.
Anne Applebaum25 July 1964Integrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Inner Core, didn’t think that Hunter Biden's laptop qualified as a major news story.
Frank Archibald31 July 195513 March 2020Former director of the CIA's National Clandestine Service
Ladan ArchinIranian-American protégé of Paul Wolfowitz
Jennifer Arcuri1985
Michael Armacost15 April 1937President of the Brookings Institution, Acting US Secretary of State for 5 days in 1989
Richard Armitage26 April 1945"A sophisticated member of the top echelons of the U.S. government"
Hamilton Fish Armstrong7 April 189324 April 1973Managing editor for 44 years of Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations
Martin Armstrong1 November 1949Economic forecaster who was held in jail for 11 years, most of the time for contempt of court, after being relieved of the initial charges.
Leon AronDirector of Russian studies at the American Enterprise Institute, BBG
Joe Arpaio14 June 1932US Sheriff who stated that the long-form birth certificate of Barack Obama was a computer-generated forgery.
Sonia Arrison8 September 1972US futurist author and opponent of any paper evidence in electronic voting. Attended the 2010 Bilderberg
Adrienne Arsht4 February 1942Executive Vice Chair of Atlantic Council
Jake Arvey3 November 189525 August 1977Notorious political fixer for the Democrats in Chicago and key figure in the Supermob
Victor Ashe1 January 1945Kentucky fellow Bonesman, roommate and cheerleader with George W. Bush, who was appointed Ambassador Poland from 2004 until 2009. Bohemian Grove
Tewodros Ashenafi26 August 1969Ethiopian businessman on the board of Atlantic Council with a monopoly in many of the country's industries
Robert Ashley
Jessica Ashooh"Hawkish young mandarin hothoused at elite universities and in the halls of state power"
Sarah Ashton-Cirillo9 July 1977American citizen working as spokesperson for the Ukrainian military. As of late September 2023, suspended from role as a spokesperson for the Ukrainian military, after publicly promising to hunt down and punish all "Russian propagandists" around the world.
Ronald Asmus29 June 195730 April 2011Expanded NATO eastwards
Ed Asner15 November 1929A Jewish American actor, 9-11 activist, voice actor and a former president of the Screen Actors Guild
Ayaad Assaad1948
John Jacob Astor17 July 176329 March 1848The first multi-millionaire in the US
Susan Athey29 November 1970US economist, one time Bilderberger
Amir AttaranCanadian "Dr. Doom" epidemiologist pushing for Trudeau's emergency rule, masks forever, and "accelerated" safety standards for jabs.
Joe AtwillAmerican author of works about the late Roman, early Christian empire
Lloyd Austin8 August 1953United States Secretary of Defense
Warren Austin12 November 187725 December 1962
Dionel M. Aviles23 January 1961United States Under Secretary of the Navy 2004-2009.
Juval Aviv24 February 1947A terrorism expert and Mossad operative who once remarked on live TV: "It's easy to put a truck bomb, as we did, er, as happened in London."
Nihad Awad1964
Kelly Ayotte27 June 1968US lawyer and politician, Attorney General of New Hampshire 2004-2009
Shiva Ayyadurai2 December 1963Indian-American biologist and dissident.
Julia Azari1980"It’s time to give the elites a bigger say in choosing the president"
Shaukat Aziz6 March 1949Tri-national Citibank executive with "close ties" to the US deep state. Parachuted in to become Prime Minister of Pakistan. Cercle member.
Ashli Babbitt19857 January 2021An unarmed protester who was shot dead by Capitol Police in the 2021 Washington D.C. Riots. The identity of her murderer is being withheld.
Michael Babich1976Pled guilty in federal court in Boston to conspiracy and mail fraud charges