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David Chidgey9 July 194215 February 2022
John Chilcot22 April 1939Chair of the Inquiry into the UK's involvement in the Iraq War.
Trevor Chinn24 July 1935UK businessman and pro-Israel activist. Has a long history of financing pro-Israel groups in both main parties of government, including Keir Starmer.
Christopher Chope19 May 1947Conservative MP for Christchurch and East Dorset
Diana Churchill11 July 190920 October 1963Daughter of Winston Churchill, died of a drug overdose
Randolph Churchill28 May 19116 June 1968
Winston Churchill30 November 187424 January 1965
Winston Churchill II10 October 19402 March 2010A grandson of Winston Churchill, visited Le Cercle
Alan Clark13 April 19285 September 1999Bullingdon Club, Le Cercle, Minister for Defence Procurement...
Derek Roland Clark10 October 1933A member of the European Parliament
Katy Clark3 July 1967
Kenneth Clarke2 July 1940Bilderberg Steering committee, The Other Club, UK politician. When former child actor Ben Fellows went public with accusations that Clarke had assaulted him, Fellows was prosecuted for "attempting to pervert the course of justice".
Rachel Clarke1972Spooky UK doctor who got cartoonist Bob Moran fired from the Daily Telegraph during the Covid event.
David Clementi25 February 1949Former Governor of the Bank of England and BBC chairman.
Geoffrey Clifton-Brown23 March 1953
Amal Clooney3 February 1978
Richard Clutterbuck22 November 19176 January 1998Military academic equaling political dissent with political violence, and political violence with terrorism.
Cameron Cobbold14 September 19041 November 1987Governor of the Bank of England 1949-1961
Ralph Cochrane24 February 189517 December 1977RAF Air Chief Marshal, Bilderberg
John Cockroft6 July 1934UK politician and financial journalist. Board of the European Movement (UK) 1973-74. Attended 1971 Bilderberg meeting.
Ann Coffey31 August 1946Former Blairite Labour Party politician
Thérèse Coffey18 November 1971The [[UK]]’s new cigar-smoking [[Secretary of State for Health|Health Secretary]]<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Andrew Cohen7 October 190917 June 1968UK colonial administrator who attended the 1966 Bilderberg
Nick Cohen1961Establishment journalist who spoke at Tackling Tools of Malign Influence, an Integrity Initiative sponsored conference
Sacha Baron Cohen13 October 1971Claiming to be a provocateur, he reinforces enemy images of groups the liberal establishment needs to dehumanize to attack: rednecks, Arabs, Eastern Europeans, Central Asians..
Brien Cokayne12 July 18643 November 1932Governor of the Bank of England 1918-1920
George Douglas Cole25 September 188914 January 1959
Damian Collins4 February 1974Integrity Initiative connected UK politician cum propagandist member of the Center for Countering Digital Hate
Phil Collins30 January 1951UK musician mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.
Philip CollinsUk columnist for The Times and chairman of Demos.
Timothy Collins1956Us financier, attended all the Bilderberg meetings from 2003 to 2012
Paul Condon10 March 1947Ex-UK policeman turned deputy chairman of the board of mercenary company G4S.
Jonathan Cook1965UK journalist based in Nazareth, Israel, since 2001.
Anthony Cooke24 July 1941"Shipowner", member of the UK Privy Council, director of the Institute for Statecraft
Ben D. CookeSingle Bilderberger UK businessman
Yvette Cooper20 March 1969Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee
Oliver Coppard1981The first Jewish metro mayor in England; a supporter of 15-minute cities
Jeremy Corbyn26 May 1949On Labour's left wing, but on the right side of history!
John Cordeaux23 July 19024 January 1982UK Conservative Party politician and intelligence officer.
Gordon CoreraSecurity Correspondent at BBC News, where he was "frequently in contact" with the Integrity Initiative
Robert Coryndon2 April 187010 February 1925One of Cecil Rhodes's "twelve apostles"
Con Coughlin14 January 1955Foreign editor of the Daily Telegraph best known for receiving stories directly from MI6, including that Saddam Hussein could launch weapons of mass destruction in 45 minutes.
Sherard Cowper-Coles8 January 1955Spooky UK diplomat
Caroline Cox6 July 1937Maverick baroness in the British Parliament.
Jo Cox22 June 197416 June 2016Jo Cox was a UK politician murdered in the run up to the 2016 EU Referendum. Echoing the assassination of Sweden's Anna Lindh, the event appears not to have greatly influenced the outcome, and was officially carried out by a "lone nut".
Vivienne CoxMay 1959British Petroleum and natural resources businesswoman. Trilateral Commission.
Percy Cradock26 October 192322 January 2010UK spook, Chairman of the UK Joint Intelligence Committee, Bilderberg 1992, Le Cercle
James Craig13 July 192426 September 2017UK diplomat helped introduce the session on The Gulf And Afghanistan at the 1988 Bilderberg.
Quintin Craufurd22 September 174323 November 1819British spook who worked against the French revolution.
Stella Creasy5 April 1977British Labour Co-operative politician