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Page nameDescription
Cover-upThe cover-up sides of deep events tend to be much more complex and instructive than their commission - an assassination is a relatively routine task as opposed to hiding an assassination.
Deep state recruitment networkFuture leaders in deep state structures have to come from somewhere.
Deep state/PolicyThe policies of deep state
DeepfakeA futuristic and dystopian technology to impersonate...anyone in a video, audio, picture or combined. Use in statecraft is probably already here.
DemoralisationKeeping the populace demoralised is a goal of the Deep State.
Diplomatic immunityAn internationally agreed arrangement to confers special legal privileges on diplomats.
Divide and rule
Election/FraudOnly happens in Third World countries your American oil hawks don't like.
EntrapmentSpooky tactic.
Fifth ColumnDeep state term.
GaslightingPlaying tricks on others and telling them they must be imagining things.
GentrificationThe process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in displacing current inhabitants in the process.
GeoengineeringDeliberate manipulation of the earth for fun, profit and/or military utility. The official narrative about current use is that it is principally an attempt to offset fossil fuel derived global warming <a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> - so that's OK then.
Gun control
Hidden agendaDishonest motives.
Historical revisionRewriting history.
Hit piecesomething published with the intent to sway public opinion by presenting false information in a way that appears objective and honest.
IconoclasmThe destruction of art, images and monuments. A part of Cultural genocide.
Identity politicsA divide and rule strategy that focuses on superficial issues such as gender, religion or even skin color to promote infighting.
Information Operation
Israel/Judaization of JerusalemSlow-motion but determined ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem
Limited hangoutA propaganda technique to try to suppress the revelation of secret information.
Memory holeMentioned in Nineteen Eighty-Four as a tool of censorship, now used metaphorically to describe the fate of unpalatable truths.
Mental healthCan be used to try to suppress truth
Missing documentsFiles do go missing, both accidentally and on purpose. This article reviews some of the common patterns.
Need to knowGiving information only when needed to only those people who need it is fundamental to both tradecraft and statecraft.
Plastic wordPlastic words, with minimal substantive meaning and which avoid clear definition, are effective as tools of misdirection, particularly on the hypnotised
Plausible deniabilityPlausible deniability, the ability to (fairly) plausibly deny having done or attempted to do something, is a key part of deep statecraft, needed to stay in the shadows
Plea dealPlea deals are imports elements of statecraft. They offer a lot of freedom to keep people out of jail or to prevent exposure of deep events or deep state operatives.
SDS/PoliciesThe Deep State's core policy objective is to maximise control. This is aligned with the policies of separate deep state groups, but on a larger, more comprehensive scale.
Sexual blackmailA long established tactic used to exert covert control over specific individuals.
Social control
Social engineeringThe calculated influencing of society on a large scale, often over a long term.
Soft power
Special access program
Terror threatThreat of terrorism
The PedophocracyA term coined by David McGowan, who claims that the abuse of children forms a part of the habits of control of the ruling elite.
VIPaedophileAllegations of pedophilia amongst the most senior positions in society are persistent in many countries, as is the pattern of official denial, losing documents, sudden deaths of researchers and failure to prosecute.
Virtue signallinga part of Censorship