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William Cooper around 10 weeks before 9/11 that "Whatever they're going to blame on Usama bin Laden - don't you believe it...They will soon do something outlandish to gain the support of the Sheeple".<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> He was killed by the [[US Marshals Service]] less than two months after the event.
Daniel Cornu journalist and academic. Editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper Tribune de Genève 1982-92.
William Corson and counterinsurgency expert who became became critical of the "American intelligence empire". Unofficial adviser to Frank Church and the Senate Intelligence Activities Committee.
Richard Cottrell EU politician with an interest in Gladio
Con Coughlin editor of the Daily Telegraph best known for receiving stories directly from MI6, including that Saddam Hussein could launch weapons of mass destruction in 45 minutes.
Theodore Couloumbis academic with close ties to the United States.
Alan Cowell foreign correspondent for The New York Times.
George Creel sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=George+CreelWorld War I propagandist. Headed the "Creel Commission" to try to get the US public to support involvement in WWI.
Liz Crokin
Alistair Crooke UK spook who has gone on the record stating that "The West does not actually hand the weapons to al-Qaida, let alone to ISIS... , but the system they’ve constructed leads precisely to that end."
Seth Cropsey
Brian Crozier espionage insider who founded his own intelligence agency
Bruce Cumings who has gone deeper than any other writing in English with respect to the circumstances surrounding many aspects of the Korean War.
John Cummings with several books on the confluence of intelligence gathering, money laundering and drug trafficking.
Ernest Cuneo sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Ernest+Cuneo
Mark Curtis
Roald Dahl
Ralf Dahrendorf born philosopher. Regular contributor to Bilderberg meetings.
John Dalberg-Acton sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=John+Dalberg-ActonEnglish Catholic historian, politician, and writer.
Edmund Dalpe sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Edmund+Dalpe
Stephen Dalziel byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Stephen+Dalziel&search-alias=books&field-author=Stephen+Dalziel&sort=relevancerankSpokesman for the Institute for Statecraft and "Research and Staff Coordinator" of the Integrity Initiative with "Forty years of dealing with Russia"... “Definitely not secret service, I promise you.” Russo-British Chamber of Commerce director
Kenneth Dam who was US Deputy Secretary of State, with a heavy Bilderberg habit.
Ole Dammegård sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Ole+Dammegård
Elma Dangerfield journalist and Liberal Party politician. She also was an intelligence operative during and after World War 2, working especially with Eastern European exiles.
Frank Darvall byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Frank+O.+Darvall&search-alias=books&field-author=Frank+O.+Darvall&sort=relevancerankUK labour leader who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1950s
Tom Daschle byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Tom+Daschle&search-alias=books&field-author=Tom+Daschle&sort=relevancerankTargeted by Amerithrax after expressing opposition to the Patriot Act. Attended Bilderberg 2008 and Clade X.
David Dautresme Bilderberger French Lazard banker
Michel David-Weill financier and heir to the Lazard banking dynasty who attended the 1972 and 2002 Bilderbergs.
Iain Davis writer and researcher with a background in journalism and health care. Published Pseudopandemic in June 2021
John DeCamp
Arthur Dean and senior partner of Sullivan & Cromwell, where he worked closely with John Foster Dulles
Guy Debord
Midge Decter "polemical powerhouse"
Gaston Defferre the 1964 Bilderberg as Mayor of Marseille
Guillermo de la Dehesa, then Goldman Sachs/International Advisors, Group of Thirty, Double Bilderberg
Rudi Dekkers of the 9/11-linked Huffman Aviation flight school, also with strong links to drug trafficking.
Sefton Delmer UK propagandist, single Bilderberger
Charlotte Denett
Jean-François Deniau sb noss?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Jean-François+DeniauA diplomat who wrote the foreword of the Treaty of Rome. Le Cercle
Charlotte Dennett 27:Charlott+Dennett&s=relevancerank&text=Charlott+Dennett&ref=dp byline sr book 3investigative journalist
Mattias Desmet
Thomas Dewey of New York, US lawyer, attended the 1957 February Bilderberg
James DiEugenio byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=James+DiEugenio&search-alias=books&field-author=James+DiEugenio&sort=relevancerankA JFK assassination researcher
P. Nikiforos Diamandouros byline sr book 2?ie=UTF8&text=P.+Nikiforos+Diamandouros&search-alias=books&field-author=P.+Nikiforos+Diamandouros&sort=relevancerankGreek academic, Ombudsman of the European Union 2003-2013
Mark Dice YouTuber.
Philip K. Dick science fiction writer concerned with the nature of reality, perception, human nature, and identity.
Robbert Dijkgraaf 27:Robbert+Dijkgraaf&s=relevancerank&text=Robbert+Dijkgraaf&ref=dp byline sr book 2One time Bilderberger. String theorist
Linh Dinh ntt srch lnk 1&qid=1639191116&sr=8-1Linh Dinh writes for The Unz Review.
Hrant Dink byline sr book 1?ie=UTF8&text=Hrant+Dink&search-alias=books&field-author=Hrant+Dink&sort=relevancerank
Pierson Dixon UN Ambassador during the Suez invasion.