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Mathias Döpfner15 January 1963CEO of mightiest media group in Germany and Europe, Axel Springer SE, member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee and other transatlantic networks, most notably Atlantik-Brücke. Became billionaire after receiving gift from elderly widow.
Lina E.Founder of the Hammerbande, a left wing terrorist organization operating in Central Europe.
Thomas EbelingSingle Bilderberg German businessman - tobacco, Pepsi, Novartis pharmaceuticals, media executive. Member of Atlantik-Brücke.
Felix von Eckardt18 June 190311 May 1979Important aide to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
Dietrich Eckart23 March 196926 December 1923A German poet, playwright and philosopher who was a key influence on the development of Adolf Hitler's political philosophy
Wolfgang Eggert1962
Khalid El-Masri29 June 1963Kidnapped for months by the CIA after a case of mistaken identity. His lawsuit was dismissed on grounds of "national security"
Otmar Emminger2 March 19113 August 1986German economist. President of the German Bundesbank in the late 1970s
Tom Enders21 December 1958Atlantik-Brücke, American Council on Germany/Young Leaders, Bilderberg/Steering committee, Munich Security Conference/Advisory Council ...
Ursula Engelen-Kefer20 June 1943Vice Chairman of the German Confederation of Trade Unions 1990-2006. Attended 1998 Bilderberg meeting
Friedrich Engels28 November 18205 August 1895
Ludwig Erhard4 February 18975 May 1977Single Bilderberg, West German Minister for Economics for 14 years during the German "economic miracle".
Fritz Erler14 July 191322 February 1967SPD Deputy chair. Attended all Bilderberg meetings from 1955 September to his death in 1967, aged 53
Frido von Senger und Etterlin4 September 18919 January 1963General in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II, who helped rebuild the German army after the war. Attended Königswinter conferences and the 1959 Bilderberg.
Nancy Faeser13 July 1970
Gotthard von Falkenhausen20 January 18991 November 1982German banker
Ernst Falkenheim8 May 189816 December 1982German oil executive. Until 1962 member of the presidency of the Federation of German Industries.
Markus FiedlerGerman researcher into Wikipedia and who is influencing it.
Andrea Fischer14 January 1960WEF backed German health minister turned pharma lobbyist
Joschka Fischer12 April 1948German Bilderberg politician who was the main driver in transforming the Green Party from pacifism to hyper-militarism.
Viviane FischerDissident lawyer who works with the Corona Investigative Committee
Friedrich Flick10 July 188320 July 1972
Boris Floricic8 June 197217 October 1998German hacker/phreaker with strong interest in cryptography found dead in a park. Ruled a suicide.
E. G. Focke19141961In attendance at the first Bilderberg and two further Bilderbergs
Klaus-Dieter FrankenbergerTransatlantic German editor
Christoph Franz2 May 1960Lufthansa CEO, One Bilderberg, called for mandation of COVID-19 vaccines in April 2021.
Ernst Friedlaender4 February 189513 January 1973Strongly pro-EU German editor
Franz Froschmaier29 July 19308 January 2013German lawyer/politician
Reiner Fuellmich1958Dissident lawyer who was involved with the Corona Investigative Committee, now accused of theft.
Ralf Fücks3 August 1951German politician married to Marieluise Beck of the German cluster of the Integrity Initiative
Sigmar Gabriel12 September 1959German deep state operative, Atlantik-Brücke Chairman since 2019
Reinhard Gehlen3 April 19028 June 1979Head of the Gehlen Organisation under Adolf Hitler, smoothly transitioned post war to head of the BND
Hansjörg Geiger1 November 1942Former BND chief
Michaela Geiger29 September 194330 December 1998German politician who helped introduce discussion on Domestic Developments In Eastern Europe:Policy Implications For The West for the 1989 Bilderberg.
Hans-Dietrich Genscher21 March 192731 March 2016West-German deep state operator
Wolfgang Gerhardt31 December 1943German politician in the small but influential Free Democratic Party
Horst Gerlach16 August 191916 December 1990German Social Democratic politician
Gerhard P. Th. Geyer5 September 189714 February 1972Esso director who attended the 1st and 4th Bilderbergs
Géza Andreas von GeyrGerman diplomat with heavy MSC habit
Herbert Giersch11 May 192122 July 2010Neoliberal German economist who attended the 1975 Bilderberg meeting. Mont Pèlerin Society.
Hans Globke10 September 189813 February 1973High ranking jurist during the Nazi government; After the war one of the most powerful people in the German government.
Peter Glotz6 March 193925 August 2005German politician
Joseph Goebbels29 October 18971 May 1945Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda under Adolf Hitler
Marcus Goldman9 December 182120 July 1904Founder of Goldman Sachs, which has since become one of the world's largest investment banks
Karl-Friedrich Grau19225 September 1984
Ulrich Grillo2 September 1959German businessman who attended the 2013 and 2016 Bilderbergs
Herbert Gross19071976Writer for the Nazi magazine Das Reich who in 1946 founded the Handelsblatt. One of the first to fundamentally deal with public relations on a programmatic level in post-war West Germany. Attended the 3rd and 4th Bilderbergs.
Alfred Grosser1 February 1925German-French writer known for his contributions towards the Franco-German cooperation. Attended Bilderberg/1980. Later known for criticizing Israel and the cynical use of antisemitism accusations.
Hans GrothSenior Director for Healthcare Policy & Market Access, Oncology Business Unit, at Pfizer Europe. Attended 2011 Bilderberg.
Johannes Großmann1981A historian interested in deep politics.