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Virginia Bottomley12 March 1948
Hubert Brasier20 August 191712 October 1981Father of Theresa May, died in a car crash
Charles Henry Brent9 April 186227 March 1929Missionary Bishop to the newly annexed Philippine Islands. Chairman of the 1909 meeting of the Shanghai Opium Commission, laying the groundwork for the international ban on opium.
David Cameron9 October 1966UK deep state operative, former UK PM
Douglas Carswell3 May 1971A former Tory who was UKIP's sole representative in Parliament before becoming an Independent MP
Lord Robert Cecil14 September 186424 November 1958
Randolph Churchill28 May 19116 June 1968
Winston Churchill30 November 187424 January 1965
Alan Clark13 April 19285 September 1999Bullingdon Club, Le Cercle, Minister for Defence Procurement...
Stella Creasy5 April 1977British Labour Co-operative politician
William Dartmouth23 September 1949A member of the European Parliament
Eric Drummond17 August 187615 December 1951
Anthony Eden12 June 189714 January 1977A UK Prime Minister who did not attend the Bilderberg, although his son did.
Albert Edward9 November 18416 May 1910
Michael Fallon14 May 1952UK Secretary of State for Defence. In April 2017, Fallon confirmed that the UK would use its nuclear weapons in a pre-emptive initial strike in "the most extreme circumstances".
Nigel Farage3 April 1964Influential UK and European Parliament politician. Media campaigner for Brexit.
Mark Field6 October 1964Spooky British Conservative Party politician
Michael Franklin4 July 1942
Giles Fraser27 November 1964Canon chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral.
Mike Gapes4 September 1952
Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil3 February 183022 August 1903Three time UK Prime Minister
William Gladstone29 December 180919 May 1898
Robert Goodwill31 December 1956UK politician
Charles Gore22 January 185317 January 1932Bishop of Oxford, a friend of Herbert Asquith
John Gouriet1 June 19354 September 2010
Chris Grayling1 April 1962British Conservative Party politician
Justine Greening30 April 1969Attended the 2014 Bilderberg as UK/Secretary of State for International Development
Dominic Grieve24 May 1956
William Hague26 March 1961Described sinister Le Cercle as "a political group which organises conferences."
Tony Hall3 March 1951
George Hamilton-Gordon28 January 178414 December 1860UK PM
Philip Hammond4 December 1955British Conservative politician
Edward Heath9 July 191617 July 2005UK Prime Minister, posthumously suggested to be controlled through the UK/VIPaedophile operation
Samuel Hoare24 February 18807 May 1959
Geoff Hoon6 December 1953When put to Hoon in an interview that an Iraqi mother of a child killed by British cluster bombs would not thank the British Army, he replied "One day they might".
John Howard26 July 1939
Geoffrey Howe20 December 19269 October 2015
Tristram Hunt31 May 1974British Labour Party politician
Andrew Hunter8 January 1943
Gladwyn Jebb25 April 190024 October 1996Holder of spooky jobs including UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations. Chief of the SOE during WW2.
George Jellicoe4 April 191822 February 2007UK spook who founded Hakluyt & Company Ltd.
Patrick Jenkin7 September 192620 December 2016
Boris Johnson19 June 1964Deep state functionary Bullingdon puppet leader
Jo Johnson23 December 1971Younger brother of Boris Johnson, Bullingdon and other deep state connections
Tom King13 June 1933
Michael Kirby8 March 1939Australian judge later joining the international atrocity propaganda circuit
Sam Kutesa1 February 1949Ugandan politician
Andrew Lansley11 December 1956
Harold Macmillan10 February 189429 December 1986UK PM
John Major29 March 1943UK Prime Minister from 1990 to 1997.