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Paul AchleitnerAustrian banker businessman with deep state connections.
Martti Ahtisaari10th President of Finland, UN Commissioner for Namibia, 3 Bilderbergs
Keith B. AlexanderChief of the NSA, now infamous for his mendacious denials regarding the illegal mass surveillance of US citizens.
Peter AmmonGerman diplomat, Atlantik-Brücke, MSC
Louise ArbourSpecial Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for International Migration
Rainer ArnoldGerman politician who attended the MSC meetings from 2009 to 2017
Catherine AshtonA woman with zero qualification or experience of foreign affairs who, in 2009, was made 'High representative for Foreign Affairs and Security policy' in a deal which finally recognised that the position was NOT going to be given to Tony Blair
Kelly AyotteUS lawyer and politician, Attorney General of New Hampshire 2004-2009
Dora BakoyannisDouble Bilderberg Greek politician
Ehud BarakIsraeli spook who was Prime Minister of Israel from May 1999 to March 2001. Pal of Jeffrey Epstein.
John BarrassoUS physician and politician, multiple visits to the MSC
Dominic BartonBilderberger, businessman
Fatou Bensouda
Roland BergerGerman entrepreneur and possible deep state actor
Carl BildtSwedish deep politician, serial Bilderberger and visitor to the MSC. Sitting on an impressive number of deep state related commissions.
Manfred BischoffMSC regular
Franziska BrantnerGerman super-militarist Green politician.
Philip BreedloveSupreme Allied Commander Europe
Elmar Broklobbyist and European parliament politician, MSC regular
Des BrowneBought nuclear missiles as UK Secretary of State for Defence, campaigns for nuclear disarmament after leaving power.
William BurnsPoly Bilderberger US diplomat, US/Deputy Secretary of State
Richard BurtUS Deep state operative who took part in the discussion about "terrorism" at the 1986 Bilderberg. Founded Diligence
Reinhard BütikoferGerman politician, regular at the Brussels Forum, also attends WEF AGMs
Ashton CarterFormer US Secretary of Defense
Saxby Chambliss
Michael ChertoffA long-standing US Republican Party apparatchik and dual US/Israeli citizen who has held senior US legal and national security positions.
Richard ClarkeAmerican spook and "terror expert"
Eliot CohenSpooky academic labelled "the most influential neocon in academe"
William CohenUnited States Secretary of Defense 1997-2001, various deep state connections
Bob CorkerSenator from Tennessee 2007-2019, Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 2015-2019
Tom CottonThe most Hawkish senator in US Congress. Elected, funded and guided by AIPAC, advocates war crimes, jailing kids and aunts for "corruption of blood". Tried very infamously to sabotage the Iran Nuclear Deal.
Ivo DaalderUSDSO who co-authored Protecting the American Homeland - A Preliminary Analysis, a book published in 2002 by the Brookings Institution about 9/11
Janine DavidsonMilitary-industrial complex. Senior fellow for defense policy at the Council on Foreign Relations
Ahmet Davutoğlu
Oleg DeripaskaRussian billionaire, WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow
Hans-Lothar DomröseSenior German Army officer. He is believed to have visited Le Cercle in 1983.
Eric EdelmanUS diplomat/politician whom Sibel Edmonds named as a corrupt individual of interest.
Espen Barth EideAttended the 2013 Bilderberg as Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Tom EndersAtlantik-Brücke, American Council on Germany/Young Leaders, Bilderberg/Steering committee, Munich Security Conference/Advisory Council ...
Ulrik FederspielDanish diplomat, Bilderberg Steering committee
Niall FergusonPoly Bilderberger Hoover Institution Fellow historian, WEF YGL 2005, attended the WEF/Annual Meeting/2020
Klaus-Dieter FrankenbergerTransatlantic German editor
Wolfgang GerhardtGerman politician in the small but influential Free Democratic Party
Nik GowingUK Deep state connected TV journalist
Lindsey GrahamUS/Senate/Committee on the Judiciary/Chair, double Bilderberg
Herman GrefRussian banker/politician. World Economic Forum’s board of trustees. Played a prominent role in the development and production of the Sputnik V vaccine.
Jean-Marie GuéhennoFrench globalist diplomat with many ties to the making of defense and security policies.
Ulrike GuérotDeep state operative who was persecuted after she publicly dissented from SDS policy.
Katrin Göring-EckardtWarmongering German Green politician
August HanningFormer BND chief