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1973 Oil crisisA huge rise in the price of oil, very probably created by attendees of the 1973 Bilderberg.
2014 Ukraine coup/Anti-Terrorist-OperationOlexander Turchynov, as acting President of Ukraine, announced the start of "anti-terrorist operation" against Donbas protestors in 2014.
2022 German coup d'état plotAfter "The Storming of the Reichstag" in 2020, another - fictional - attempt to overthrow the German government in 2022.
9-11/Israel did itEvidence for the proposition that the Israeli deep state was involved in the 9-11 event.
9-11/The 19 HijackersA collection of 19 Muslim men blamed for the 9/11 attacks, 15 of whom were given visas to enter USA (in several cases, irregularly) at the orders of Richard Armitage.
ADHDA controversial, increasingly widely-diagnosed psychological disorder that big pharma seems to be using as a pretext for prescribing otherwise-illegal, highly addictive “performance enhancing” stimulants to improve the academic performance of schoolchildren.
Advanced persistent threatA computer attack in which a person or group gains unauthorized access to a computer network and remains undetected for an extended period.
Alt-rightA modern term used in US and western CCM-media to define conservative-aligned parts of the population that have strayed away from supporting the classic liberal and classic conservatism parties in favour of (sometimes) more reactive, violent or anti-governmental ideas and concepts, in a way similar to the positioning of Antifa in the political spectrum.
Anti-corruptionOpposition to corruption.
Anti-vaxxerAn important enemy image during COVID to demonize resistance to COVID-19 injections.
AntisemitismAn etymological misnomer with no clear meaning. In current widespread use to demonise people deemed to be threatening to cherished Judaic official narratives and to close down rational debate. Nowadays it is often used against people who defenders of Israel don't like.
ApologistA pejorative word for a person who a person who supports or sees nuances of a particular political or social belief.
Arab SpringA neologism coined by western Establishments to describe a series of allegedly 'popular uprisings' that occurred throughout the Arab world from December 2010 through to around mid-2012 and which were planned triggered and orchestrated by western Deep State interests using well developed 'Colour revolution' methodologies.
Bad appleThe phrase "bad apple" is used by corporate media in cases of blatant corruption. This generally avoids enquiry into the systemic causes of corruption.
BailoutA globally organised shift of money from ordinary taxpayers to the already hyper-rich who control the banking and political systems.
Black genocideThe extinction of black people.
COVID-19/ResponseThe "response" to COVID-19 event appears to have been coordinated globally to effect social change and economic reasons.
COVID-19/VaccineThe "vaccine" for COVID 19?
Child refugeeThe claim of adult migrants being child refugees has been a media tactic to promote things like humanitarian intervention, open borders and multiculturalism.
Chinese interference in Australian politicsChina is accused of interfering in the 2019 Australian federal election. COVID-19 and AUKUS came soon after.
Chinese interference in Canadian politicsChina is accused of interfering in the 2019 Canadian federal election and the 2021 Canadian federal election
Climate changethe dogma that rise in CO2 levels correspond to a (as of yet non-significant) rise in temperature and that the world is ahead of an apocalyptic disaster
Climate change/Flood"Climate change" supposedly increases the risk of floods.
Climate change/Hurricane"Climate change" supposedly increases the frequency of hurricanes.
Conservation movementMany billionaires are highly passionate about it.
Conspiracy mindsetA tool of the deep state to undermine opposition. Anyone who believes in high level corruption (holds "conspiracy beliefs") is assumed to be mentally abnormal and deficient, although the majority of the population do so.
Conspiracy theoristAn enemy image used for ad hominem attacks on people as a way of misdirecting attention away from their arguments
Conspiracy theoryAn enemy image used to equate scepticism of government with craziness. It was developed by the CIA to try to contain doubt about the FBI's "Oswald did it, case closed" approach to the JFK assassination. It is now being associated with dangerous and violent insanity, in an effort to promote internet censorship of free speech.
Conspiracy theory/Academic researchLike "terrorism research", this is long on assumptions and short on empirical investigation (especially of the historical record). It is part of a project to demonize any criticism of official narratives and promote deep state denialism.
Continuity of GovernmentA plan for undermining and infiltrating government, activated by the US Deep state on 9-11
Counter-extremismLike "counter-terrorism", supposedly a force to counter "extremism". In practice, such efforts deserve closer scrutiny, not least because of the plastic nature of the word "extremism".
Counter-terrorismA component of the military-industrial-terrorism-congressional complex which has seen a dramatic growth since 9-11. Originally referred to special forces trained in terrorist warfare, it became a broader meaning for loss of civil liberties and a culture of fear and mistrust.
Countering disinformationWhen used by the Integrity Initiative, this appears to be a code for "promoting our narrative".
CyberattackCyberattacks are a new form of large scale security holes, which suspiciously emerge from an (unknown) central point in government software all over the world
CyberterrorismThe use of computers by "terrorists" to cause disruption. This is an arena in which the determination of responsibility is particularly difficult, and therefore false flag attacks are that much more easy.
CyberwarfareCyberwarfare is the use of digital tools and tactics to conduct acts of espionage, disruption, or sabotage in the virtual realm, often with the goal of achieving political, military, or economic objectives.
Dancing NursesOne of the most peculiar parts of the COVID-19 propaganda effort saw thousands of nurses dancing in choreographed routines - something that blatantly clashed with one of the other PR-messages, the one of "overwhelmed hospitals".
DemocracyA form of government involving events called "elections", in which citizens often choose from a short list of deep state backed puppets
Digital identityinformation used by computer systems to represent a person or group.
Disaster"Disasters" - real or imagined - have been abused as manipulation and scare tactic. Or, for outright racketeering
Discredited and disprovenON affirming phrase.
Disinformation Dozen"anti vaxxer conspiracy theorists" according to the Center for Countering Digital Hate
DisinformationDisinformation is a word used by those in power to malign opinions and people they don't like, and as a scientific-sounding pretext for censorship. Those in power often use projection when accusing others of spreading disinformation, as the official narratives tends to be full of lies and omissions. Can also be a real thing.
Domestic extremismAn enemy image used to try to justify repression of alternative ideas
Economic crisisEconomic crises are pretty regular events, and are depicted as quasi-natural phenomena such as earthquakes or floods, as if everyone loses as a result of such phenomena. However, real wealth is not destroyed, but is transferred from the financially poor to the financially rich.
Emergency legislationPurportedly only to be used in "emergencies", this is a recurring element of deep state tactics
Enemy combatantA legal euphemism to create a category of persons who do not qualify for prisoner-of-war status under the Geneva Conventions.
Ethical trollingThe concept was first promoted by the Youth International Movement ("Yippies") in the 1960s.
Extraordinary renditionKidnapping and forced transfer of individuals by intelligence agencies from one legal jurisdiction to another without recourse to legal proceedings.
Extreme leftOne pole of the highly suspect "political spectrum". A tool in the divide and conquer strategy of party politics.