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Rhodes ScholarDescriptionAffiliationsBornDied
Strobe TalbottBrookings Institution President 2002-2017Trilateral Commission
Brookings Institution
Council on Foreign Relations/Members 3
Council on Foreign Relations/Historical Members
The American Academy in Berlin/Distinguished Visitors
Rhodes Scholar/1968
Aspen/Strategy Group
25 April 1946
Marc Tessier-LavigneAnnounced in July 2023 that he would resign as Stanford University PresidentCouncil on Foreign Relations/Members 3
Rhodes Scholar/1980
18 December 1959
Julian Ogilvie ThompsonLe Cercle
Rhodes Scholar/1953
Lester ThurowUS political economist and supporter of governmental involvement in the direction of the economy who attended Bilderberg/1977.Rhodes Scholar/19607 May 193825 March 2016
Malcolm TurnbullPrime Minister of Australia 2014-2018Australian Club (Sydney)
Global Panel Foundation/Board of Advisors
Rhodes Scholar/1978
KKR & Co.
AIJAC/Rambam Programs/2006
AIJAC/Rambam Programs/2005
24 October 1954
John WatsonAtlantic Council/Distinguished Leadership Awards
Rhodes Scholar/1931
Norman WebsterCanadian editorRhodes Scholar/19624 June 1941
Tali Farhadian WeinsteinAmerican Council on Germany/Young Leaders/2006
Rhodes Scholar/1997
World Fellows Program/2002
Skull and Bones
Soros Fellows/2002
Leana WenDoctor who wants to make life "hard" for Americans who have not received a COVID-19 jab. World Economic Forum Young Leader 2018. Former Planned Parenthood President.Brookings Institution
WEF/Young Global Leaders/2018
Rhodes Scholar/2007
27 January 1983
Naomi WolfAmerican feminist widely criticised after dissenting from a lot of official narratives, subject of hit pieces including a 416 page book by Naomi Klein.Rhodes Scholar/198512 November 1962
Ngaire WoodsIntegrity Initiative connected single Bilderberger, regular WEFer, a lot of other deep state connectionsDitchley/UK
Trilateral Commission
Blavatnik School of Government/Staff and Advisory Council
Rhodes Scholar/1987
February 1963
James WoolseyEx CIA director still (per 2020) very active in deep state networks.Benador Associates
Phi Beta Kappa
Association of Former Intelligence Officers
Committee for the Liberation of Iraq
Atlantic Council/Board
Committee on the Present Danger/Members
Henry Jackson Society/International Patrons
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
United Against Nuclear Iran
American Committee for Peace in Chechnya
Global Panel Foundation/Board of Advisors
Freedom House
Rhodes Scholar/1963
United States Committee for a Free Lebanon
Center for Strategic and International Studies
American Congress for Truth
Prague Security Studies Institute
Arlington Institute
Jewish Institute for National Security of America
21 September 1941