Wikispooks:Read This First

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Anyone considering serious involvement with the WikiSpooks Project will need to be fairly comfortable with the content of this article. Scepticism is no barrier; fundamental disagreement is.


WikiSpooks is one of myriad reactions to glaring hypocrisies of the received 'Anglo-American-Euro-NATO' world view and the behaviours of Western Nation State "Establishments" that both derive from and are harnessed to it. The project rests on the the following linked propositions:

Core propositions

  1. that both "Official narratives" and "Official Opposition narratives" are, by definition, always more-or-less in service to The establishment. [1]
  2. that "The Establishment" is the embodiment of real political power as distinct from largely illusory party or factional political power
  3. that the agendas of real power are always hidden and that the primary function of official narratives is to provide plausible cover for them.
  4. that all power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely [2]
  5. that the early 21st century end-game thrust towards a Globalised system of Government in service to Globalised Corporate Capitalism - the "New Establishment " or "New World Order" - is (by it's very aspiration to absolute power), approaching absolute corruption. [3]
  • These propositions are axiomatic to WikiSpooks' purpose. They may be debatable but, other than using the above discussion tab, NOT here.
  • Anyone in substantial disagreement with any of them should take their disagreements elsewhere.
  • Anyone ignoring this admonition and seeking either to debate them or post/edit articles in such a way as to purposely question or oppose them will forfeit further site involvement in short order. The "Official narratives" of anything and everything already have vast resources dedicated to their promotion and WikiSpooks has no intention of adding to them.

It follows from the above five propositions that "The Official Narrative" of anything will always be deceptive.

WikiSpooks main purpose

The main purpose of Wikispooks therefore, is to help provide alternatives to those seeking alternatives to these "Official narratives", to marshall evidence and bounce ideas and theories off like minds. Many of the suggestions and alternative explanations provided here contain inaccuracies; they may even be downright false (like so much of the disinformation routinely pedalled by commercially-controlled media). They are however provided in good faith.

In Good Faith

By "in Good faith" is meant, in furtherance of just two core axioms:

  1. "Our Common Humanity" deserves precedence over trivial considerations such as race, creed, national, tribal, cultural or other parochial identity. i.e. We are all one.
  2. the Golden Rule: "Treat others as you hope to be treated by others"

Examples of propositions axiomatic to mainstream discourse in Western Commercially-controlled media

The following are akin to latter-day articles of religious faith. They can be questioned only on pain of excommunication from mainstream discourse as mediated by the establishment's ccm.

  • Economic growth is necessary for a healthy economy and society.
  • Progress - as in to be 'Progressive' - is at the heart of society's endeavours (Though, in similar fashion to the Emperor's New Clothes [4] and because it is taken to be blindingly obvious, progress to what is left entirely to the imagination)
  • "Globalisation" is both beneficial and necessary to "progress"
  • Globalised so-called "Free Trade" is good for the whole world and necessary for 'progress'
  • The intent of Western Nation States in general and one's own country (UK, USA, Germany France etc) in particular, towards the rest of the world, is essentially benign
  • That "democratically elected" governments represent the apex of national and international power structures
  • That "democratically elected" governments' main aim is to promote the well being of the populations of their nations, i.e. to pursue essentially Utilitarian[5] policies
  • Anglo-American-NATO Military actions are only ever used as a last resort either in 'self-defence' or for purposes of humanitarian intervention.
  • That agencies of Western Nation States, or factions controlled by them could not possibly carry out lethal False Flag Attacks against their own civilian populations. Such a proposition is unthinkable and constitutes an absolute taboo which is enforced by all the commercially-controlled media

All of these proposition sit somewhere between utterly absurd and patently false, yet they are promulgated unquestioned every hour of every day by more or less by more or less all those within the commercially-controlled media.


  1. ^ . The most succinct rendering of 'Opposition' as integral to 'Establishment' is probably that of the founder of modern Zionism Theodor Hertzl who counseled "We will lead every revolution against us". A seemingly ridiculous contradiction, but in practice a principle at the very heart of the exercise of Machiavellian Power.
  2. ^ . An aphorism attributed to Lord Acton in a letter to Mandell Creighton dated 1887 - more here
  3. ^ . The nature of the modern Corporation, as essentially psychopathic, is apposite (see this Media-Lens article), as is the necessity for psychopathy in an individual as sine-qua-non for the acquisition and exercise of power at senior Nation State level.
  4. ^ . The Emperor's New Clothes - Wikipedia article.
  5. ^ . Utilitarianism - Wikipedia article on the utilitarian political philosophy of John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham
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