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Welcome to '''Jason Carswell''''s User Spaces:
[[File:JasonCarswell GrandCanyon 2007-04-21 1400x700.jpg|thumb|right|upright|[[User:JasonCarswell]], on 2007-04-21, overlooking the [[Grand Canyon]].]]
* Wikipedia [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:JasonCarswell User:JasonCarswell]
<div style="position:top; font-weight:bold; background-color:red; color:white; padding:3px 3px">
* Wikimedia Commons [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:JasonCarswell User:JasonCarswell]
<big>'''DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE!'''</big></div>
* Wiktionary [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:JasonCarswell User:JasonCarswell]
<div style="position:top; font-weight:bold; background-color:green; color:white; padding:3px 3px">
* Wikiquote [https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/User:JasonCarswell User:JasonCarswell]
<big>'''Please feel free to contact me on my user [[User_talk:JasonCarswell|discussion]] page.</br>  This is MY page to share info about myself, my projects, lists, and musings.</br>  It may get messy but it's MY bipolar space.'''</big></div>
* WikiSpooks [https://wikispooks.com/wiki/User:JasonCarswell User:JasonCarswell]
* RationalWiki [http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/User:JasonCarswell User:JasonCarswell]
I wish to join WikiSpooks for several reasons.  I'd like to:
1) Network and contribute if I can, which may be extremely limited as far as content goes, but I may be good for discussion, minor corrective edits, presentation, etc.
2) Offer my free services as an illustrator/animator to which I may accept tasks that I will work on without deadlines. (Donations are always VERY welcome but far from prime motivation.)  I also have some ideas (see below) for educational graphics.
3) If it doesn't already exist, develop a cross-over community between WikiSpooks and Wikipedia users.  Like much of the world, I use Wikipedia ALL the time.  I've been an armchair slactivist 9/11 Truther since around 2004 or 2005 and skeptic of the deep state, but only recently became aware of how much deeper the rabbit hole goes with only cursory glimpses of insights into skepticism about Sandy Hook, Boston, and the Holocaust.  It's all a fraud!  Then, by chance, I went to Wikipedia either to look something up or add a tidbit and was SHOCKED at how utterly muted and dismal the counter-narratives are.  They don't even present contexts or authentic sentiments of skeptics - which are easily expressed and understood all over YouTube and elsewhere.  Like all media it will clearly be infiltrated and controlled in the name of "neutrality" which is far from neutral when it omits so much.  I actively jumped in and discovered a few things - they have great defense, I need to learn how to find and cite sources well, and there is a whole culture and wikilease to comprehend.  I believe Wikipedia, being the world's main reference, with a modicum of openness in their hierarchy needs proper support for the revolution of the mind to succeed against the war on reality.
So without further hyperbolic ranting, I beg you to let me join and help me dual-contribute here and on Wikipedia. The more "crazy" WP gets, the more "sane" WS will seem.
[[File:Pixel DJ Soft Skull & Headphones - Clear BG; 100% Pixel; 50x50.png|50px|upright|right|none|Pixel DJ Soft Skull & Headphones - Clear BG; 100% Pixel; 50x50.png]]
== Top ==
I am an existentialist atheist Truther social libertarian (Marxism + anarchism).
Animation, Design, Art Direction, Directing:
Jump to the [[#Bottom]].
I used to do hi-end computer animation and other creative work from 1991-2009 and I was good, occasionally great, but never as consistently awesome as I wanted - as in life.
Mental "Illness":
Most of my family tree are teachers, doctors, and artists often crossing both.  Like many relatives I have mood and attention disorders (though my rationality and intelligence remains intact) which has made me unfit to be reliably employable in a world of deadlines demanding profit.  I was further disabled by shrinks and big pharma experimenting with unscientific methods and cross-prescriptions for almost 5 years.  I quit their shit and have been slowly trying to crawl out of that hole for the last few years.  I still have ups and long downs, like a bad swimmer.  I've found that basically I only needed vitamin D with the occasional ginseng.  My moods are still too strong.  I often over react, step back, critically reexamine, then either admit my wrongs or defend my stance with a better head.  Not ideal but it's they way I am.
[[File:The Dark Side Of The Money (Cropped) 500x500.png|thumb|right|upright|'''The ultimate truth:'''<br />
All [[kakistocracy|governments]] are inherently evil, corrupted, secretive, manipulative, divisive, exploitative, abusive, violent, and excessively murderous, with [[Truther Top 20 Ways Voting Is A Rigged Joke|(s)elected puppet "leaders" rigging]] all entwined systems to serve psychotic [[Machiavellian]] elites for [[full spectrum dominance]] waged upon their own citizens with their media-military-bankster-industrial-[[corporatocracy]].]]
<big>'''[https://Projex.Wiki https://Projex.Wiki]'''</big> is up and running, for any kind of project that is not encyclopedic (as that's been done many times over)That is my main only focusPerhaps eventually we can draft up an article on [[Projex.Wiki]]?
I'd call for revolution, especially a revolution of the mind, but I can't as a nobody, and besides, I think and hope it's already snowballing in slow motion. (It will get worse before it gets better - IF it can get better.)  Peaceful activism is great but Derrick Jensen might be right that it's not enough against tyrants, especially when they have the monopoly on violence and not afraid to use it.  I am not a "terrorist" but have sympathy for those that fight back if their lives have been destroyed by empire, but no sympathy for those who fight for religion.  Also, I do not recognize honor or glory in military actions or persons, especially those who just follow orders.  While I neither condone nor condemn violence against authority I am a pacifist (on the morally higher and evolved grounds of compassion) and will never participate in any plots towards violence, especially online, duh.  (So entrapment agents can F-off.)  Maybe I don't need to say that, but you never know.  I may have said shit a decade ago like, "I'd suicide bomb G.W.B. only IF it would help, but I'd never be able to get close."  Impossibly inaccessible but now I see it would never change a thingEven if a leader is taken out hundreds are eager to perpetuate the policiesThe obvious only way to make ANY difference in the hallucinatory state of democratic illusion is to speak truth, transparency, proper context, and awareness to the people.
Educational Graphics:
'''Welcome to the ''Jason Carswell'' (as "JasonCarswell") User Spaces on:'''
Sometimes a great image is worth more than all the words in the world. Before I put my illustration and animation skills to work I'd like to share my ideas for feedback, improvement, and refining. These are just the ideas that come to mind today. Feel free to illustrate them before I get to them.
1) JFK's Zapruder film has been stabilized. If I'm not mistaken, there's another film from across the plaza that shows part(s) of the event that could be stabilized. Stabilization simply makes it easier to watch, but is not necessary for the following rotoscoping experiment (that can be copyleft open-source developed and publicly published and accessible). Over a 3D CG model of the plaza with precise measurements, the two films can each have vehicles and civilians rotoscoped as accurately as possible from their perspective with elements in different colors. If either film was tampered with it should be self evident when the 3D elements do not match. Mis-matches can be colored to highlight. A final video would show 5 cycling panels, the 2 originals looping, the 2 rotoscoped angles with 50% transparency looping, and one 3D view with various angles and fly-throughs of the scene.
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2) I'm astounded that there are no creative illustrations of how the WTC towers "should" or might have collapsed that demonstrate various physical limitations. (I won't even mention WTC7.)  For example: If the pancake theory were to be believed, then the tube within a tube structure would remain and/or be exposed. If it were like a jenga tower there would be a pile at the bottom rather than a hole, and the toughest central columns would would jut up through the middle of the pile with significant recognizable portions of the top floors and rooftop on top of the pile, last to fall. If it were a failure it would be asymmetrical, give somewhere first, fall to that side, and fall outside it's footprint if not onto another building.
3) Lastly, for now, (credit to YouTube videoID# vKJGsCPrdfw 'Professor David Ray Griffin, 9-11 Miracles, 2011' (2014-01-15) {Academic Freedom Conference 9-11, JFK and the Holocaust} @ 28 minutes), I'd like to illustrate through animation, a highway traffic jam with equally spaced out cars with a truck at the back labelled gravity.  Within the gravity truck an umbrella is jammed on the accelerator.  The truck speeds up but then collides with the car in front, slowing it down, then they both accelerate, then hit the next car and slow down, etc.  Now, do another "cartoony" version without slowing down for collisions. Then tip the two scenes on their sides beside the "collapsing" buildings to illustrate how silly it is.
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:JasonCarswell Wikipedia]
* [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:JasonCarswell Wikimedia Commons]
* [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:JasonCarswell Wiktionary]
* [https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/User:JasonCarswell Wikiquote]
* [https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/User:JasonCarswell WikiVoyage]
* [https://infogalactic.com/info/User:JasonCarswell InfoGalactic] ◄ ◄ ◄ My main page, for more freedom from censorship on an alt-right site despite me being anarcho-oldleftish.
** [https://infogalactic.com/info/Special:Contributions/JasonCarswell My InfoGalactic contributions]
* [https://wikispooks.com/wiki/User:JasonCarswell WikiSpooks]
* [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/User:JasonCarswell RationalWiki]
* [https://steemit.com/@jasoncarswell Steemit.com @jasoncarswell]
* [https://saidit.net/user/JasonCarswell/ SaidIt.net] ◄ ◄ ◄ My second most active site.
* [https://discordapp.com/channels/466130476000739328/466130476650725377 DiscordApp.com @JasonCarswell#9640]
* [https://fosstodon.org/@JasonCarswell @JasonCarswell@fosstodon.org] on Mastodon
* [https://vimeo.com/user67299269 Vimeo user67299269 = Jason Carswell]
* [https://www.minds.com/JasonCarswell Minds.com]
* [https://gab.ai/ Gab.ai @JasonCarswell]
* [https://qxr.pw/index.php?/profile/1891-jcarswell/ QxR.pw 1891-jcarswell]
* my active [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUBUTzTynJKj1PEBjEuw7xw YouTube] account
* my ''old'' [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0EypUUzo-v9YUmGLQvcfDQ YouTube] account & demo reel
* my ''old'' [https://web.archive.org/web/20100208102220/http://wickedsunshine.com/ WickedSunshine.com] website on the InternetArchive WayBack Machine from 2002 to 2010
* a tiny sample of some of my old images on InfoGalactic: [https://infogalactic.com/info/User:JasonCarswell/gallery gallery]
* Gmail.com account ''rarely'' checked: MJasonCarswell
* I used to be on other social media but have been a hermit for ~10 years due to crippling big pharma poisons.
* Support me with [https://steemit.com/@jasoncarswell Steemit]
* Support me with [[Namecoin]]: Mvs8cASZfsUBrKp2fH5kQk3Vts9JoZSNTX
* Support me with [[Bitcoin]]: 1DqcTPZUDMP9i3jDWEEnFncQe1SQnwpyJs
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Sorry this got so long.
The following lists are just rough brainstorming that will be discussed, expanded upon, and/or refined over time.  None of this means anything until something actually happens with them.  This page is my rough scratch pad for making notes.  '''DO NOT EDIT.'''  But please feel free to discuss anything you like on my [[User_talk:JasonCarswell|talk page]].
== To Do 2023 ==
* Update this page and align it, and other stuff, with https://Projex.Wiki content.
* Clean up [[Truther Newbie Crash Course]]
* Clean up the rest of my stuff.
== Blog ==
My 2021 Blog of ideas, projects, and events will be mirrored on WikiSpooks ([[/2021_Blog]]) and InfoGalactic ([https://InfoGalactic.com/info/User:JasonCarswell/2021_Blog 2021 Blog]) on the chance that magnora7 bans [https://SaidIt.net/user/JasonCarswell/ me] again from [[SaidIt.net]].
== My WikiSpooks article wish list ==
Articles that do not yet exist but should:
* [[List of Projects]]
** [[List of Operations]]
*** [[List of MK Operations]]
*** [[Operation Atlas Strike 21]]
* [[Agenda 21]]/ [[Agenda 2030]] / [[Sustainable Development Goals]]
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_21 / redirects to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_Development_Goals
** https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Agenda+21 / https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Agenda+2030
** [[The New Normal]], [[The Great Reset]], [[Austerity]], [[Food Crises]], [[Food Crisis]], [[Food Shortage]]
* [[Authoritarianism]], [[Totalitarianism]], [[Corporatocracy]], [[Technocracy]], [[Kleptocracy]], [[Kakistocracy]], [[Necrocapitalism]]
* [[Dynamic Silence]]
* distinguish difference between [[Operation Mockingbird]] and [[Project Mockingbird]]
** https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird
** https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Mockingbird
* [[Community projects]] for WikiSpooks and SaidIt
** cross-community projects
** forum-wiki integration
** member integration via federation
* [[Decentralization]]
** Affiliate and federate, diversify and unify, but remain decentralized.
** all levels of the government corporatocracy
** authority and experts
** banking and finance
** Centralized power is absolutely corrupt.
** corporate media propaganda
** corporate power
** [[Decentralization (communications and technology)]]
*** a simple idealistic goal (essay/plan/outline)
*** alternatives & solutions
*** copyright/patent/IP reform
*** [[Federation (communications technology)]]
** [[Decentralize All Things]]
** democratize workplace hierarchy power structure
** diverse authentic solutions
** farming
** hegemony
** Internet
** medicine
** Military Industrial Academic Complex
** monopolies
** monopoly on violence
** open science not scientism
** policing power back to communities
** religion
** ruling class power
** Shut down privatization, secrecy, secret agencies, etc.
** sustainability
** vote on issues not personas
* [[Essays]]
** external essay log/list
** Open-essays (like these openly editable articles)
** User essays
* [[Federating WikiSpooks]]
* [[Lists of glossary terms]]
** [[List of 1984 glossary terms]]
** [[List of A Clockwork Orange glossary terms]]
** [[List of alternative media glossary terms]]
** [[List of axioms]]
** [[List of class war glossary terms]]
** [[List of corporate media glossary terms]]
** [[List of cyber war glossary terms]]
** [[List of debate glossary terms]]
** [[List of deep state glossary terms]]
** [[List of doublespeak glossary terms]]
** [[List of dystopian glossary terms]]
** [[List of economical glossary terms]]
** [[List of editorial glossary terms]]
** [[List of environmental glossary terms]]
** [[List of fallacies]]
** [[List of filmmaking and video production glossary terms]]
** [[List of historical glossary terms]]
** [[List of Internet glossary terms]]
** [[List of legal glossary terms]]
** [[List of Machiavellian glossary terms]]
** [[List of mafia glossary terms]]
** [[List of manipulation glossary terms]]
** [[List of military glossary terms]]
** [[List of mind control glossary terms]]
** [[List of New World Order glossary terms]]
** [[List of open science glossary terms]]
** [[List of philosophical glossary terms]]
** [[List of philosophical ideologies]]
** [[List of political glossary terms]]
** [[List of political ideologies]]
** [[List of propaganda glossary terms]]
** [[List of psychological glossary terms]]
** [[List of religious ideologies]]
** [[List of spycraft glossary terms]]
** [[List of truther glossary terms]]
** [[List of utopian glossary terms]]
** [[List of Zionist glossary terms]]
* [[Lists of alternative media]] / [[Lists of truth-seekers]] - links, overviews, reviews, focus, biases, pros, cons, forum discussions and ranked voting, etc.
* [[Lists of alternative platforms]] - links, overviews, reviews, focus, biases, pros, cons, forum discussions and ranked voting, etc.
* [[Lists of alternative solutions]] - links, overviews, reviews, focus, biases, pros, cons, forum discussions and ranked voting, etc.
== My WikiSpooks archive ==
{{collapse top|'''My WikiSpooks archive'''}}
WikiSpooks user since 2016-08-16.
* [[User:JasonCarswell/User:JasonCarswell_2016-12-14]] (after being banned from Wikipedia for a year).
* [[User:JasonCarswell/User:JasonCarswell_2019-12-31]] (copied from InfoGalactic).
WikiSpooks active user since 2019-12-31.
* [[User talk:JasonCarswell]] (2016-08-16 - 202?)
{{collapse bottom}}
== My WikiSpooks goals ==
{{collapse top|'''My WikiSpooks goals'''}}
Hopefully this list may evolve into something worthy for public consumption, not just this vanity-page/to-do-list.
* [[WikiSpooks Lists]]
** [[WikiSpooks FAQ]]
** [[WikiSpooks Goals]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Roadmaps]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Decentralization]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Funding]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Design Guide]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Branding]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Expanding]]
** [[WikiSpooks Community]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Centralized Socializing]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Community Projects]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Content Creation]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Social Media]]
** [[WikiSpooks Guidelines]]
** [[WikiSpooks Custom Code]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Tutorials]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Features Of Note]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Features In Development]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Features Top Priority Que]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Features Wish Lists]]
**** Template: Ping - for calling attention to discussions on others' talk pages
*** [[WikiSpooks Priority Features Wanted]]
*** [[WikiSpooks General Features Wanted]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Ideas For WikiSpooks]]
** [[WikiSpooks Non-Encyclopedic Projects]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Essays]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Merchandise]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Publishing]]
*** [[WikiSpooks Productions]]
{{collapse bottom}}
== My WikiSpooks efforts ==
{{collapse top|'''My WikiSpooks efforts'''}}
* [[User:JasonCarswell/Article contributions]]
* [[User:JasonCarswell/Article notable contributions]]
* [[User:JasonCarswell/Article major contributions]]
** [[Eric Ciaramella]]
** [[Maurene Comey]]
** [[UK/VIPaedophile]]
* [[User:JasonCarswell/Articles to import and reformat from InfoGalactic]]
** long list: https://infogalactic.com/info/User:JasonCarswell
* [[User:JasonCarswell/Galleries]]
** [[User:JasonCarswell/Gallery of images I uploaded]]
** [[User:JasonCarswell/Gallery of images I made]]
** My indie-project galleries
* [[User:JasonCarswell/Ideas]] and lists
** [[User:JasonCarswell/Essays]]
** [[User:JasonCarswell/New For WikiSpooks]]?
*** [[Agitprop]]
*** [[Alternative Funding Resources]]
*** [[Alternative Solutions]]
*** [[Community Alternatives]]
*** [[Counter Consumerism]]
*** [[Counter Corporatocracy]]
*** [[Counter Propaganda]]
*** [[Decentralization]]
*** [[DIY Life]]
*** [[DIY Makers]]
*** [[DIY Off-Grid]]
*** [[DIY Production & Publishing]]
*** [[DIY Self-Reliance & Sustainability]]
*** [[DIY Technology & Alternatives]]
*** [[Fighting Censorship]]
*** [[Funding Alternatives]]
*** [[Inspiration & Fighting Helplessness]]
*** [[Lifestyle Alternatives]]
*** [[Media Alternatives]]
*** [[Media Lists]]
*** [[Peaceful Resistance]]
*** [[Philosophy Alternatives]]
*** [[Political Alternatives]]
*** [[Resource Alternatives]]
*** [[Social Media Alternatives]]
*** [[Technology Alternatives]]
*** [[Technology Solutions]]
*** [[Technology Problems]]
*** [[Truther Resources]]
* More forthcoming?
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== My WikiSpooks indie-projects ==
{{collapse top|'''My indie-projects, soon on WikiSpooks'''}}
* [[User:JasonCarswell/Bittersweet_Seeds]], screenplay graphic-novel feature-film, primary project.
* [[User:JasonCarswell/Glossed_And_Profound]], opensource production management.
** [[User:JasonCarswell/Glossed_Over]], open discussion.
* [[User:JasonCarswell/Trutherism_101]], screenplay animated series, secondary project.
** [[User:JasonCarswell/Truther_Top_20s]], supporting content.
** [[User:JasonCarswell/Truther_Newbie_Crash_Course]], supporting content.
* [[User:JasonCarswell/Dynamic Proposals]] critical essays with alt-solutions.
** [[User:JasonCarswell/Dynamic FLOSS Proposal]]
** [[User:JasonCarswell/Dynamic Freedom Proposal]]
** [[User:JasonCarswell/Dynamic Network Proposal]]
** [[User:JasonCarswell/Dynamic Political Proposal]]
* [[User:JasonCarswell/Green_Party_Open_Letter_2019]]
** [[User:JasonCarswell/Green_Party_Projects]], maybe.
*** [[User:JasonCarswell/Green_Party_Social_Media]]
*** [[User:JasonCarswell/Green_Party_Productions]]
*** [[User:JasonCarswell/Green_Party_Publishing]]
*** [[User:JasonCarswell/Green_Party_Windsor_Tecumseh]]
*** [[User:JasonCarswell/Green_Party_Canada]]
{{collapse bottom}}
All help and constructive criticisms are very welcome, '''on my user [[User_talk:JasonCarswell|discussion]] page'''.
== References ==
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[[File:Pixel DJ Soft Skull & Headphones - Clear BG; 100% Pixel; 50x50.png|50px|upright|right|none|Pixel DJ Soft Skull & Headphones - Clear BG; 100% Pixel; 50x50.png]]
== Bottom ==
Jump to the [[#Top]].

Latest revision as of 14:17, 14 August 2023

Please feel free to contact me on my user discussion page.
This is MY page to share info about myself, my projects, lists, and musings.
It may get messy but it's MY bipolar space.

Pixel DJ Soft Skull & Headphones - Clear BG; 100% Pixel; 50x50.png


Jump to the #Bottom.

The ultimate truth:
All governments are inherently evil, corrupted, secretive, manipulative, divisive, exploitative, abusive, violent, and excessively murderous, with (s)elected puppet "leaders" rigging all entwined systems to serve psychotic Machiavellian elites for full spectrum dominance waged upon their own citizens with their media-military-bankster-industrial-corporatocracy.

https://Projex.Wiki is up and running, for any kind of project that is not encyclopedic (as that's been done many times over). That is my main only focus. Perhaps eventually we can draft up an article on Projex.Wiki?

Welcome to the Jason Carswell (as "JasonCarswell") User Spaces on:

The following lists are just rough brainstorming that will be discussed, expanded upon, and/or refined over time. None of this means anything until something actually happens with them. This page is my rough scratch pad for making notes. DO NOT EDIT. But please feel free to discuss anything you like on my talk page.

To Do 2023


My 2021 Blog of ideas, projects, and events will be mirrored on WikiSpooks (/2021_Blog) and InfoGalactic (2021 Blog) on the chance that magnora7 bans me again from SaidIt.net.

My WikiSpooks article wish list

Articles that do not yet exist but should:

My WikiSpooks archive

My WikiSpooks archive

WikiSpooks user since 2016-08-16.

WikiSpooks active user since 2019-12-31.

My WikiSpooks goals

My WikiSpooks goals

Hopefully this list may evolve into something worthy for public consumption, not just this vanity-page/to-do-list.

My WikiSpooks efforts

My WikiSpooks efforts

My WikiSpooks indie-projects

My indie-projects, soon on WikiSpooks

All help and constructive criticisms are very welcome, on my user discussion page.


Pixel DJ Soft Skull & Headphones - Clear BG; 100% Pixel; 50x50.png


Jump to the #Top.