University of Texas

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Group.png University of Texas  
UofTsystem seal.png
MottoDisciplina praesidium civitatis
Type•  Flagship
•  state university
•  Space-grant university
Other nameLonghorns
Includes 13 higher educational institutions throughout the state of Texas

Note that this is an article with alumni where the institution is not specified/not known. See also its biggest institution, the University of Texas at Austin

The University of Texas System (UT System) is an American government entity of the state of Texas that includes 13 higher educational institutions throughout the state including eight universities and five independent health institutions. The UT System is headquartered in Downtown Austin, and has a total enrollment of nearly 240,000 students and employs 21,000 faculty and more than 83,000 health care professionals, researchers and support staff. The UT System's $30 billion endowment (as of the 2019 fiscal year) is the largest of any public university system in the United States.[1]


Alumni on Wikispooks

Robert Anderson4 June 191014 August 1989USPolitician
Le Cercle, Bilderberg,
James Baker28 April 1930Politician
Deep state functionary
US DSO, many deep state connections from the Atlantic Council to the US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce
Ann BeesonUSActivistWEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/2000. Executive Director of U.S. Programs at the Open Society Foundations 2007-2011.
William J. Bennett31 July 1943
Lloyd Bentsen11 February 192123 May 2006USPolitician5 time Bilderberger US Treasury Secretary
Herman Brown18921962BusinesspersonThe 'Brown' in construction company "Brown and Root", a leader in the military-industrial complex.
George P. Bush24 April 1976US
David Harold Byrd24 April 190014 September 1986Businessperson
Texas oilman with connection to LBJ, who made millions of dollars from the JFK assassination.
Edward Clark15 July 190616 September 1992Diplomat
Ramsey Clark18 December 192711 April 2021Activist
US Attorney General turned activist
John Connally27 February 191715 June 1993PoliticianCorrupt Texas politician who was close to Lyndon B. Johnson. Seriously wounded while riding in John F. Kennedy's car at Dealey Plaza in Dallas. Later United States Secretary of the Treasury under Nixon.
Nellie Connally24 February 19191 September 2006US
Kay Bailey Hutchison22 July 1943USDiplomat
As ambassador to NATO said US prepared to consider a military strike to destroy Russian missiles.
Bobby Ray Inman4 April 1931SpookNSA director 1977-1981
Ron KavanaghUSWhistleblower
Bill Liedtke27 September 19241 March 1991BusinesspersonOilmen Bill and his brother Hugh co-founded the Zapata Corporation in 1953 together with George H. W. Bush
Hugh Liedtke10 February 192228 March 2003Lawyer
Hugh and his brother Bill co-founded the Zapata Corporation in 1953 together with George H. W. Bush
Charles Burton Marshall25 March 1908USAcademicWilliam Elliott protegé who became member of policy planning staff at the State Department. Wrote a paper entitled The Berlin Crisis for the 1959 Bilderberg
John Overbey1920February 2006Spook
Lifelong friend of GHWB
Kristen Silverberg1970USUS Ambassador to the EU 2008-2009
Joseph Sneed21 July 19209 February 2008
Robert Strauss19 October 191819 March 2014USDiplomat
Deep state operative
US lawyer and deep state operative
Homer Thornberry9 January 190912 December 1995Politician
Raymond Thurston19131981USDiplomat
Spooky diplomat and former advisor to SACEUR Lauris Norstad who attended the 1961 Bilderberg.
Rex Tillerson23 March 1952PoliticianStated in 2017 that military action against North Korea was “on the table” if the country continued to develop its nuclear weapons
Matthijs VeenendaalNetherlandsScientist
Deep state operative
Leading Dutch cyber-expert that helped with the first Dutch cyber-defence strategies. Suspected liaison of the Institute for Statecraft and helped setting up their Dutch cluster. Has a spooky interest in deepfakes.
Henry Wade11 November 19141 March 2001Lawyer
Fletcher Warren18961992USDiplomatUS diplomat. "Begin earnestly trying to keep our allies and friends, whether they be the purest Democracies or the most blatant dictators".
Ron Wright8 April 19537 February 2021USPolitician
COVID-19/Premature death
Texas congressman who died of COVID.
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