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Document:Tory in Charge of Entire Scottish Council Election Count

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Lily-livered Lord Lilley loving loud last laugh
Being a software engineer myself, my first thought was - could this be easily used to print replacement postal votes with the voters' ID and their signature, changing our vote for a different candidate while binning your postal vote? I had to conclude yes it could.

Disclaimer (#3)Document.png Article  by Mel Kelly dated 29 April 2017
Subjects: UK/2019 General Election, 2016 EU Referendum, Scottish Referendum, Peter Lilley, Idox Elections, Richard Mawrey, Postal voting
Source: What The Politicians Don't Say (Link)

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Tory in Charge of Entire Scottish Council Election Count

This is the story of how election registration and voting has been completely changed - with boundaries constantly changed - so we cannot tell what is really going on - has the nation been completely disenfranchised and voter election replaced by corporate selection and is this why tories are "winning" elections and referendums since 2013 - after "new ways" of "counting" have been devised without our knowledge?

The Scottish Riggerendum - September 2014

Before the Scottish "Riggerendum" a Judge (Richard Mawrey) warned in March 2014 "Scrap postal votes or elections will be fixed".[1]

Yet mysteriously the Judge missed two vital possible cause of postal vote rigging - a private company with a Tory MP on the board being put in charge of postal votes for areas covering more than 13 million votes, binning thousands of votes with the Electoral Commission not incuding these postal vote rejected papers in their official rejected paper count.

Allegations of counting fraud started just after polling stations closed, when before the official count had started for the Scottish Referendum the leader of the Scottish Tories, Ruth Davidson, slipped up on national TV as she revealed Better Together knew the outcome of the postal vote results - despite the official count not even started yet.[2]

Who gave the Better Together parties access to the postal vote packs being opened?

A private company with Tory MP Peter Lilley on the board was very quietly given contracts and money from councils across Scotland, before the referendum in 2013, for the Tory MP's company to take charge of an expected 20% of the vote - postal votes - without informing the nation of this new setup. SNP councils were so desperate to put Tory MP Peter Lilley in charge, the three SNP controlled Tayside councils all chipped in together to give Idox Elections one big Tayside contract, in May 2013, with Nicola's mother - Provost of North Ayrshire SNP controlled council - which also put Idox Elections in charge of postal votes.

With politicians, Ruth Davidson revealed, for weeks before the referendum, "attending" the opening of postal vote packs before the official count - with Idox Elections staff enabling this, we now know, despite this being illegal.

With the Tory leader caught by her own arrogant words, a police investigation started days after the Scottish Referendum into how Ruth Davidson knew the "result" of the postal votes before the official count.[3]

According to the Electoral Commission - 32% of Scottish voters did not trust the security of the vote, with 28% of voters stating the process is unfair and 22% reporting they don't trust the politicians - with every party, the Electoral Commission and police still not telling Scotland's voters about a Tory MPs private company's involvement - total control of postal vote packs.

The Electoral Commission claimed "virtually all who voted by post found the process straightforward. A large majority (97%) say it was easy to understand what they had to do in order to complete and return their postal vote."

Yet official Electoral Commission figures reveal 27,670 postal votes were rejected by Idox Elections as being "invalid" with over 56,270 returned incomplete, late or not returned all they claimed. So over 10% of postal votes packs sent out ended up rejected or not received on time or not returned at all - a major disaster by anyone's standard - except the Electoral Commission and political parties in Scotland. Was every single postal voter told if their vote had been counted or not as I have seen no official report on this - only the Electoral Commission claim postal voters were delighted - did they know their votes were binned before the count?

IDOX checked 737,084 postal votes against verifiers with only 722,223 postal votes put forward by IDOX for the count - nearly 10% down on the postal vote packs issued - yet Idox Elections claim on their website every vote counts. With a further 27,670 postal votes confirmed as being rejected for other reasons, why then does the official Electoral Commission report into the referendum state of rejected votes there were only "3,429 (0.1%) ballots rejected at the referendum count." Because the votes that IDOX control and reject are not included in the rejected vote count so no one knows the scale of the problem and the number of voters completely disenfranchised with their votes binned - not put forward for the count so as they are not counted as rejected votes in the count. The official report also produced by the Electoral Commission in December 2014 claims there were "796,835 (18.6%) postal voters" when their own spreadsheet states only 722,223 postal votes were included in the vote.

So where did the other 74,612 votes go that's close to the figures only to be found on the Electoral Commission spreadsheet - 27,670 postal votes were rejected by Idox Elections as being "invalid" with over 56,270 returned incomplete, late or not returned at all, IDOX claimed, not counted either. With 53 postal votes included in the count in Edinburgh that had NOT been checked against personal identifiers allowed to be included in the vote - will that become the norm?

Electoral Register - new system kicks people off and blocks others registering

The Electoral Commission website also reveals on the day of the Scottish Referendum vote 690 people were told they could not vote as they were not on the new style voters roll system, changed by David Cameron - controlled by IDOX software. This 690 figure would have been far higher - but my mother-in-law told us a week before the General Election she mysteriously received a letter telling her not to turn up to vote, the letter claiming her voter registration had been deemed invalid - someone who had been registering to vote for decades.

How many other people across Scotland got letters telling them not to turn up to vote on election day - again who sent the letter, who claimed her registration was invalid and who collects figures for the amount of letters like this sent out before the election? Just as a friend revealed four weeks after the referendum she mysteriously received a letter claiming her postal vote was invalid and so had not been included in the official count - she is a civil servant with two degrees who triple checked her postal vote to make sure it was totally valid and is adamant her vote was valid.

She was enraged when told the secret kept from the entire Scottish nation that Tory MP Peter Lilley's staff and software system used to scan the signatures of voters into a database and if they decide your signature on your postal vote does not exactly match the signature they have scanned - they can use that to declare your vote invalid. Being a software engineer myself, my first thought was - could this be easily used to print replacement postal votes with the voters' ID and their signature, changing our vote for a different candidate while binning your postal vote? I had to conclude yes it could.

And now they control the electoral process – is that why hundreds of thousands of people across Britain have been kicked off the voters roll across Britain by the Tory party as they now control the electoral register via IDOX who can use “personal identifier matching” to track your age, how you voted last time to decide exactly who gets kicked off the register and when - a system devised by David Cameron to change the entire system - for Tory victory?[4]

Elections 2015

With Idox Elections covering at least 13 million votes - unexpectedly the Tories "won" the 2015 General Election - the entire nation oblivious 20% of votes in constituencies across the UK - postal votes were controlled by Tory MP Peter Lilley's company - Tories "winning" again in the General Election, Mayor elections and Police and Crime Commissioner Elections - Peter Lilley's Idox raking in the money across the UK - why so many elections and referendums are proposed now.

Police Investigation into vote count fraud finally reports May 2016

The police "investigation" into postal vote irregularities in the Scottish Referendum in September 2014, it was ony in May 2016 (just before the Scottish Election) police announced nothing untoward regarding postal votes had happened in the Scottish Referendum. With the Herald saying the riddle deepens as despite the investigation starting in September 2014 - in 20 months police had only spoken to three people - with Ruth Davidson claiming she was only spoken to "as a witness" - despite her declaring on national television she had access to postal votes before the count for weeks.[5]

Police and prosecutors refused to give any explanation as to the conclusion nothing was done wrong - with IDOX not even part of the investigation with Police Scotland reported as saying "They confirmed that they were unable to elaborate the reasons for their conclusion at the end of the year-long probe as it could jeopardise any future legal proceedings "should further relevant information become known".

Police Refuse to Investigate IDOX involvement

Days later, in the week of the Scottish Election, on the basis of that police statement, I personally phoned Police Scotland to ask for Idox Elections involvement in all this to be investigated - as they wanted relevant further information into postal vote wrongdoing by the most senior politicians in the UK. I explained IDOX involvement with the postal vote fraud allegations where a company with a Tory MP on the board gives the figures for postal vote results to the most senior politicians in Britain involved in the referendum campaign with the entire nation kept in the dark about this Tory MP's private company involvement.

With 53 postal votes included in the count in Edinburgh that had NOT been checked against personal identifiers allowed to be included in the vote - will that become the norm?

Days later, in the week of the Scottish Election, on the basis of that police statement, I personally phoned Police Scotland to ask for IDOX elections involvement in all this to be investigated - as they wanted relevant further information into postal vote wrongdoing by the most senior polticians in the UK. I explained IDOX involvement with the postal vote fraud allegations where a company with a Tory MP on the board gives the figures for postal vote results to the most senior politicians in Britain involved in the referendum campaign with the entire nation kept in the dark about this Tory MP's private company involvement.

Idox Elections boasting they “provide "electoral services" for Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, Birmingham City Council, Fife Council, Moray Council, Perth & Kinross Council, Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, South Lanarkshire Council, Glasgow City Council, The City of Edinburgh Council and and provided internet voting site to elect staff members for the Council of Europe and a range of technical services to support the delivery Norwegian local elections on 15th September 2015. - with IDOX got contracts for even more Scottish councils than listed.

Yet the voters of Scotland knew none of this - with every party, the police and the Electoral Commission in Scotland keeping this information secret - that our council tax was being used for a Tory MP's enrichment while also putting him in charge of 20% of votes - why Tory MSPs knew the outcome before the count. Police Scotland point blank refused to investigate this - going as far as to even refuse to record the complaint - insisting voting fraud is reported to the Electoral Commission - they wanted no record of the complaint in their system.

I pointed out the Electoral Commission website says report it to police - still the police officer point blank refused to record the complaint so it could not be investigated - police officers controlled by MSPs now.

Scottish Election - 2016

So days later, at the Scottish Election I asked at my SNP council polling station, is Idox Elections involved in North Ayrshire?

The election official denied it - but when I pushed - she claimed that yes they were but none of their officials were in the polling station - she then claimed only their machines where used to verify postal votes that was IDOX only involvement. I immediately challenged this misleading answer as I explained I know they control every postal vote pack - she was then forced to admit I was indeed correct - as she spluttered and went red in the face - obviously totally uncomfortable answering questions - resorting to an angry response when I challenged the reasoning behind this - stating "someone has to verify the vote."

Yet voters believed council election officials who are accountable did that - not a private company we know nothing about with a Tory MP on the board. Despite IDOX now being paid to do the work for 20% of the vote - electoral official wages have not been reduced and instead they have been raking in £millions in extra bonuses - for what - their silence about gradual sneaky corporate takeover, hoping for jobs with Idox Elections themselves?[6]

As IDOX boast their team of experts include former Electoral Registration Officers who advise the UK's central government on initiatives such as the Individual Electoral Registration.

EU Referendum 2016

Before any opinion polls were taken Nicola Sturgeon used her IDOX crystal ball to once again predict the outcome - after correctly predicting the mysterious rise in Tory MSPs since IDOX involvement. Nicola Sturgeon claimed Scotland would vote Remain - despite not asking anyone in Scotland what they thought. And magically once again IDOX delivered the result that Nicola predicted - with so many people voting Brexit in Scotland confused as how once again everyone they know voted YES and Brexit yet the official "count" contradicts what they know is the opposite results based on people confirming to each how they voted in each. As long as every political party involved, IDOX, the mainstream media and the UK Privy Council members all predict the same outcome together and get the outcome they predicted together - the nation is not allowed to question their fiction from reality as they pound the nation with their collective propaganda in multiple headlines and TV news reports day after day after day - so that is the accepted "truth".

"1984", "Animal Farm" and "Brave New World" coming to mind - ignorance is strengh - for the political class - keeping us ignorant their strength using Machiavellian means.

IDOX Voter Roll Software illegally sharing voter information: Now as IDOX software controls the voters roll - the corruption of the electoral system in private hands became obvious in England when it was reported this software was responsible for illegally releasing the details of millions of voters to private companies including a junk mail firm - despite these voters explicitly refusing permission for this. And it looks like this could have been going on for as long as ten years.

The Daily Mail, like the Police in Scotland, making no mention of Tory MP Peter Lilley on the board of IDOX - allowing IDOX to refuse to answer questions - yet Peter Lilley has been a paid non-executive director for 14 years, and received £35,000 in 2015 for his services.[7] He holds 533,000 shares: 111,300 are in a self-invested pension plan and 59,250 are held through various members of his family.

IDOX and Canadian Corporation With Vested Interest Now Controls Entire Count in Scotland 2017 Council Elections. And now, despite all this, Nicola Sturgeon has made sure IDOX is in charge of not only the voters roll, ongoing postal vote disasters - but the entire election count for next week's Scottish Council elections.

In 2015 Sturgeon gave a £6.5 million "framework contract" for all Scotland for Idox Elections and a Canadian corporation, CGI, together to be in complete charge of the entire count of every council vote in Scotland.[8] This despite the fact the electronic count that got SNP to a majority win - a majority we were told could never happen - the electronic count being a complete disaster for voters in 2007 - Tory MP David Mundell in charge of running the Scottish election, with the BBC reporting:

"The chaos that descended across Scotland saw the suspension of several counts and the rejection of more than 140,000 ballot papers. "
"Shortly after 0700, the Scottish Office, which is in charge of running Holyrood elections, insisted the e-counting system was "working well", saying the results were accurate and final."[9]

A BBC investigation later found tens of thousands of votes in the Holyrood election were rejected by the electronic counting machines without any human adjudication. Basically, the machines had been programmed to reject some of the new style ballot papers automatically. It was the middle of the afternoon on Friday before the outcome of the election - a historic win for the SNP - had been decided."

And that is how New SNP got power and why they have been putting IDOX and CGI in charge of the voting system in Scotland since 2012 - to keep power which has also resulted in constant Tory victories with SNP and Tories winning together - boundaries keep changing ensures no one can ever compare the votes to see what the hell is going on. This while Nicola still does not make clear to the voters of Scotland or the school children being groomed to use postal votes in schools, that it is Tory MP, Peter Lilley's Idox Elections staff who will be handling their vote and Idox Elections "software" that will be "counting" every vote.

Nor does Nicola Sturgeon declare the conflict of interest Canadian Company CGI has in this "count". Currently CGI is attempting to take over control - via contracts given out by councillors - of every single computer system in every single council in Scotland e.g. social work, schools, council tax, council accounts, council assets, voters roll, housing, health services customer service - all computer systems

CGI has just secured control of Glasgow Councils computer systems against people's wishes two weeks ago,[10] with workers already striking against this, with Edinburgh putting the Canadians in charge of theirs too this year, following Borders council - with CGI aiming to take over control of every single computer system in every council in Scotland as "Public services and thousands of jobs are being “hived off on the cheap”.[11]

CGI is the company that owns PRISM - the software GCHQ and the American NSA is using to gather all information for corporations to share between them - for their profit - even how you vote. With Nicola Sturgeon putting them in charge of the entire council election vote with Peter Lilley's IDOX by government order - how easily CGI and IDOX could have a list of candidates- especially "list" candidates - who agree to give CGI control of each council's computer systems - if their software "count" claims these people "won".

Has the Scottish Nation been effectively disenfranchised - as voter election is replaced by corporate selection - with Nicola Sturgeon and the Electoral Commission, police and the media all in agreement this is the "new democracy" they want - with the police they control point blank refusing to investigate with IDOX elections raking in a fortune from all this a nice financial bonus for Peter Lilley, Tory MP.

And of course voters are kept in the dark as there is no opposition from Labour, Tory, Green or Lib Dem as every party, police, the Electoral Commission unanimously agree there is nothing wrong with any of this "modern democracy" as IDOX likes to call it. Only 1% of people are in political parties - of them only 1% have any say or voice or power - that's the 1% who are united against democracy and the nation .

How can these so called political party leaders co-ordinate such vast deception - via the UK Privy Council in London- where Peter Lilley is a life time member with Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg, Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling - all the people who's parties put their fellow UK privy councillor in charge of elections together - so they co-ordinate it all together - secure in the comfort they have all sworn an oath of secrecy to become life time members together - no leaks allowed.

The UK Privy Council - where the plot against democracy is operating - the Better Together Party that really controls what happens in the UK - with all members swearing the UK Privy Council will keep control of all parts of the UK together - as long as they live - including Scotland - New SNP falling over themselves to run the UK instead of Scotland for life with New Labour and Old Tories and New Lib Dems - and Scotland and democracy pays the price.

With father of "new" SNP George Reid, Alex Salmond, Angus Robertson, Trisha Marwick and Nicola Sturgeon all now got their feet under the British Establishment club table for life - with Ruth Davidson recently joining them along with Camilla Parker-Bowles. We are told judges are independent of parliaments and parties - not when they are also sneaked into the UK Privy Council for life with them - to ensure if any of this gets past the police and actually gets to court - the judges in the UK Privy Council will declare it's all perfectly legal on behalf of the UK Privy Council they swear to serve about all.

As Joseph Stalin of all people is attributed saying regarding Voting v Who wins elections:

"It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes."[12]
