2018 Gaza Massacre
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Date | 30 March 2018 - 15 May 2018 |
Location | Gaza, Israel |
Perpetrators | IDF |
Deaths | 135 |
Injured (non-fatal) | 14605 |
Description | A massacre of at least 135 unarmed protestors including many women and children, and the wounding of many thousands more by Israeli IDF sniper teams, during the Palestinian 'Great March of Return' and the weeks following its end on 15 May 2018 |
On 30 March 2018, a six-week campaign was launched at the 'security fence' separating Gaza from the rest of Israel. During the campaign Israeli military snipers killed at least 135 unarmed Palestinians including many women and children all of whom were on the Gaza side of the 'security fence' and who posed no physical threat to anyone. There was not a single Israeli casualty reported throughout the protests.[1][2][3][4]
Great March of Return
Called by Palestinian organisers, the 'Great March of Return' protests demanded that Palestinian refugees and their descendants be allowed to return to the lands that were confiscated in what is now Israel.[5][6][7] They are also protesting the blockade of the Gaza Strip and the moving of the United States Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.[8] Violence during the protests has resulted in the deadliest days of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since the 2014 Gaza War.[9]
UN Human Rights Council
On Friday 18 May 2018, the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva voted to send a team of international war crimes investigators to probe the deadly shootings of Gaza protesters by Israeli forces.
The UNHRC resolution was backed 29 member states, two members (United States and Australia) voted against, and 14 (including the United Kingdom) abstained.
Investigators must "investigate all alleged violations and abuses ... in the context of the military assaults on large-scale civilian protests that began on 30 March 2018", the approved resolution said.
In the past eight weeks, Israeli forces have killed 106 Palestinians, including 15 children. More than 12,000 have been wounded, at least 3,500 by live ammunition.
Speaking to the UNHRC session via a video recording, Michael Lynk, UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Palestine, said Israel's use of force may amount to "a war crime", adding "Palestinians live under the same sky, on the same land and breathe the same air."[10]
Related Documents
Title | Type | Publication date | Author(s) | Description |
Document:Anatomy of a Scandal: Israel Crucifies Corbyn | Article | 14 August 2014 | Michael W. Howard | "Tom Watson has it backward: the 'eternal shame and embarrassment' come when Labour, swallowing whatever pride it has left, meekly submits to being harassed and blackmailed by a foreign power and its vulgar propagandists. Jeremy Corbyn, it seems, is gearing up to do just that. Chalk one up for Goebbels." |
Document:Condemnation of mass killings in Gaza | Article | 15 May 2018 | Hans Köchler | "The deliberate targeting of civilians by the Israeli army – inside the territory of Gaza – constitutes a war crime and crime against humanity. Those responsible must be brought to justice – in conformity with the Statute and on the basis of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) of which Palestine is a State Party." |
Document:Gaza - is annexation Israel's 'permanent solution' | Article | 31 July 2014 | Oliver Tickell | The UN Security Council stands supine, knowing that the US will veto any attempt to hold Israel and its military accountable. We are not in the "realm of accountability", but precisely where we have always been as far as Israel's crimes are concerned - in the realm of impunity. |
Document:Gaza massacre should be a turning point for British Jews | blog post | 16 May 2018 | Aron Keller | The 2018 Gaza Massacre represents a turning point which eliminates any existing moral ambiguity around Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. The sheer scale of the bloodshed makes the cognitive dissonance required for any decent individual to absolve Israel of culpability too difficult to sustain. |
Document:The Stomach-Churning Victim Blaming by “Labour Friends of Israel” | blog post | 14 May 2018 | Craig Murray | Craig Murray: "I do not know what institutional ties the “Labour Friends of Israel” has to the Labour Party, but whatever they are they should be cut off immediately." |
- ↑ United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- ↑ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/05/14/palestinians-killed-israeli-troops-gaza-protests-ahead-us-embassy/
- ↑ http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-gaza-protest-20180330-htmlstory.html
- ↑ https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/04/13/world/middleeast/gaza-fence-aerial.html
- ↑ David M. Halbfinger, Iyad Abuheweila, ‘One Dead Amid Violence in 3rd Week of Protests at Gaza-Israel Fence,’ The New York Times 13 April 2018.’They are objecting to Israel's 11-year-old blockade of Gaza and seeking to revive international interest in Palestinian claims of a right of return to the lands they were displaced from in 1948.’
- ↑ Khaled Abu Toameh, Hamas vows Gaza protests last until Palestinians return to all of Palestine,’ The Times of Israel 9 April 2018.’The protests are an uprising for "Jerusalem, Palestine, and the right of return," he said, referring to the demand that Palestinian refugees and their descendants be allowed to return to their former homes in Israel.’
- ↑ Adam Rasgon, ‘Masses of Gazans head to border area for 'right of return' says organizer,’ The Jerusalem Post 28 March 2018.’Masses of Palestinians are expected to come to the Gaza border on Friday and move into tents there for a planned six-week-long protest "to demand the right of return to the homes and villages that they were expelled from in 1948," Ahmad Abu Ratima, an organiser of the protest, told The Jerusalem Post.'
- ↑ https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/palestinians/.premium-mass-gaza-border-clashes-52-killed-by-israeli-gunfire-2-410-wounded-1.6091548
- ↑ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/gaza-protests-take-off-ahead-of-new-us-embassy-inauguration-in-jerusalem/2018/05/14/eb6396ae-56e4-11e8-9889-07bcc1327f4b_story.html
- ↑ [1]

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