Drug smuggler

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Page nameDescription
Bo AbbottA drug trafficking pilot who attempted to blow the whistle on the CIA's illegal drug trafficking but who disappeared - i.e. was probably murdered by the cabal
Hank AsherInteresting character...
Evelin BanevBulgarian "cocaine kingpin".
Hüseyin BaybaşinA druglord with close and acknowledged ties to Turkish government leaders, who also worked as an informer for UK Customs & Excise. Now in prison
Dési BouterseSurinamese military officer, politician, convicted murderer and drug trafficker. Leader of military junta 1980-87, President of Suriname 2010-2020
Klaas BruinsmaMysterious Amsterdam drug lord in the 1970s and 1980s. Connected to the Dutch royal family through a princess (and possibly more royalty), spooks and underage-sex trafficking. Assassinated in 1991
Roger ClintonDrug dealer when his half-brother Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas.
Edward CutoloA drug smuggler who named a lot of names about the CIA's drug trafficking, and who then died a sudden death, as did many of those he named.
Rudi DekkersOwner of the 9/11-linked Huffman Aviation flight school, also with strong links to drug trafficking.
Pablo EscobarDrug kingpin who ran the Medellín drug cartel for the CIA.
Gérard Fauré
Pietro FedinoConvicted along with senior NATO official Willem Matser
Joaquín GuzmánBoss of the Sinaloa cartel (official owner of the CIA's 'Cocaine 2'), now imprisoned
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
John Floyd HullSpooky drug trafficker charged by the Christic Institute
Dan LasaterA convicted cocaine distributor and a friend of Bill Clinton. Mark Gorton names him as a member of the Dixie Mafia.
Howard MarksOxford attending large scale drug smuggler with MI6 among his wide range of contacts
Vladimiro MontesinosA spook who established Peru as a narco-state to supply cocaine to the cabal
Augusto Pinochet
Tosh Plumlee
Murray RileyAustralian drug smuggler connected to the Nugan-Hand bank and protected by intelligence services.
Rick Ross
David Sassoon"The greatest Drugs Kingpin in the history of the world."
Barry SealAn ace pilot and drug smuggler for the US deep state who knew too much.
Southern Air Transport
Chip TatumDeep state operative who has named a lot of names, especially in the area of CIA drug trafficking and the Iran-Contra deal.
Frank TerpilA close friend of Ted Shackley who was deeply involved in arms deals and drug trafficking for the US Deep State
Andrew Thornton
Carlos VignaliA cocaine trafficker given an exceptional pardon by Bill Clinton.


Related Quotation

George CarlinDrug dealers aren’t afraid to die. They’re already killing each other every day on the streets by the hundreds. Drive-bys, gang shootings, they’re not afraid to die. The death penalty doesn’t mean anything unless you use it on people who are afraid to die. Like… the bankers who launder the drug money! The bankers. Who launder. The drug money! Forget the dealers, you want to slow down that drug traffic, you got to start executing a few of these fucking bankers.”George Carlin


Official examples

Manuel Noriega
Konstantin Yaroshenko
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