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     Page name     InterestsBornDiedDescription
Leonard Lewin2 October 191628 January 1999Best known as the (ostensible?) author of Report from Iron Mountain
G. Gordon Liddy30 November 193030 March 2021
Bernard Lietaer7 February 19424 February 2019proponent of local or complementary currency, which circulate parallel with national currencies.
David LiftonJFK/Assassination1939
Robert Jay Lifton16 May 1926
Eduard Limonov22 February 194317 March 2020Russian writer, poet, publicist, and political dissident.
Dave LindorffMilitary-industrial-congressional complex
"Fake News"
1949American reporter, filmmaker, a columnist for CounterPunch
Paul LinebargerPsyop
Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
11 July 19136 August 1966The Godfather of modern CIA media operations
Walter Lippmann23 September 188914 December 1974A US journalism who coined the phrase "Cold War".
David Livingstone (author)Occultism
Hidden history
Neil Livingstone"Terrorism"3 August 1946
Mario Vargas Llosa28 March 1936Nobel Prize winner in Literature and neoliberal champion
R. H. Bruce Lockhart2 September 188727 February 1970
John Loftus12 February 1950
Trevor LoudonFounder of Keywiki and Campaign for a Soviet-Free New Zealand
Clare Boothe Luce10 March 19039 October 1987
James Lucier1934Cercle attendee, "inside man in the skunk works," as he calls himself, or Lucifer as others sometimes refer to him.
Tim Luckhurst8 January 1963
Kenny MacAskill28 April 1958
Roy MacLaren26 October 1934Five Bilderberg visits spanning 27 years, Canadian politician
Martin McGartland30 January 1970
Douglas Macgregor4 January 1947
Jim MacgregorWW1
Neil MackayAlex Salmond
Integrity Initiative/Cluster/UK?
Wings over Scotland
Scottish journalist allegedly pro-independence, but seems to align very closely with the narrative from UK deep state.
Compton Mackenzie17 January 188330 November 1972His 1932 memoirs was the first time the Secret Intelligence Service was mentioned in print. The book was immediately withdrawn and all remaining copies were destroyed.
Wayne Madsen28 April 1954American online investigative journalist, author and columnist specializing in intelligence and international affairs.
Norman Mailer31 January 192310 November 2007
George Makgill24 December 186816 October 1926
Henry MakowZionism
"Conspiracy theorist" and the inventor of the boardgame Scruples.
Scott Malcomson1961Bilderberger CFR "political-risk and communications consultant"
Irshad ManjiIslam1968Bilderberg 2005. WEF/Young Global Leaders 2006, Muslim du jour in the 2000s.
Mohammad Marandi1966
Victor Marchetti23 December 192919 October 2018
Georgi Markov1 March 192911 September 1978A Bulgarian dissident writer who assassinated in 1978
Amber MarksOctober 1977UK lawyer born to infamous drug smuggler Howard Marks
John MarksMind controlFormer state department official.
Jim MarrsDeep politics
US/Deep state
5 December 19432 August 2017Scholar for 9/11 Truth who taught a class on the JFK assassination at the University of Texas at Arlington for 30 years.
Andrew Gavin MarshallGeopolitical writer based in Montreal, Canada
Philip Marshall9-112 February 2013A CIA pilot who published two popular and insightful books on 9-11. He was found shot dead with his children.
Stephen Marshall
Malachi Martin23 July 192127 July 1999
Karl Marx5 May 181814 March 1883
Anthony MastersMaxwell Knight14 December 19404 April 2003
Marcello MathiasCalouste Gulbenkian Foundation15 August 19039 June 1999Estado Novo Portuguese diplomat who attended Bilderberg/1962 and Bilderberg/1963.
Simon Matthews
Peter Matthiessen22 May 19275 April 2014
Gabriel Matzneff12 August 1936
W. Somerset Maugham25 January 187416 December 1965English writer, known for his plays, novels and short stories. He also was an intelligence operative during World War 1 and the Russian Revolution.
Caleb MaupinOccupy movement
Foreign policy
Andre Maurois26 July 18859 October 1967French author who attended two Bilderbergs in the 1950s