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File:Report on Terrorism 2014.pdfA summary of global "terrorism" in 2014.
File:Report-mh17-crash-en.pdfDutch Safety Board report into the MH17 disaster
File:SATANIC CULT AWARENESS.pdfThis training manual is the result of compiling information from several years of occult investigations including volumes of written documentations from several investigators across the nation.
File:SECRET-KFOR Dossier on Xhavit Haliti.pdfA forensic report of the examination of a house in Burrel, Albania, alleged to have been used for the removal of human organs prior to the killing an burial of victims.
File:Searching for a Miracle.pdf
File:Sinjar-records final.pdf
File:Strictly Orthodox rising.pdfAn analysis of the UK Jewish population demography.
File:The Inheritance of Abraham-Revised.pdf
File:The Luftl Report.pdfAn Austrian Engineer's Report on the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz and Mauthausen. It concludes that the Official Narrative claims are technically impossible.
File:The Price of Offshore.pdfJust 0.001% of the world’s population — that’s one one-thousandth of one percent — or about 92,000 people have $10 trillion in assets stashed in tax havens.
File:The mineta testimony.pdf9/11 Commission Report - one year later ... The Mineta Testimony: 9/11 Commission Exposed
File:Timeline-inconsistencies-gaza-flotilla-attack.pdfTimeline & Inconsistencies Report Relating to the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla Attack - This report provides conclusive evidence of Israeli doctoring of video evidence.
File:Truthontherock.pdfAn investigation into the wholesale distortion of news by the corporate media when reporting on the SAS killings of 3 IRA members in Gibraltar on 6 March 1988. It is a serious indictment of the British media's handling of the affair and particularly that of The Sunday Times.
File:UN HRC Gaza Freedom Flotilla.pdfThe report of the international fact-finding mission to investigate violations of international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law, resulting from the Israeli attacks on the flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian assistance
File:UN-Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.pdfThe report of the UN Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, established in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 5/1.
File:UN-Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict-2010.pdf
File:UNMIK Forensic Report Organ Trafficking Kosovo.pdfA forensic report of the examination of a house in Burrel, Albania, alleged to have been used for the removal of human organs prior to the killing an burial of victims.
File:UNMIK Investigation Organ Trafficking Kosovo.pdfExtensive information about human organ trafficking in Kosovo implicating senior members of the Kosovo government. It comprises a memo to the then UN Chief of Investigations from the Head of the UNMIK Mission - the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo - dated 30 October 2003, together with documents dealing with various aspects of the investigations.
File:US Interventions 1798-2012.pdf
File:US-biowarfare in Korea.pdfReport of investigations into the use of biological weapons by the US military during the Korean war of 1951-53
File:Ukintell0809.pdfUK Intelligence and Security Committee Annual Report 2007-2008
File:Un-escwa-israel-apartheid-report.pdfThe Apartheid nature of the Israeli State in its treatment of its non-jewish Palestinian population
File:Update Marshall Investigation.pdfMEDIA RELEASE
File:Violent Offending by UK Military.pdfAn Establishment-sponsored study into the extent and causes of violent criminal behaviour by UK soldiers returning from Iraq and Afganistan
File:War-gaming the Baltics.pdf
File:White Book-2.pdfWhite Book update - on violations of human rights and the rule of law in Ukraine between April and mid-June 2014
File:White Book.pdfA White Book on violations of human rights and the rule of law in Ukraine since November 2013, released by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 5 May 2014
File:Wikipedia Conflict Dynamics.pdf
Flexner ReportMany aspects of the present-day world medical profession stem from the Flexner Report and its aftermath.
Goldstone Report
IPCC Sixth Assessment ReportClimate catastrophe report published in August 2021.
John Urquhart Cameron/Lockerbie Forensic Evidence ReportA report on the Lockerbie forensic evidence compiled by Dr John Cameron
Langemann PapersA famous leak of documents from Le Cercle by a respected senior BND officer.
MH370 Safety Investigation ReportFinal report full of contradictions of the Malaysian authorities on MH 370, basically summarized as "we don't know what happened, but it's not flying, that's for sure". But let's blame the Air traffic controllers for not acting quicker and more decisively sooner.
Making Intelligence SmarterA very spooky Council on Foreign Relations task force recommending among other things continued large budgets and overturning bans on CIA members posing as journalists and members of the clergy in covert operations overseas.
Maldives RevisitedPrivate investigator Blaine Gibson went with a team of private citizens to the islands of the Maldives, to find the citizens that claimed they saw a plane similar to MH370 in a very narrow time span the night of the disappearance. After also finding debris - in fact, even out-performing a $200 million joint-search by the authorities, one of Gibsons associates was assassinated, he was threatened to be next in line and subsequently went in hiding.
Scott Report
Test:ListsTineline-type list of Jewish terrorist activities in 'UN-Mandate Palestine' from 1945 to 1948 inclusive.
The Fitzgerald reportA report about monopolistic practices by big pharma from 1953
Westminster paedophile dossierA dossier of allegations on paedophilia by senior UK establishment figures