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Neil BarnettJune 1973
John Baron21 June 1959
David Barran23 May 19122002One of the UK's "most articulate spokesmen for free enterprise"
Gordon Barrass5 August 1940
Tim Barrow15 February 1964Senior UK diplomat
Neil Basu1968Former head of British police counter-terrorism. Said there should be a discussion about whether it is "the correct thing for society to allow" people to spread online "misinformation that could cost people’s lives".
Rosie Bate-WilliamsPress Secretary for UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson from 2021 to 2022
Gerard Batten27 March 1954Former Leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party
David Bawtree1 October 1937
Hugh Bayley9 January 1952UK politician
Catherine Bearder14 January 1949
Peter BeaumontForeign affairs editor of The Observer since 1989, as well as writing for its sister paper, The Guardian.
Richard Beaumont29 December 191223 January 2009British diplomat and Arabist who spent most his diplomatic career serving in the Arab world.
Tim Beaumont22 November 19288 April 2008British politician and an Anglican priest. Bullingdon Club. Transgender and euthanasia activist. Epstein's black book.
Jillian Becker2 June 1932UK "terror expert"
Margaret Beckett15 January 1943UK foreign secretary, Le Cercle attendee
Robert BeckleyJune 1960
Tamara Beckwith17 April 1970English socialite in Epstein's black book.
Edward Beddington-Behrens2 February 189728 November 1968Deputy Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service for a year during WW2. Attended the 1958 Bilderberg.
Zanny Minton Beddoes1967Financial journalist, Bilderberger, IMF economist under Jeffrey Sachs
Vanessa BeeleyBritish investigative journalist focused on the Middle East. Helped expose the White Helmets.
Anthony Beevor4 December 1946British officer and historian whose books are - presumably with deep state support - dominating the market on WW2 and the Soviet Union.
John Beevor19051987British SOE spook who prepared a stay behind network in Portugal during WW2. Father of British historian Anthony Beevor.
Alfred Beit15 February 185316 July 1906
Alan Beith20 April 1943UK politician
Alex BelfieldJailed for five and a half years for his criticism of the BBC
Cedric Belfrage8 November 190421 June 1990Part of British Security Coordination, then press control officer in Germany after the WW2. Suspected Soviet agent, or British double-agent.
Dr. David BellA British whistleblower
John Bell1 July 1952Medical researcher who attended the 2013 Bilderberg. Appointed to the UK Vaccine Task Force. Became a center of attention when he stated that COVID-19 vaccines "are unlikely to completely sterilize a population".
Sir David Bell30 September 1946Former Chairman of the Financial Times
Tim Bell18 October 1941Chair of Bell Pottinger
Hilaire Belloc16 July 1953
Samantha de BendernNovember 1965UK deep state-connected polyglot "international civil servant" with a masters degree in Wealth Management, fellow of the Institute for Statecraft, associate fellow of Chatham House
Peter Benenson31 July 192125 February 2005British lawyer and co-founder of Amnesty International.
Carl Benjamin1 September 1979
Tony Benn3 April 192514 March 2014Socialist MP for UK Labour Party
Erik Bennett192828 January 2022A secretive UK military advisor in Oman and a Cercle attendee.
Frederic Bennett2 December 191814 September 2002Parliamentary Private Secretary to Reginald Maudling, Privy Counsellor, Bilderberg Steering committee
Marc Bennett196724 December 2019Premature death of UK man in Qatar
Victor Cavendish Bentinck18 June 189730 July 1990Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, diplomat, 7 Bilderbergs
William Bentinck14 September 177417 June 1839
John Bercow19 January 1963
Isaiah Berlin6 June 19095 November 1997UK spook, Milner Group/Outer Circle
Sian Berry9 July 1974Was leader of the Green Party of England and Wales (2018-21) and hopes to follow Caroline Lucas as MP for Brighton Pavilion in July 2024
Andrew Bertie7 February 2008
William Beveridge5 March 187916 March 1963Economist who helped shape welfare state policies and institutions in post-World War II Britain .
Ernest Bevin9 March 188114 April 1951British politician who was Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in the years after World War 2.
John Biggs-Davison7 June 191817 September 1988UK politician who attended Le Cercle
Brian Binley1 April 194225 December 2020Ex-conservative MP. Le Cercle.
Henry Birchenough7 March 185312 May 1937UK deep state operative