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Agha Hasan AbediFounded the infamous BCCI, amongst other banks.
Gianni AgnelliItalian industrialist, 37 Bilderbergs
Umberto AgnelliItalian business magnate with multiple deep state connections including the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Max Aitken
Robert O. AndersonTriple Bilderberg Big Oil exec who attended the 1973 Bilderberg
David BarranOne of the UK's "most articulate spokesmen for free enterprise"
Herbert Batliner"one of Liechtenstein's most extraordinary figures, whose clients have included alleged insider dealers, the son of an African dictator and the pardoned fugitive US financier Marc Rich."
Berthold BeitzHead of the Krupp steel conglomerate beginning in the 1950s. Attended the 1958 Bilderberg
Alf BjerckeNorwegian business magnate and member of the 1001 Club
Conrad BlackFraudulent Bilderberg steering committee member
David Brucespooky US diplomat
Bertrand CollombConnected French businessman. 13 Bilderbergs.
Philip CroweUS OSS spook and diplomat
Michel David-WeillFrench financier and heir to the Lazard banking dynasty who attended the 1972 and 2002 Bilderbergs.
Douglas DillonBilderberg, Brookings, Committee on the Present Danger, CFR, US/Secretary of the Treasury...
Eric DrakeUK oil executive invited to the 1973 Bilderberg
Gustavo CisnerosVenezuelan media mogul
Pehr G. GyllenhammarSwedish CEO, European Round Table of Industrialists, Banque Rothschild, with deep state ties
Alfred HerrhausenMulti Bilderberg, Chairman of Deutsche Bank. Promoted the cancellation of unpayable debt. Assassinated in 1989 "in a military operation of a complexity without precedent"
Basil Hersov"A man with considerable influence". Banker, Le Cercle, Patron of The Institute Of Directors in Southern Africa
Hans-Adam IIBillionaire ruler of Liechtenstein.
Henry Ford IIGrandson of Henry Ford. Ford CEO after WW2. Hotchkiss School, Yale University, Book And Snake.
Aga Khan IVUltra-rich leader of religious sect with own secluded pleasure island.
Manuel Fraga IribarneMember of both Le Cercle and the 1001 Club.
Poul Louis Justman JacobChairman of Dutch state steel company Koninklijke Hoogovens in the 20th century.
Anders Jahre
Daniel JanssenBilderberg Steering committee Belgian business leader
Thomas JonesUS military-industrial businessman who attended the 1966 and the 1987 Bilderbergs.
George F. Baker JrA "prominent socialite" shot dead in 1977. 1001 Club. His son was presumed dead after flying a small plane.
Marcus Wallenberg Jr.Chairman of the Federation of Swedish Industries, Bilderberg Steering committee, 22 Bilderbergs
Sadruddin Aga KhanSpecialist in running intelligence operations under humanitarian cover. Club of Rome member.
Alexander KingCo-founded the Club of Rome. 1970 Bilderberg
Allen Lambert50 year long banking career
George LivanosGreek/US shipping magnate who who built up Greece’s largest merchant fleet in the 1980s and 1990s. He attended the 1982 and 1993 Bilderberg conferences.
John LoudonAnglo/Dutch CEO of Shell, and close friend with David Rockefeller. Attended the 1962, 1965, 1975 Bilderbergs.
Robert McNamaraUS Deep state actor, War criminal, Defense secretary, World Bank president, Brookings, CFR...
Philip Mountbatten"I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus."
Peter MunkSuspected Canadian deep state operative
Stavros NiarchosGreek shipping magnate. Worked closely with the CIA. Bilderberger.
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
William PurvesChairman and CEO of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. 1001 Club. Hakluyt & Company Ltd. Bilderberg/1998
Jean RiboudFrench businessman
David RockefellerUS deep politician. CFR founder. Only person to attend over 50 Bilderberg meetings.
Laurence Rockefeller
Edmund de Rothschild
Edmond SafraBanker who involved in drug, gold and currency trafficking, money laundering and organised crime, including what became known as Iran Contra. Died in suspicious fire.
Lily SafraWidow of Edmond Safra
Max SchmidheinyOne of the most influential captains of industry in Switzerland in the 20th century
Stephan SchmidheinySecond generation Swiss Bilderberger businessman
Juan Carlos I of Spain